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This article shows that, in the study of immigrant integration policy in the U.S. states, it is critical to report data and coding decisions for individual laws. This analysis uses an updated and public database of law‐level decisions, which includes 2,703 legislative actions recorded by the National Conference of State Legislatures from 2005 to 2016. These data are used to estimate models of aggregate state policy activity in a variety of ways: as a single continuum of policy balance versus separate models of welcoming and hostile, lumping all policy subareas together versus analyzing a specific subarea, and lumping all years together in one cross section versus panel analysis. The results in these models differ enough to indicate that reporting codes for individual‐level laws is absolutely essential so that each researcher easily can construct the measure that fits his or her theoretical framework best.  相似文献   
文章讨论司马迁《报任安书》中的两个“不得已”与“曼辞以自饰”的意义以及与“从上雍”相关的结构分析问题。  相似文献   
This paper presents 19 AMS radiocarbon dates from nine pre-Hispanic Caribbean (Taíno/Lucayan) wooden sculptures in the British Museum collections, provenanced to Jamaica, Hispaniola and the Bahamas. Together with strontium isotope results and wood and resin identifications, these data build a material and chronological context for some of the most recognised examples of Taíno art – from duhos (ceremonial seats) and cemís (free standing depictions of deities, ancestors and spirits) to canopied stands used to hold hallucinogenic drugs during the cohoba ceremony. Each sculpture widens our understanding of Caribbean carving traditions, stylistic variation, chronologies and material resource utilisation. A group of three sculptures recovered from Carpenters Mountains, Jamaica, carved by AD 1300 and brought together as a ceremonial ‘set’, each appear to have had their inlays renewed over a century later, suggesting long-term use. Three key examples of the main Caribbean duho categories (high-back, low-back and extended), provide insights into the diversity of styles present in the region post-AD 1100. The British Museum's corpus enables an exploration of regional styles, and potentially the work of individual artists.  相似文献   
"不折腾"原则是陈云与李先念在改革开放之初率先提出来的。李先念还就"不折腾"的类别、意义、重点时段与保障措施等方面作了较为系统的阐述。"不折腾"原则的提出,直接推动了"调整、改革、整顿、提高"八字方针的出台,促使国民经济进行重大调整进而走上良性发展的道路,保障了我国改革开放的顺利进行。  相似文献   
中国文化对日本文化的影响是毋庸置疑的历史事实。日本有史以来就不断地吸收中国文化,可以说其古代发展史就是吸收中国文化的历史。在长期的交流过程中,中国文献被大量地介绍到日本,对促进社会、文化、语言的发展起到了重要作用。其中有很多重要文献在我国已经失传,而在日本却部分或完整地被保留下来。对这些遗失于东瀛的逸书、逸文等资料的研究对于我国的古籍研究具有重要意义。本文以《和名类聚抄》的引文为中心对今本《释名》进行考察。  相似文献   
Geoffrey Khan 《Iranian studies》2020,53(3-4):445-463
Spoken vernacular dialects of Aramaic, generally known as Neo-Aramaic dialects, have survived down to modern times in various regions of the Middle East and can be divided into various subgroups. There are some islands of Neo-Aramaic in the West of Iran, which are situated on the eastern periphery of the Neo-Aramaic area. These include dialects spoken by Christians and Jews belonging to the North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic subgroup in the West Azerbaijan, Kordestan and Kermanshah provinces and Neo-Mandaic spoken by Mandaeans in the Khuzestan province. This paper examines a number of distinctive features of the Neo-Aramaic dialects of Iran, including those that have been induced by contact with other languages in the area.  相似文献   
Next to agriculture, road development is one of the most significant sources of stress to wetlands in Prairie Canada. However, there currently exists limited guidance for incorporating direct, indirect, and induced effects to wetlands in impact assessment and mitigation planning for small and often routine developments, including access roads or highway improvement initiatives. Based on the Louis Riel Trail, Highway 11 North twinning project in Saskatchewan, Canada, this article demonstrates a methodological approach and decision support framework for assessing and managing direct, indirect, and induced effects to wetlands from linear developments. No regulatory‐based environmental assessment was required for the highway project; effects were deemed to be insignificant under current wetland mitigation practices. However, our results show that 1115 ha of potentially affected wetlands are located within a 500 m impact zone on either side of the proposed highway. More than 50 percent of these wetlands are seasonal, less than 1 ha in size, and typically not included in mitigation planning. An expert‐based multi‐criteria evaluation of impact and mitigation options for wetlands in the study area indicated “no net loss” as a planning priority, and a preference for a spatially ambitious mitigation plan focused on direct, indirect, and potentially induced impacts. In practice, however, mitigation is often restrictive, focused on mitigating only direct impacts within the project's right‐of‐way, in this case less than 50 ha of wetlands, resulting in the potential for significant net loss of wetland habitat and function. If the risk to wetlands is to be given due consideration in project planning and development for roads and road improvement initiatives, then structured assessment methods and decision support frameworks should be sensitive to the time and resource constraints of small projects and screening‐type assessments. This requires also that wetland mitigation policies are developed and implementation plans formulated as part of project planning and assessment initiatives for linear developments.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the structural composition of the chicana/o novel …y no se lo tragó la tierra, by Tomás Rivera, a book that has become a collective point of reference for chicana/o culture and community. Its structure will be explained, including the importance of personal and collective memory as elements that evolve every chapter as a fragmentary part of a whole. The classical concept of "art of memory" joined to the rhetoric of discourse opens a new perspective to analyze this fragmentation and helps the reader to understand the connection of its elements. Finally, the idea of "theater of memory" may be applied to the novel's chicana/o universe as a dramatic device for structuring the narrator's personal memories, achieving a final literary composition similar to a memorable, collective altarpiece full of impressive images from this community's daily struggle in the 1960s.  相似文献   
胡稹 《日本学论坛》2010,(2):37-42,92
当代文论在评说日本文学时广泛使用的"物哀"概念,源于对源词组もののあはれ的"拿来"式处理,却因语义不明产生了广泛性误读。本文在先行研究的基础上,分析源语在平安朝和江户时代不同语境下的语义内涵及其共通的基本含义;提出对もの的看法;对あはれ与"哀"字的关系做出推测;得出源语的意义不完全是"哀愁"(其仅为人类情感之一种),用"情趣情感"等词汇理解并翻译的结论。这种主张同时照顾到长期使用"物哀"带来的社会心理现实。  相似文献   
《倭名类聚抄》所引《兼名苑》考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日交流在隋唐时期达到鼎盛,其中遣唐使的贡献巨大。他们将中国书籍带回日本,对日本的社会、文化、语言诸方面产生了深远影响。这些书籍中有一部分是在中国问世后不久便传入日本,而在中国却渐渐失传。《兼名苑》就是其中之一。本文通过考证《倭名类聚抄》对其的引文部分,对其成书过程、内容及在日本的传播进行了分析。  相似文献   
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