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刑法规范法定原则是一项重要的刑法规范配置原则。其思想渊源是民主主义与尊重人权主义。民主主义要求刑法规范配置应当民主化,尊重人权主义要求刑法规范配置应当尊重人权。刑法规范法定原则包括法律性原则与明确性原则两个派生原则。法律性原则要求刑法规范的法律渊源应当是法律,刑法规范的内容应当依法规定。明确性原则包括刑法规范确定化与刑法规范明晰化两个方面。  相似文献   
论东汉中后期士人的群体心理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东汉中后期七人群体的形成是儒家经学的极盛这一特定历史时代的产物,是东汉中后期一个重要的社会群体。这一群体的成员通过心理和感情的交流,形成自己的群体心理,产生了心理相容、群体规范、群体凝聚、类化趋向等群体心理现象。它是我们研究东汉中后期社会状况与历史变迁的一个新的角度和方法。  相似文献   
蓝琪 《史学月刊》2002,(5):19-25
判断学术作有无学术价值的标准是:该书是否在一定程度上反映了当时时代的思想和当时社会的要求,是否产生过较大的影响.并且对今人的研究有一定的意义。翻译作中学术译名的统一只能是相对的。史学评论必须提倡优良的作风,高尚的德,实事求是的评述才会使评论成为促进史学发展的有力武器。  相似文献   
周祥森 《史学月刊》2001,(2):104-111
统计资料表明,近年来史学评论及其理论研究越来越受到史学界的重视,出现了学术书评建设、学风与学术规范建设、世纪末中国史学回顾等史学评论热潮.但从整体来看,史学评论在数量上还远远低于专业学术文章,在质量上则参差不齐,相当一部分评论学术质量不高;在史学评论学科与理论建设方面,则存在着明显不利于自身发展的思想倾向.因此,当代中国的史学评论尚不能真正实践其矫正史学发展方向和规范史学活动的学科目标,史学评论理论建设和学科建设依然任重而道远.  相似文献   
酒店经营话题之一:服务质量取决于人员素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本探讨了酒店服务质量与人员素质的关系,规范原则与质量标准的关系。  相似文献   
刘祥 《史学集刊》2021,(1):123-133
二战爆发后,美国社会组织在对战争与和平问题的研究中提出依靠国际组织保障人权的规范构想。美国政府则并未重视人权议题,人权在敦巴顿橡树园会议上只处于边缘地位。社会组织在此后掀起大规模的游说活动,要求提高人权议题的地位,这使得美国政府考虑融合社会组织的人权规范构想与主权规范原则。旧金山会议上,美国说服其他大国接受其人权立场,极力否决拉美国家的人权提案,体现出美国借人权话语行使霸权的实质意图。最终出台的《联合国宪章》多处涉及人权,奠定了此后联合国人权规范的基础。但是,社会组织与美国政府围绕人权的争论凸显了宪章人权条款的复杂特征,这使得美国在此后联合国人权规范的发展中面临更多的挑战。  相似文献   
The Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAP) offers an apt example of norm negotiation in implementing United Nation Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325). Launched in 2012, the NAP is nearing completion due June 2019. The purpose of this article is to understand how far and in what ways the NAP has thus far supported the achievement of the transformative ambitions of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda to bring about greater gender equality for conflict-affected women. I argue that whilst this transformative agenda failed to diffuse vertically throughout the Australian NAP, this has simultaneously encouraged horizontal diffusion. That is, the sophisticated discourse on gender equality presented in the narrative part of the NAP did not translate into a robust framework for action (vertical diffusion). This failure has, however, allowed the WPS agenda to be negotiated within individual implementing agencies (horizontal diffusion). Through the juxtaposition of policy analysis with semi-structured interviews with NAP implementers, this article demonstrates that the lack of precision around the implementation strategy has—paradoxically—resulted in significant policy development on UNSCR 1325. Simultaneously, it has led to untargeted implementation, ultimately constraining the possibilities for meaningful impact on the ground.  相似文献   
In a previous paper [Baratta and Corbi, 1999] one has defined a procedure allowing to identify a closed-ioop control algorithm with feedback based on the whole record of the response time-history rather than on instantaneous response parameters. The control force results from control of each harmonic component of the forcing function, simply integrated over the frequency domain. Every harmonic is controlled, independently of each other, by a classical linear control whose coefficients are calibrated in way to make the relevant response component a minimum compatibly with the control effort one wants to apply at the corresponding frequency. The distribution of this control intensity over the frequency range remains a arbitrary choice; such a choice however lends itself to be effectively assisted by intuition, much more than similar choices in other procedures (e.g.: the coefficients of the quadratic norms in the J-index optimization). The result is that every harmonic remains controlled by a different couple of optimal coefficients (corresponding to the proportional and to the derivative terms in the linear control law), and the overall control force for an arbitrary disturbance, after Fourier inverse transformation, is produced by feedback integration over the whole response time-history.

The procedure, tested with reference to simple and composed harmonic excitations incoming a s.d.o.f. structural system, has proved a good agreement of the numerical results with the theoretical treatment; furthermore it has shown that the main limit of such an approach consists of referring the dynamic equilibrium solution to a particular solution, that, neglecting the initial conditions, may introduce some unstable components in the oscillation. In the paper the effects induced in the controlled structural system response by the adoption of the proposed procedure are deepened and an improved strategy is presented, able to overcome the detrimental transient effects determined by the original algorithm. The final adopted control law is shown to achieve an improved time response, both in the transient and in the steady-state field, in comparison to a control strategy based on classical linear control minimizing the response norm conditioned by a bounded control.  相似文献   
宋代法律制度史的研究起步较晚,20世纪上半叶成果不多,80年代以后才快速发展,在综合研究、立法研究、刑法研究、民事法研究、司法制度研究和法律献的整理研究方面都取得了丰硕成果。宋代法律制度的基本内容和特点已经被揭示,宋代在中国法律史上的重要地位也被越来越多的人所认识和重视。然而在学术规范方面还存在问题。目前,要花精力多搞些实证研究;要借鉴史学、社会学、政治学等学科的理论和方法来充实和拓宽宋代法律制度的研究领域,注重法律制度发展的历史阶段性和法的动态及功能研究。  相似文献   
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