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企业价值观是企业文化的核心。在企业价值观形成的过程中,企业领袖起着重要作用。本文以稻盛和夫为对象,通过分析其在京瓷企业价值观建立与实践的过程中所起到的作用,探究企业的领袖人物与企业文化之间的关联。  相似文献   
齐玉 《攀登》2010,29(2):13-16
建设新青海,青海各级领导干部必须加强品行修养,努力培养高尚道德情操;必须注重能力培养,切实提高推动跨越发展、绿色发展、和谐发展、统筹发展能力;必须着力改进作风,坚决抵制各种不良风气。  相似文献   
落实科学发展观,领导干部是关键。各县党政领导班子作为我国政权组织结构中十分重要的层次,在领导和加快县域经济建设,实现社会发展中居于核心地位,发挥着重要作用。本文从青海的实际出发,论述了落实科学发展观对各县党政领导干部提出的新要求,分析了其存在的问题和原因,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
"革命领袖"何以形成——西方学者的三种方法论视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方“革命学”在学科分化和交叉发展的大背景下,对革命的起因、发展、结果以及革命浪潮的形成机制等问题进行了有益而全面的探讨,然而对于任何一场革命都必不可少的“革命领袖”的研究却相对薄弱。研究革命领袖的西方学者以心理学、心理史学和社会学三种理论方法来探讨促成革命领袖形成的各种要素。然而,他们关于革命领袖人物的研究基本上还是停留在依靠直觉把握和空泛想象的层次上,缺少经验分析以及建立在经验分析基础之上的全面的理论把握。  相似文献   
According to the penalty hypothesis, primaries are considered damaging for parties because of the social and political distinctiveness of the electorate, who usually choose unpalatable candidates for the median voter in general elections. This article deals with two leader selections organised by the Italian Partito Democratico (PD) in 2007 and 2009. Using survey data, voters' characteristics in the two primaries relating to the 2008 parliamentary elections are contrasted in order to find out the differences between the two selectorates and the general electorate. Then, the attitudes of the winners' and losers' supporters in primary elections are compared. Although not definitive, the results contradict the primary penalty thesis. Even if the data point out some relevant differences between selectors and electors, the losers' supporters do not seem to be demobilised by the primary results.  相似文献   
恽珠充分发挥自己“名父之女”、“满贵之妻”和“令子之母”的特殊社会文化身份,编选出版《国朝闺秀正始集》及其续集,并辑录《兰闺宝录》,成为得统治者认同的正统闺秀文化典范,对满汉文化的融合与闺秀文化的发展作出了杰出贡献。  相似文献   
钟立功 《攀登》2006,25(2):32-35
对廉洁自律问题的研究,过去通常注重从定性的角度去分析,而且往往只停留在认识的层面。本文从分析廉洁自律能力的实质构成因素入手,进而从定性和定量的深度去把握廉洁自律能力在不同条件下的不同表现,在此基础上探讨廉洁自律能力的修养途径,以引导在特定情景模式下的思维自我训练。  相似文献   
荣增举 《攀登》2006,25(2):44-46
党的第三代中央领导集体高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,领导全党在全面推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的进程中,把党内民主建设作为党的建设的灵魂,把党内制度建设作为党的建设的核心,进一步丰富和发展了党的民主集中制理论。  相似文献   
多数专家都将商末小臣墙刻辞中的"白■"理解为"白麟"。这种看法并不符合先秦古文字的特点,是有问题的。其实,小臣墙刻辞中的"白■"就是伯■,是■族之伯。其得名与■地有关。  相似文献   
Sir Stafford Northcote has gone down in history as a man who fell short of the ultimate achievement of being prime minister largely because of personal weakness, and lack of political virility and drive. The picture painted by Northcote's political enemies – most notably the Fourth Party – has been accepted uncritically. Yet, political motives lay behind the actions of these supporters, and their harsh black and white portrait is not illustrative of the complexity of the situation in which Northcote found himself. Although individual characteristics undoubtedly played a part in his final political failure, underlying dynamics and structural transformations in politics and political life were more significant. It was more than simply the misfortune in succeeding the exceptionally charismatic Disraeli as leader. Northcote was faced with unparalleled disruption in parliament from Irish Nationalist MPs; the starkly polarised debate on the eastern question left him detached as a moderate. His temperament was better suited to constructive government rather than to opposition. However, following general election defeat in 1880, Northcote was denied this opportunity. Equally, his position in the lower House denied him the capacity to define a clear political critique of the Liberal government. Northcote's leadership of the party reflected the changing nature of British politics as radicals, tories, Irish Nationalists and Unionists increasingly contested the consensual style more appropriate to the political world of Palmerston and the 14th earl of Derby.  相似文献   
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