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黄潇婷  王志慧  张野 《人文地理》2023,38(1):158-168
在乡村振兴背景下,旅游生计成为乡村可持续发展的重要议题,但与之相关的研究较为匮乏。文章以栾川县重渡村为案例地,通过对亲代和子代进行半结构化访谈,探讨旅游生计代际传承的过程及其主要影响因素。研究发现:(1)旅游生计的代际传承经历了亲代生计开拓、子代培养和发展、共同经营、生计传承四个阶段,并与重渡村这一乡村旅游目的地起步、培育、快速发展、规范管理的生命周期相适应。(2)文化因素、主体因素和规制压力是影响生计传承的主要原因。(3)旅游生计的代际传承关乎乡村旅游的可持续发展和乡村振兴战略的有效实施,相关问题值得进一步探索和研究。  相似文献   
Villagers in northern Laos have been on the move for generations. Recent changes, however, in the location of their village and their daily mobility patterns differ from what they have experienced before; the government's resettlement programme has changed their livelihoods and made them more socially and economically vulnerable. The ethnic groups we studied have decided to use mobility to resist state control and seek livelihood security for themselves. By using the concept of motility, this article analyses how this household and community choices have a gender-differentiated impact. The mobility patterns of men and women have changed. While men attend to long-term investments, women are forced to make ends meet on a day-to-day basis. Men visit the market and public places more frequently, while women spend more time looking for non-timber forest products and working as hired labour. Although women now support the family and their mobility has increased, their say in the household seems to be on the decline, resulting in weakening women's motility.  相似文献   
In Papua New Guinea (PNG) more rural people, and especially rural women, earn cash from selling in marketplaces than from any other source. PNG's marketplaces are critical for food security, and for the redistribution of wealth. They are also important meeting places where people gather to see friends, hear the latest news, attend court cases, play cards and be entertained. This introduction to this special issue on ‘Marketplaces and Morality in Papua New Guinea’ reviews the history of PNG marketplaces and their contemporary forms. It charts their transformation from introduced colonial spaces into dynamic Melanesian places, which, as places to buy, sell and socialise, have become pervasive institutions in the lives of both urban and rural Papua New Guineans, and places where people interact with both known and unknown others. From this, marketplaces emerge as important spaces of moral evaluation and contestation in relation to what constitutes morally acceptable exchange and what practices are acceptable in these places. The paper demonstrates that exchange in the marketplace should not be reduced to commodity transactions, and questions assumptions about the types of people marketplaces create. It argues that the country's marketplaces are productive sites to consider ideas of exchange, social relations and social personhood, and that there is a critical need to understand the concrete details of what takes place in contemporary marketplaces.  相似文献   
系统梳理总结旅游地可持续生计的国际研究进展,对我国未来旅游地可持续生计研究具有重要启示与借鉴。文章基于Web of Science检索工具,对旅游地可持续生计的相关外文文献进行归纳与评述,在辨析可持续生计概念及分析框架的基础上,从脆弱性背景、生计资本评估、生计策略转型、结构与制度及生计结果五个方面总结了旅游发展对目的地可持续生计的影响作用,并进一步从旅游地可持续生计与生态保护及文化遗产发展之间的作用关系、旅游地可持续生计的适应性与恢复力等方面全面回顾了旅游地可持续生计与社会—生态系统协同发展的相关研究。基于旅游地可持续生计的国际研究述评,文章进一步展望了未来我国旅游地可持续生计研究的重点与方向。  相似文献   
Communities living on remote islands are often viewed as among the most exposed and vulnerable to climate change impacts. This study uses the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework to investigate how indigenous communities living on two physically different islands in Torres Strait, Australia, experience what they consider to be the impacts of climate change in relation to their daily lives. During this process, a series of natural, physical, and socio‐cultural limits and barriers to climate change adaptation were identified on Boigu, a low‐lying mud island inundated by the sea during high tides and storm surges. As a volcanic island, Erub's elevation is higher but significant community infrastructure, housing, and cultural sites are located on the low coastal fringe. No immediate limits to climate change adaptation were identified on Erub, but physical and socio‐cultural barriers were revealed. Limits to climate change adaptation occur when adaptation actions fail to protect the things valued by those affected, or few adaptation options are available. Barriers to climate change adaptation may be overcome if recognised and addressed but can become entrenched limits if they are ignored. Within the participating communities, such limits and barriers included (a) restricted adaptation options due to limited access to particular livelihood assets; (b) difficulty engaging with government processes to secure external support; and (c) people's place‐based values, which evoke a reluctance to relocate or retreat.  相似文献   
陈独秀国家统一思想述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴元康 《安徽史学》2004,20(4):78-84
陈独秀的国家统一观经历了前后截然不同的两大阶段.第一阶段,他主张国民党、进步党、北洋官僚三大势力平分政权,实行联邦制以结束国家的分裂状态.这一时期陈独秀对国家统一问题的认识是模糊的、肤浅的乃至于错误的.第二阶段,陈独秀的国家统一观发生了质的变化,提出了通过人民革命方式,打倒帝国主义与军阀,最终建立中华联邦共和国等系列观点,从而构成了关于国家统一的完整的思想体系.陈独秀的国家统一观虽存在若干失误,但与同时代人比较,仍不失为最激进、最彻底、最可行的国家统一观.  相似文献   
我国人民代表大会制度的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人民代表大会制度作为我国的根本政治制度,其萌芽、形成、发展,经历了一个较为复杂曲折的过程。人民代表大会制度的发展史可分为四个阶段,即人民代表大会制度正式确立和初步发展时期(1954-1957年)、人民代表大会制度曲折发展时期(1957-1966年)、人民代表大会制度遭受严重破坏时期(1966-1976年)、人民代表大会制度得到恢复和进一步完善时期(1976年至今)。人民代表大会制度是中国共产党人根据中国的实际情况创造性地运用马克思列宁主义关于国家学说的结果,是历史发展的必然结果,是人民的选择。同时,它又与我国民主法制建设密不可分。  相似文献   
王继宣 《攀登》2011,30(2):12-16,26
辛亥革命以来的100年,是对"民族、民权、民生"这个时代性、历史性重大课题求解的100年。孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平是3位站在时代前列的伟大人物,他们的理论与实践,分别为求解这个课题做出了伟大的历史性贡献。今天,我们要在百年求解的基础上,沿着中国特色社会主义道路继续求解,并做出无愧于前人的解答。  相似文献   
崔晓明  杨新军 《人文地理》2018,33(2):147-153
在DFID可持续生计框架下,构建旅游地农户生计资本评价模型,测度其生计资本规模及结构变化,并分析乡村旅游社区发展对农户生计资本变化趋向的影响。研究发现:①秦巴山区乡村旅游地农户生计资本得到整体提升,农户生计呈现多元化发展趋势;②乡村旅游影响下的农户金融资本、物资资本、自然资本和人力资本均得到提升,社会资本则处于相对较低水平;通过二元Logistic回归分析,发现社区居民的旅游获利程度、社区参与旅游发展程度、社区旅游发展基础条件等对农户资本趋向好转与优化具有正向显著影响。  相似文献   
Going beyond the myths prevalent in the socio-cultural embeddedness of rural Bangladesh, this article examines the diverse visible and invisible roles of fisherwomen in small-scale fisheries. This research considered two ethnic groups situated in two different ecosystems: the floodplain freshwater ecosystem is represented by new-entrant Muslim fishers ‘Maimal’ and the coastal ecosystem is represented by caste-based Hindu fishers ‘Jaladas’. From the basic ontological worldview of human dignity, moral individualism, and the social recognition of women’s rights, we argue that fisherwomen’s roles need to be recognized, focused, and valued to develop a horizontal understanding that is a prerequisite to the process of democratization, and the proper functioning of a just society. In the rural societies, a host of attributes, such as the deep-rooted socio-cultural constructions of the motherly myth, extreme tolerance, family teaching, religious antagonism, poverty, lack of education, internalization of a subordinate position, lack of supportive institutions, and fear of loss of societal patronage, profoundly undermine the capacity of women to aspire and raise their voice. Fisherwomen are accrued an inferior social position although they perform unique roles in the areas of childcare, household upkeep, livelihoods, and psycho-social support for the seafaring fishers. Conducive to the ecotone of marine fisheries, this article also portrays how a rigid patriarchal form of society is seasonally transformed to matrifocality when fishermen are away for fishing for half the year.  相似文献   
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