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Inlays range among the most aesthetically pleasing and technically challenging glasses produced in the Ptolemaic period. Despite the central role of this phase in the history of glass technology, little is known about the recipes and the technological knowledge of the Egyptian artisans. This paper will thus focus on the study of the materials from the secondary workshop of Tebtynis (Fayum oasis, Egypt). We report the first multi-methodological study comprising textural, chemical, and mineralogical analyses (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive system, electron probe microanalysis, and μ-Raman spectroscopy) on a set of 81 colorless, white, blue, and green samples carefully selected among the 800+ glasses from the craft area now stored at the Museo Egizio, Turin (Italy). Our study offers the biggest compositional database of well-dated Ptolemaic glasses currently available in the literature, highlighting some interesting novelties regarding the silica and alkali sources, and the coloring and opacifying techniques employed. The results suggest a specialized craft of traditional origin, but open to innovation and experimentation, as expected from transitional phases.  相似文献   

Shelley’s “Letter to Maria Gisborne” is a playful improvisational verse epistle, widely praised for its urbanity and its display of the poet’s invention. The verses turn on a catalogue of the collection of odd scientific and mechanical objects that Shelley found scattered around him in the place he composed the letter, the Livorno workshop of Gisborne’s son, a young engineer who was building a new-model steamboat at the time (with Shelley’s financial and intellectual backing). In the context of that space, the poem reads as a response to competing notions of invention. For Shelley, the engineer’s workshop is an attractive alternative to the poet’s tower—which was uncomfortably close to a Grub Street garret. Verbal and visual images of poets’ and scientists’ workshops, from Hogarth and Mary Robinson, to Joseph Wright of Derby and Frankenstein, illustrate the tensions embodied in the physical location and poetic performance of Shelley’s celebrated “Letter.”  相似文献   
明清铜镜在继承宋金民间铸镜传统的同时,其纹饰及铭文更多地反映了当时普通人士的心态,融入了市井文化内容,形成独特的时代风格。乾隆时期,清宫内府铸制了一批独具特色的宫廷用铜镜,其工艺精湛,纹饰别具一格,是铜镜艺术的一枝奇葩。本文通过对明清铜镜造型、纹饰、款识与铭文、特殊工艺镜、仿古镜以及清宫内府造镜等几个方面进行分析比较,勾划出其时代特征,并对形成这一特征的社会根源作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
2017年,山东寿光机械林场遗址Ⅰ区、Ⅲ区共清理各类遗迹30余处,包括灰坑、盐井和盐灶等。出土器物有圜底瓮、鬲、豆、盆、罐、瓦等,绝大部分为残片,以圜底瓮残片为大宗,器物年代集中于战国早中期。初步判断该遗址为战国时期一处煮盐作坊。  相似文献   
With the introduction of commercially available handheld XRF analysers, there is a growing problem that the results, simply taken at face value, are regarded as representative of the bulk gold alloys of the objects analysed in museums and used for treasure analysis. It is well known that surface analysis is problematic, and the aim of this study was to test whether non‐destructive surface analysis could be useful in grouping the very large numbers of fragmentary pieces in the Anglo‐Saxon Staffordshire Hoard. Surface and subsurface analyses of 16 objects from the Hoard were carried out by X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) and scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive X‐ray analysis (SEM–EDX). The results indicate that there are significant but inconsistent levels of enrichment of the gold at the surface of many of these objects, due to the loss of both copper and silver. The significant loss of silver (up to 50% relative in some cases) suggests that some form of deliberately induced depletion gilding was carried out during manufacture to remove both silver and copper from the surface. In three cases, an increase in silver at the surface compared to the core metal was detected: this might tentatively be explained by redeposition from contact with silver objects during burial. These results have clear implications for the reliability and interpretation of surface analysis data of gold alloys from this period.  相似文献   
The Royal City of Meroe, ca. 200?km north of Khartoum in the modern-day Republic of the Sudan, was an ancient capital of the Kingdom of Kush. From the 3rd century b.c. to the 4th century a.d., Kushite rulers controlled significant territory from the banks of the Nile at Meroe, in part through their ability to ensure the production of significant quantities of iron. The extensive archaeological remains of Meroitic iron production have been investigated over decades, and recently a series of experimental iron smelts in a replica Meroitic furnace has shed new light on the archaeometallurgical evidence. The data generated during the smelting campaigns has provided an understanding of the type of iron ore used, the construction and operating parameters of the furnace, and the workshop space created by the ancient iron smelters during the later and post-Meroitic times.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to determine what technical gestures must be learned in order to produce stone tools. To identify these gestures, we compared the performance of expert knappers and complete novices. We hypothesised that the differences between novices and experts would indicate which technical gestures experts had learned to successfully produce stone tools. Participants were video recorded while attempting to produce a crude handaxe. The recordings were analysed according to ethological methods used to study animal and human behaviour. The knapping performance of each participant was segmented and scored into units in order to identify the technical gestures being used. The results showed considerable differences between experts and novices in three technical gestures: the type of percussion support, the position of the blank and the angle of blow. Therefore, these three technical gestures appear to be crucial in learning to knap stone at the level of bifacial stone toolmakers. By studying how modern knappers gradually master these three technical gestures we may begin to understand how stone knapping is acquired, how bifacial stone tools emerged and what cognitive challenges early handaxe makers had to face.  相似文献   
秦雍城遗址位于陕西省凤翔县城以南,东距西安市170公里,西南距宝鸡市50公里。据文献记载,从春秋晚期的德公元年(前677年)至战国中期的献公二年(前383年)的294年间,雍城一直作为秦国都城,成为秦人由西向东逐渐迁徙  相似文献   
A method is presented for calculating the blade productivity of bidirectional (naviform) blade cores, a hallmark of Near Eastern Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) chipped stone tool assemblages. This approach involves estimating the volume of the core that furnished serial blades, together with the mean volume of a typical targeted blade blank. Simple computation of the volume of a wedge in both instances provides an estimate of the number of targeted blades that were produced in an average single reduction sequence. The method is checked against two replicated bidirectional blade reduction sequences, and a refitted bidirectional blade core from the site of Kfar HaHoresh, Israel. Finally, a case study from Kfar HaHoresh is presented in order to illustrate the application of the method, which may have ramifications concerning the evaluation of incipient craft specialization in the region.  相似文献   
During excavations in the huge ditched enclosure of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain), the main centre from the first hierarchical framework-settlement in the Guadalquivir Valley, a pit with remains of a context for producing ivory artefacts, dating from the first half of the 3rd millennium BC, was discovered in the large metallurgical nucleate workshops. Scientific (Optical Microscopy, FIRT and Raman Spectroscopy, C/N Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry) analyses revealed that the ivory belonged to Asian elephants and the archaeological study, which was made in a specialized workshop context. In this paper we present the archaeological context, the study of the ivory artefacts and the state of research on ivory in the Lower Guadalquivir Basin during the 3rd millennium BC. In a parallel way, this paper discusses the significance of this workshop context in the configuration and function of the long distance circulation of raw material and the specialized craft areas in the first political centres.  相似文献   
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