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海事贷款是古希腊海上贸易的主要“融资”形式之一。与其他形式的货币借贷相比,它的一个主要特征是利率高。公元前4世纪古希腊海事贷款的高利率主要受到了海事活动风险巨大、借贷双方身份特殊、资金供求关系紧张及海事贷款运作的特殊性等因素的影响。海事贷款古希腊海上贸易中起着“融资”和“保险”的双重作用。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,国民政府共计从外国获取了25笔借款,其中美国对华借款共6次,借款金额总计6.7亿美元,其约定信贷量和实际动用量分别约占中国战时对外信贷总量和实际动用总量的53.4%和70.8%,借款条件不仅大大优于晚清和北洋等时期的外债,也在某种程度上优于同期苏、英等国家的对华借款。尽管美国给中国的借款与其给欧洲各国的借款仍有差距,但在客观上,美国战时对华借款毕竟给了中国抗战极大的帮助,其积极作用和在中国外债史上的进步意义应该予以肯定。  相似文献   
This article embarks on the discussion of tensions between political and finanical strands of British policy towards two smaller states in South-Eastern Europe – Hungary and Bulgaria – during the first decade after the First World War. The two case studies examine the way in which conflicting agendas of the Foreign Office and the Treasury affected each other in connexion with reconstruction loans given to Hungary and Bulgaria. They touch on that part of foreign policy where both the Foreign Office and the Treasury were concerned, and where economic reconstruction, promoted by the latter, clashed with what were primarily security considerations, pursued by the former. The role of London as a financial centre of the world and the key position of the Bank of England in carrying out collaborative enterprises of great international banks provided the Foreign Office with a valuable lever to bring pressure to bear on the smaller South-Eastern European Countries and force them conform to Whitehall's expectations. However, the opportunities this offered invariably went begging due to the Treasury's unfaltering resolve to proceed with its own schemes and its refusal to cooperate with the Foreign Office and allow it to achieve its political goals.  相似文献   
左宗棠外债观探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
左宗棠是中国早期大举外债之第一人.在西征借款的过程中,他逐步形成了较为独特的外债观.左宗棠的外债观有三个基本内涵:举债应急以巩固塞防,以外债弥补传统政体的缺陷,初具国债观念的雏形.  相似文献   
This paper analyses, from the perspective of cultural policy considerations, the legal regime established by the recent Polish law on the immunity from seizure of cultural property on loan (2015). It deals with current trends of international museum exchange and explains the benefits and risks involved in cross-border loans of cultural material. This analysis is carried out by focusing on the actual practice and experiences of Polish museums, national and international regulations in force, and human rights considerations. The authors attempt to situate the Polish model for the protection of foreign cultural property on loan within the broader comparative context of the domestic legislation on museum exchange adopted in selected national jurisdictions. The article also offers a more general cultural policy discussion in the context of international museum exchanges of cultural material. Laws and policies facilitating such exchanges are weighed against other rights and interests encompassed in the protection of cultural heritage and the realisation of all human rights, including cultural rights.  相似文献   

The Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA), formerly known as the Tribal Trust Land Development Corporation (TILCOR), is a state agency which manages all the settler or outgrower schemes adjacent to its estates. In Sanyati, the colonial government endeavoured to secure the plotholders on the Gowe Irrigation Scheme but after independence emphasis was on making Gowe a ‘self-provisioning’ asset. With reference to Gowe-Sanyati, this paper explores development and differentiation processes in an attempt to discern elements of continuity or change in ARDA-Sanyati irrigation. The reactions of the Gowe irrigators to state policies that proscribed accumulation are a manifestation of the tension which was informed by Rhodesian-era evictions and resettlements. In pursuance of accumulation the plotholding households in Gowe were reluctant to perpetually serve as a labour repository of the main irrigation estate.

Government interventionist policies in the Sanyati schemes are examined. The paper argues that the availability of technical, financial and other resources after independence contributed to the cotton boom and an intensified commercialisation drive which gave rise to greater forms of differentiation compared with the colonial period. In addition, the paper analyses the tenuous or fragile relationships between the plotholders and the estate. The major bone of contention was the inadequacy of the plots allocated to the farmers and the highly detested lease agreement which hindered accumulation. Inconsistencies with people's aspirations after independence led to a ‘crisis of expectations’ among those who believed independence would bring more land and no charge (land rent) for utilising the land. Although various charges impoverished the growers, the paper argues that poverty did not preclude differentiation as distinct categories of resource-rich and resource-poor plotholders emerged in the post-independence era.  相似文献   
安徽繁昌裕繁铁矿公司从营业之初,即开始不断依靠日本提供的售砂借款进行生产运营,并与日本结成复杂的债务关系.日本通过提供贷款,大量掠夺安徽的铁矿资源.债务纠纷不断成为安徽近代铁矿业发展中的重要特点,也制约了安徽借助资源优势发展实业的进程.  相似文献   
新中国成立之初,随着国家银行业务在农村的延伸及农村信用合作社的建立,在农村形成了私人借贷、国家农贷与农村信用社三者并存的乡村借贷体系。在新的农村金融体系中,国家银行和信用合作社逐渐占据了主导地位。新体系的建立,增加了农村资金的供给,一定程度上满足了农民克服生活困难、发展家庭经济的需要,同时也压缩了高息借贷的活动空间。  相似文献   
A senior Russian economist examines the structure, governance, and balance sheets of state-controlled banks in Russia, which accounted for over 55 percent of the total assets in the country's banking system in early 2011. The author offers a credible estimate of the size of the country's state banking sector by including banks that are indirectly owned by public organizations. Contrary to some predictions based on the theoretical literature on economic transition, he explains the relatively high profitability and efficiency of Russian state-controlled banks by pointing to their competitive position in such functions as acquisition and disposal of assets on behalf of the government. Also suggested in the paper is a different way of looking at market concentration in Russia (by consolidating the market shares of core state-controlled banks), which produces a picture of a more concentrated market than officially reported. Lastly, one of the author's interesting conclusions is that China provides a better benchmark than the formerly centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe by which to assess the viability of state ownership of banks in Russia and to evaluate the country's banking sector.  相似文献   
A former high-ranking Russian Ministry of Finance official examines the consequences of financial support extended to regions by the Russian Federation government during the global financial crisis in 2008-2010, for the purpose of exploring its potential impact on the regions' financial health in 2011-2012. The paper is structured around an analysis of the three major dimensions of that support: (1) legal and administrative actions undertaken at the federal level to reduce financial pressure on the regions; (2) increased issuance of intergovernmental fiscal grants in 2009; and (3) loans granted to the regions from the federal budget. The author argues that the financial crisis has provided a "stress test" that is useful in assessing the efficiency and flexibility of the Russian system of fiscal federalism.  相似文献   
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