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汉代画像中的车马出行图考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汉代画像中的车马出行图,其实质是墓主人的灵魂从地下世界赴墓地祠堂去接受祭祀。此类题材在画像中的频繁出现,证明祭祀祖先活动的图象是汉画像中最重要的内容之一。  相似文献   
试论清代皇帝明黄色朝袍的功用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在清代皇帝冠服中,明黄色朝袍的功用尤其引人关注。但是,长期以来人们对“朝祭所御”的概念往往含混不清,以至认为清帝明黄色朝袍既可亲郊飨庙又能御殿朝贺,模糊了朝服与祭服的区别。顺治十年(1653年)都察院左副都御史傅景星奏言:“自古帝王一代之兴,必有一代之制,黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治。衮冕黼黻代有不同,朝有朝服,祭有祭服,所以肃臣民而格上下也……”。本文旨在讨论清帝明黄色朝袍的不同作用,从而区分出朝服与祭服的不同。  相似文献   
从墓志看佛教对唐代妇女生活的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从对唐墓志的分析考察可知,唐代妇女信佛者较多,在家修行的妇女占绝对多数,且相当地分奉佛者为孀居妇女。唐代妇女诵读或抄写的佛典主要集中在金刚般若、法华、涅槃、维摩等经上,尤以金融般若、法华两经为最。唐代妇女祟佛原因众多,其中不少孀居妇女、宫人、宦官夫人、无子和不育的妇女多从佛教中寻求精神和情感寄托。唐代妇女祟佛对社会风尚、生死观念和丧葬观念产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   
In the now burgeoning scholarship on memory, there is a discernible shift from considering the politics of dominant public memory towards sites of counter-memories where vernacular forms of memory activism take place. This paper contributes to this by focusing its attention on plans to preserve Green Ridge in Kampar, Malaysia, a tract of forested hill that was the location of a fierce battle fought between the Japanese and Allied forces in the Asia-Pacific theatre of the Second World War. Specifically, it details the rescaling strategies of one particular individual to enhance the reach and relevance of the site for Malaysians writ large, primarily aimed at lobbying for Green Ridge to be officially marked as local and national heritage. This paper then interrogates issues that have hindered this process with the potential to ultimately thwart the preservation of the site for posterity. In doing so, the paper exemplifies memory activism as ‘work’, where local actors–through the mobilisation of scale politics–represent proactive agents in effecting change in public memory from below. Second, it highlights the fragmented nature of vernacular remembering and how this can impede memory work as much as champion memory formally obscured.  相似文献   
本文设计了“学习及好奇”、“责任与义务”、“社会因素”、“个人情感体验”、“教育体验”5个潜变量,构建了战争纪念馆游客旅游动机对体验影响的结构关系模型,并以国家4A级旅游区南京大屠杀纪念馆为例,探讨了此类旅游动机对体验的作用机理。研究结果表明:(1)“责任与义务”是游客访问战争纪念馆的主要动机,也是与传统旅游的根本区别之一,与“个人情感体验”及“教育体验”有较高的路径系数(0.97,0.48);(2)被动地参观战争纪念馆不利于游客体验的提高,从市场营销角度看,应该强调游客积极主动的参与,强调游客“责任与义务”方面的动机;(3)游客参观南京大屠杀纪念馆几乎没有对死亡感兴趣的动机,因此战争纪念馆旅游不完全属于黑色旅游研究范畴;(4)旅游动机及体验是区分特殊兴趣旅游的主要标志,未来需从特殊兴趣旅游(如战争纪念馆旅游)角度进一步探索旅游体验的本质。  相似文献   
The paper explores the use of ancient and historic material cultures and architectures within the recent resurgence in public commemoration in the UK. Using the case study of the National Memorial Arboretum (Staffordshire), the study focuses on how ancient designs (including prehistoric, classical and medieval styles and forms) interleave with the arboreal, geological and celestial themes of the memorial gardens. Together these designs serve to create a multitude of temporal poises by which auras of commemorative perpetuity and regeneration are projected and sustained. The paper proposes that archaeologists can bring their expertise to bear on the investigation of the complex, varied allusions to the past within contemporary landscapes of memory.  相似文献   
This article examines the contending redefinitions of national identity in contemporary Germany's memorial culture, focusing particularly on the ensemble of monuments and parade fields known as the former Nazi Party rally grounds in Nuremberg. In a detailed case study, I analyse the recent conversion of one of the physical remnants of National Socialism – Albert Speer's transformer station – into a fast‐food restaurant and interpret this conversion as a novel contribution to the discourse on German nationhood. I argue that the provocative commercial reutilisation of the former Nazi monument gives expression to a renewed self‐confidence that Germany has gained from displaying a willingness to face up to its past as perpetrator nation. While the intervention thus deviates from the self‐indicting spirit that had been characteristic for Germany's memorial culture after World War II, an ironic note is conspicuous in this act of commemorative politics that indicates a way of dealing with the fascist legacy that is, surprisingly in some respects, superior to more conventional memory strategies.  相似文献   
王剑 《史学集刊》2005,(1):27-33
明代的密疏是朝臣上呈给皇帝的一种秘密章奏,是一种特殊的上行官书。和普通的题、奏本相比,它有诸多的不同。其中密疏书写格式的特殊,既是密疏与一般章奏最显的差别之处,其相对独特的书写格式的形成,也是明代密疏言事初步制度化的一个表现。明代密疏书写格式的发展,大致经历了两个阶段,即明代中前期时,密疏的书写格式依照一般的题、奏本格式,并无太大的差别;而到了明世宗嘉靖初年,始形成了影响后世的书写格式。明代密疏的书写格式大体上包括开首、叙事和结尾三个主要的部分,此外,密疏书写中的尊上与禁忌也与一般的章奏有较大的不同,这些正是明代密疏书写格式的独特之处。  相似文献   
本文对侯子钦墓志原录文提出文字上的修改意见。考证侯子钦的家世及入周以前的任官,猜测侯子钦为北齐高氏亲信。考察侯子钦降周时的具体情形,认为齐军救援之不至,晋州“公私扰乱”的局面,周齐战略态势的强弱易势及其北齐朝政的昏乱是促使侯子钦降周的远近原因。而侯子钦的出降直接导致了晋州的陷落,对于周灭北齐而言,这是势关全局的转折点。侯子钦降周后所受的待遇印证了北周政权对北齐降人的政策:在灭齐战争中,优渥北齐降人;灭齐后,转而疑惧北齐降人。  相似文献   
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