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This article is concerned with the characteristic features that define medieval merchants’ letters. It explores systematically a collection of merchants’ letters from early 16th-century Finland, the so-called Scheel’s collection, which is unique in medieval northern Europe. Scheel’s letters show surprising conformity. They followed the conventions of letter writing, including their content, form, and style. Scheel’s letters were employed primarily as operative instruments in the organizing and controlling of transactions, reflecting similar functions to other European merchants’ letters. In line with other European correspondences, they also included most of the components of the rules of letter writing.  相似文献   
杨成英 《攀登》2006,25(5):164-165
本文从我国书籍发展史的角度,论述了竹木简牍对我国汉字的发展、词汇的产生、书写形式及书籍制度的形成、古代文化遗产的保存等方面所产生的巨大的、不可估量的影响。  相似文献   
袁世凯朋僚信函反映了清末这一世纪变革时期的社会状况,特别是1909年初袁世凯被摄政王载沣罢去一切职务,回籍养疴的三年期间的通信往来展示了袁世凯及其同僚在这一时期的蛰伏状况。这组信函为研究清末历史、袁世凯及其朋僚提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
For much of the 18th century, letter writing remained an important means of communicating news about proceedings at Westminster. Members of leading parliamentary families such as the Hardwickes were prolific letter writers and their correspondence has long been valued as a source for the period before the regular reporting of debates became established in the newspaper press. This article focuses on reporting by letter in the correspondence of the 2nd earl of Hardwicke and his circle. It reconstructs Hardwicke's network of informants and considers how the nature of their connection with the earl affected the way they conceived of their role as reporters. With reference to the epistolary conventions of the time, it asks how the circumstances in which letters were composed and read may have shaped the style and content of the reports. Finally, the article examines the impact made on the epistolary tradition by the emergence of newspaper reporting in the later 18th century and assesses the extent to which this development led letter writers to adjust their methods and goals.  相似文献   
艾绍洁 《攀登》2007,26(2):165-166
近年来,我国在汉字的使用方面出现了比较混乱的现象,如滥用繁体字、异体字、谐音字,误用别字,随意简化汉字等,造成了社会用字的不规范,严重影响了人们的日常工作、学习、生活、娱乐。因此,应从识写汉字的态度、汉字使用的相关规定、大众传播媒体等方面予以高度重视,不断规范汉字的使用。  相似文献   
本篇从宋人笔记、现存法帖中考证出尺牍的别称为“剳(札)子”,并述其由来与变化。  相似文献   
自曹魏以来,楼兰文书一直行用中原纪年,却于晋武帝泰始六年(270)中断。根据楼兰简纸文书、元康三年(293)苻信简等出土资料,结合传世文献,作者认为学界已有树机能叛乱使纪年中断的观点恐不能成立,苻信简透露出西部鲜卑南下滋扰,西晋为此采取了收缩政策。张轨刺凉后,彻底肃清了河西寇乱,重建了楼兰的屯戍,楼兰文书得以再现西晋正朔。  相似文献   
1921年初,《新青年》同仁围绕《新青年》要不要自沪移京编辑等问题发生了激烈的争论,各方之间为此作了大量的通信。这些通信的书写时间,绝大部分已经清晰,但也有少量重要信札,其书写时间或被弄错,或仍属混沌,亟待厘清。  相似文献   
Giovannino Guareschi, author of the immensely popular Don Camillo stories and editor of the weekly newspaper Candido, spent 14 months in a Parma prison from 1954 to 1955 for having libelled the former Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi. To this day, he is the only Italian journalist since the founding of the Republic ever to have served actual, behind-bars jail time for libel. This study examines several aspects of Guareschi's life in prison – the ways he coped with boredom and loneliness, the attempts he made to understand his fellow inmates and how he defiantly tried to buoy his spirits. In particular, it focuses on both his correspondence with his wife Ennia, a collection of 44 letters, and his personal musings kept in two prison diaries – all documents that have never been published. The analysis rectifies common misinterpretations as to why Guareschi purposely refused to appeal his guilty verdict and chose to go to jail, considers how Guareschi presented himself in his writings and contemplates Guareschi's place in the history of Italian prison writing.  相似文献   
在中国印刷史、出版史的研究中,学者们对清代内府铜活字印书的问题颇为关注,关于印书的数量、品种及活字的制作方法、插图版画的制作工艺、铜活字套印技术等问题,研究者多有不同看法。本文根据故宫博物院图书馆现存实物,结合著录文献进行考订,核实了现存铜活字本的数量,并对铜活字的铸刻、活字印本的套色诸问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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