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新时期以来的思想解放与马克思主义中国化有着清晰的脉络和明确的成果。在新时期中共历史发展的三个阶段、四个重大关头,思想解放形成了三次“大潮”和若干个“次大潮”。随着思想解放的不断深入,马克思主义中国化在实践和理论两个方面取得了丰硕的成果,即在实践中探索出一条建设中国特色社会主义的道路;理论上形成了邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想两大成果。  相似文献   

The correspondence in this issue of History of European Ideas has not previously been published. It is the surviving part of the epistolary exchange between Dugald Stewart and the Genevan professor and man of letters Pierre Prevost (1751–1839) from the 1790s to the 1820s. To this are added several closely connected letters to and from their associates. This correspondence is striking evidence of the republic of letters continuing to flourish in the aftermath of the French Revolution, illustrating the transmission of works, the role of go-betweens, the provision of letters of introduction and the formation of intellectual and personal alliances. Not least, the letters tell us much about the ideas of those involved, and about the formation, development, and relation of these ideas to published works. This is particularly significant for Stewart, most of whose letters and papers are lost.  相似文献   
王齐 《南方文物》2014,(3):139-144
夏鼐先生成长于一个提倡以科学和实业救国的时代,科学救国的志向激励着年轻的夏先生远渡重洋。海外求学的经历使夏先生系统学习了西方的科学和文化,培养和具备了世界性的胸襟和视野。但中国从民族危亡走向民族独立和民族自强的艰难历程,又使夏先生的思想意识中带有民族性的维度。世界性与民族性贯穿在夏先生一生的学术追求和学术活动中,彼此交织。  相似文献   
前景化手法给现代文学创作带来了叙事手法的新颖和阅读认知的革新。弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的短篇小说“新装”将其手法成功地引进其意识流创作,为揭示语篇的整体效果和作者意图带来了不同的阅读思路和文体的多维效应,并用其展示了第一次世界大战后英国中产阶层所特有的社会心态,即构成了作者所寻求的个体心灵的真实及历史的真实的合一。  相似文献   
刘丽颖 《神州》2011,(3X):152-152,155
新课标要求教师必须根据具体的教学情境进行创造性、主动性的劳动,创设生机勃勃的课堂教学氛围,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,使教师和学生在课堂上焕发活力。倡导学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习,充分发掘学生的潜能,有力地促进学生个性发展。  相似文献   
在前期研究的基础上,进一步对当前华侨华人学科建设与学术定位中的一些认识问题、理论问题进行了阐述。主要观点为:学术研究与政策宣传是相辅相成的。相对独立和自由的学术研究是制定政策的基础工作和必要前提;华人研究不应该以中国社会为中心,而应该以海外华人社会为研究的主要对象;华侨华人研究应该摆脱功利主义的考量和民族情绪的影响,坚持理性思考的科学精神;华侨华人研究应该有宽松的氛围、宽阔的视野和宽容的态度。  相似文献   
耿云志 《安徽史学》2007,(5):107-116
在令大多数中国人长期困惑的中西文化的关系问题上,胡适化与看来同自己的固有文化大不相同的现代世界新文化泰然相处,并怎样以最有效的方式吸收现代的新文化,使它能同我们的固有文化相一致、相协调和继续发展.胡适指出,各民族的文化本质上是有同一性的,是可以互相借鉴的.因此,不存在所谓东方文化是精神的,西方文化是物质的这种大分别.胡适又指出,历来各民族的文化交流的常态都是自由选择,各取所需.胡适还强调指出,任何文化都有其自身的"根本保守性",也就是所谓"文化本位".这个"文化本位"实际上就是那无数无数的人民.基于这样的认识,就能够以一种开放的文化观念来处理中国文化与世界新文化的关系,化解种种困惑,较好地解决近代文化转型中遇到的各种问题.  相似文献   
In 1972, the late Fay Gale (AO) published a characteristically self‐styled book titled Urban Aborigines. It launched a richly diverse career that delivered an exceptional legacy to the academic discipline of geography, aboriginal justice, university administration, and women's professional advancement. This article, based on a 2010 lecture in her honour, takes up Fay's intellectual contribution to one of these fields. It pursues her critical interest in the clash of indigenous/settler cultures in Australia through a novel account of the notorious head‐measuring practices of 19th century racial craniometry. Probing the Western premise that ‘mind’ is the assured marker of human distinction from nature, the article explores a question of fundamental contemporary relevance for Australian audiences and others across the globe: are there fresh prospects for reconciling settler and indigenous, as well as ‘green’ and ‘growth’, values if the conceit of this distinction can be overcome? This question is provoked from a peculiarly southern perspective in the spirit of the insistently geographic project that was Urban Aborigines.  相似文献   
The interdisciplinary field, “neuroscience,” began at MIT in 1962 with the founding of the Neurosciences Research Program (NRP) by Francis O. Schmitt and a group of US and international scientists — physical, biological, medical, and behavioral — interested in understanding the brain basis of behavior and mind. They organized and held specialist meetings of basic topics in neuroscience, and the journal and book publications over the next 20 years, based on these meetings, helped establish the new field.  相似文献   
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