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The article deals with the largest mansion-type buildings in the Golden Horde towns of the Lower Volga region. These buildings had many rooms and walls made of hard-burned and adobe bricks. A large ceremonial hall was located at the center of the building; vestibule premises were located adjacent to the hall on the northern and southern sides; residential and utility rooms occupied the eastern and the western wings. Golden Horde mansions are compared with the palaces and mansions of China, Mongolia, and the countries of the Middle East. The infl uence of the architectural traditions of these countries led to the emergence of an original building type based both on a typical Western Central Asian layout, and principles of organizing space borrowed from Eastern Central Asia.  相似文献   
燕王府位置因与元明之际宫殿的营建相关,因而成为备受学者关注的问题。关于这一问题,历来有燕王府沿用元大内正殿与沿用元代西内两种观点。本文在对明初王府建筑制度特征进行深入研究的基础上,论证了燕王府的建筑制度的特殊性及其与元代宫殿制度的关联,认为燕王府当沿用了元大内的正殿,并以永乐朝北京宫殿营建过程中的历史事件为旁证,进一步论证了燕王府用元大内正殿的可能性。  相似文献   
在18世纪的北京,应王府和显宦之需,出现了相当规模的人物画家群。他们以冷枚父子、莽鹄立、陈枚、崔鏏、徐玫、徐璋等为代表,最早曾受清宫画家焦秉贞的人物画风的影响,他们之中的许多人或多或少地与宫廷有过关联,受过宫廷艺术的影响,因此绘画风格形成了具有院体人物画的写实技巧并融合了西洋绘画的透视技法。他们的怍品描绘了王府和市井生活的情趣,为一方所重。其风格取向、活动地域与谋生方式均有许多相近之处,是一个既有风格联系,又各自为阵的人物画家群。  相似文献   
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