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陶澍和包世臣是近代中国地主阶级改革派的核心骨干,嘉道年间经世致用思潮的主要代表。包世臣是陶澍的主要幕僚,他们开始突破“重农轻商”的传统观念,提出了“利商”的思想和政策;并共同设计了对漕运、盐务等有关国计民生大政的改革,他们所推行的海运、票盐更是改革派的主要成果。同时,他们对当时货币危机的原因、对禁烟运动和抗击外国侵略者,都有共同的认识,是中国近代杰出的爱国主义者。  相似文献   
论孔孟的人格范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔孟在对伯夷、柳下惠、伊尹等圣贤、权威的人格价值评判中,形成了四种人格范式:“圣之清者”———不降不辱、独善其身;圣之和者———降志辱身,身处污泥而不染;“圣之任者”———忍辱负重、兼善天下;“圣之时者”———金声而玉振。“君子”、“大丈夫”、“大人”、“士”等,是孟子对人格典范的再创造和权力、权威的人格化。孔子以人格为本位,是一种“无可无不可”、“愚不可及”的生存智慧和道德之术,孟子以天下、道义为本位,是人格权威和人格统治在儒家精神世界的建立。  相似文献   
中韩爱国志士的早期联系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨天石 《史学月刊》2007,1(3):51-58
1910年,日本并吞韩国,大批韩国爱国志士流亡中国,开展抗日复国斗争。申圭植等人投身辛亥革命,参加中国同盟会。1912年,成立新亚同济社,吸纳两国志士。1921年,申圭植以韩国临时政府国务总理的身份赴广州访问,会见孙中山,宣布承认"护法政府"为中华民国正统政府。孙中山、陈其美、蒋介石等人积极支持来华的韩国志士。1924年,孙中山提出,中国人民的对外责任除"反抗帝国侵略主义"外,还要"扶助弱小民族"。此后,"济弱扶倾"遂成为中国国民党的重要国际政策。北伐期间,韩国志士或加入中国国民党,或投身中国国民革命军,武汉国民党中央则设立东方局。中韩志士之间的互助、合作不断发展。  相似文献   
The alliance between the tories and Frederick, Prince of Wales has usually appeared at best a passing interlude of opportunism in eighteenth‐century politics, dismissed alike by scholars upholding ‘jacobite’ or ‘Hanoverian’ constructions of the party's identity. This article offers a re‐examination of the relationship, assessing tory actions at Westminster against the larger hinterland of party literature and journalism. It argues that, especially after 1747, the association fronted a much more serious enterprise than is conventionally assumed, highlighting the continued political and ideological independence of the party into the 1750s and shaping the subsequent evolution of its identity. Intellectually, Frederick's image as a ‘Patriot King’ was driven by radical manifestos originating within the jacobite diaspora in Paris. Inside Westminster, his patronage changed the balance of power, bringing the tories to a point of primacy hitherto unmatched over the larger opposition. For four years, the promise of the prince of Wales provided the glue to hold the tory party together; his death threatened to unleash a process of fragmentation. The long‐term legacy of the alliance informed the direction of those who remained tories into the following decade, determining the section of the party that would gain the ascendancy within the reign of George III. By showing how a member of the ruling dynasty could be recast in a favourable and highly partisan political complexion, the pact with Frederick represented a decisive stage in the reinvention of English toryism, and its movement from mid‐century opposition towards rebirth as the loyalist champions of the house of Hanover.  相似文献   
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