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曹真是曹魏名将,《曹真碑》历来为世所重。本文据故宫博物院藏《曹真碑》初拓本补正了故宫藏《曹真碑》实物的部分阙文;又据碑文否定了《三国志·魏书·曹真传》裴注中一条谓曹真本姓秦的注释;并从曹丕临终委托曹真辅政的史实入手深入分析了曹丕与曹真特殊的政治关系及其形成过程。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(2):188-200

I think it is time that theologians, as well as the Church at large, speak up and speak to the social injustice we are faced with because of the economical collapse in Iceland in autumn 2008. If we think theology (i.e. the discourse about God) does not happen in a vacuum, if we think it is affected by, and is also affecting its context, then theology must have a part to play in the political discourse. If we think everything related to our human condition is affecting our understanding and our talk about God, then all theology has to be political in the most inclusive sense of the word. In this article the intention is to test major theological terms against the situation we are faced with in our society, which is recovering from an economic collapse. Thus the question: to what extent are key theological terms useful when we need to address the outgrowth of social injustice and self-inflicted economical catastrophe?  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) was first presented in a clinical setting in 1838. In this paper the presentation and treatment of a transient hemiparesis in a drummer in 1789 is discussed. This may have been an early case of MS and presents evidence against the theory that MS is an infectious disease beginning in the 19th century.  相似文献   
杨天宇 《史学月刊》2006,(8):101-110
《仪礼》在汉代有今、古文两种本子.郑玄在给《仪礼》作注时,也对今、古文异文作了校勘,或从今文,或从古文.郑玄兼采今、古文的一条重要义例,就是从本字不从通假字:有从今文本字而不从古文通假字者,亦有从古文本字而不从今文通假字者,因为本字更能贴切地表达经义.遍索《仪礼》中郑玄从今文本字不从古文通假字之字例,凡90条,而一一考辨之.  相似文献   
清袁枚《随园诗话》,未见录或言及有稿本存世。近见江苏省泰州市新华书店上世纪七十年代初传钞《随园诗话稿本》一部。若所据确系原稿,则有值得注意之处:(1)可据以进一步校勘刻本:(2)中有若干刻本不见的作行实、交游资料,以及清人诗作:(3)可得知《随园诗话》撰写过程中的部分修改情况。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(1):118-143

This essay explores the difficult task of transforming unjust social structures (USS). It does so by an understanding of the moral features of interactions, drawing from Hannah Arendt's political philosophy and Paul Ricoeur's conception of institutions. Then a definition of what can be considered as USS is given and some of the characteristic features of these social phenomena specified. As a further step, this essay delves into a theological understanding of USS as structures of sin, for no rationale can be given for the most perverse USS (concentration camps/Gulag). Theology, through the notions of evil and sin, possesses some instruments to understand the absurd violence, the indifference and hopelessness of USS. The essay close with some remarks on how to deal with USS.  相似文献   

A theme of interest in the process of democratic consolidation among comparative politics scholars is how political and nonpolitical variables, including economic and class issues, interrelate. Whereas the “transitions to democracy” literature conceptualizes the emergence of democratic regimes to be primarily an elite-driven political process, the actual consolidation of a democratic regime requires the active organization of civil sectors that then learn to live by and accept the outcomes of uncertain democratic governance. This “granting of stakes” in the new regime is perhaps best accomplished by the aggregation and articulation of interests among labor and business sectors in “civil society”—a term usefully defined by Alfred Stepan (1988) as manifold social movements from all classes organized to promote their interests. It is in this area that the interplay of political and economic interests is most clearly visible. Indeed, although elites can make decisions about the institutional, political, and economic future of a country in transition, they cannot guarantee that those decisions will be implemented or supported by the populace and that the incipient democratic system will stabilize. What is frequently neglected in elite-centered accounts of democratic transitions, then, is civil society and its links to elites through popular organizations.  相似文献   

The entries for ?amas in the biblical lexicons read “violence, wrong”; “treat violently”; or “theft, exploitation, social oppression;” namely, this word is understood as referring to the social sphere. On this basis, in the usual exegesis of the verses in which it appears in Ezekiel, ?amas is understood to refer to social violence. I suggest, however, that a closer examination of each of the seven occurrences of this term in Ezekiel indicates that it refers to the sins of the people that led to the destruction of the Temple—including idolatry and bloodshed—and that Ezekiel utilized and adjusted this pentateuchal concept to his prophetic needs.  相似文献   
《秘册汇函》成书于明万历间,为海盐胡震亨等编纂。全书尚未刊竟,即遇火板毁,残板复并入《津逮秘书》,历来为藏家推重,但因原本流传不广,尚存留诸多疑问。本文就撰人、编纂始末和版本源流三个方面对它进行了考订。  相似文献   
在现今的书画修复案例中,保留具有古旧气息的优秀原装裱,将其与残破的画心一起修复的方式正日益增多。本案例为宜兴博物馆馆藏的一件《吴昌硕篆书八言联》需要保留原民国装裱进行修复。画心与原装裱皆有严重折痕、断痕,甚至断裂,天头处有缺损,包首与覆背老化酥脆。通过对材质、病害状况、原装裱特点的分析研究,为达到最佳修复效果,采用分离画心与装裱,分别进行修复再组合的方法,并在组合还原时对原装裱的不佳之处进行改进与微调,使其既恢复原有面貌,保留典雅的时代气韵,又有利于今后的收藏与保护。  相似文献   
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