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ABSTRACT A growing mass of research contributes to our understanding of how biological and cultural diversity are related in complex and important ways. This paper presents an assembling process of biodiversity and cultural diversity on an island, Kin‐men (Quemoy), based on 1600 years of its environmental history. The study shows that the island's biocultural assemblages are a result both of external relations with the island's surrounding environment and internal relations within the island's changing human ecology. Distant political powers and economic forces are the two major external influences that have affected the flow of natural and cultural elements to and from the island, while ‘screening effects’ and ‘isolation effects’ are two factors that explain internal interactions. The island's biocultural assembling processes reveal that the openness of the island facilitates increase in the diversity of biocultural elements, while its less disturbed isolated condition fosters natural succession and co‐evolution. The study suggests that biocultural assemblages and the associated processes of co‐evolution and nature–society interactions are accomplished through the intermittent opportunities purposively provided by or inadvertently found in the openings and closures of boundaries, setting the scene for both boundary crossings and bounded shelter, by intent or chance.  相似文献   
This study examines the interrelationship between external political support, internal organizational factors, and red tape, using a sample of information managers from state health and human service agencies. The study defines a red tape model and tests the model by structural equation modeling method. The study finds that political support has a direct effect on red tape. The higher the political support, the lower the level of red tape. The study also confirms an indirect effect of political support on red tape, mediated by developmental culture. Indirect effect through goal clarity has the correct sign but is not statistically significant. Practical recommendations are made for the political environment to provide the opportunity for managerial reforms that are often advocated.  相似文献   
杨效忠  严星雨 《人文地理》2022,37(3):1-6+162
近年来,旅游业已然成为中国国民经济的战略性支柱产业,但以经济发展为主要目标的旅游研究却呈现出固化和乏味的态势。未来旅游研究应科学与哲学齐头并进,与生命哲学的结合,更是旅游研究顺应时代发展的应有之义。文章以生命哲学研究的主要内容梳理为切入点,探索旅游生命观的形成,以生命哲学视野下的旅游概念与本质为整个研究体系的逻辑起点,分析生命哲学视域下旅游发展的内在机理,从矛盾论、价值论的视角逐步探讨未来旅游的研究与实践方向。结合当今时代特征,发现生命哲学下的旅游本质应是体察风景、体验生活与体悟生命的统合。人与自然共同构建生命共同体,科学旅游发展观应转向“以生命为本”,未来旅游的最终目的是促进人的生命自由和全面发展,实现人与自然的生命延续。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the motivations underlying migration decision-making in the case of young university graduates returning to their rural home region in Switzerland. Empirical results show the joint role of social ties, living environment, and job opportunities, although the weight given to each of these factors varies between graduates. Some strategies used by the graduates to cope with a limited labour market are furthermore identified. I argue that internal migrations are far from being the sole consequence of labour market conditions and that a greater appreciation of non-economic issues is needed.  相似文献   
Feminist geographers use the term diasporic subjectivity to emphasize the relational quality of identity as it is constructed in the dynamic in-between space occupied by the migrant and traversed by norms and practices associated with the village community, migrant peers, and urban consumer society, as well as nation-states. Using ethnographic methods, I explore how young, single rural Chinese women who migrated to Beijing in the 1990s negotiate sexuality in diasporic space, within the discursive and institutional orders of state, market and family. Though migration does not fundamentally alter these structures that construct inequality around place-based identity, gender and class, it does enable rural women to shift position within them and, significantly, to imagine that further, future change is possible. Foregrounding migrant women's agency in remaking gender identity from so-called rustic peasants to modern girls as well as in choosing marital partners and conducting courtship provides an important counterweight to the primary emphasis on structure found in much of the migration literature.  相似文献   
吉田茂是日本现代著名的外交家,政治家,二战以后曾五次担任首相,掌日本政坛帅印达七年之久,吉田茂为战后日本民主政治的建立和发展,日本经济的腾飞做出了卓越贡献,本文从分析吉田内阁对华政策入,着重剖析其内外成因,了解和把握其对当代中日关系的制约和影响,并试图对作为政治家的吉田茂和作为外交家的吉田茂的不同与关联进行探讨。  相似文献   
东汉后期著名史学家荀悦的著作《汉纪》和《申鉴》中包含着卓越的史识。这主要表现他把历史看成是发展的,各种制度应适应时代与社会的发展而变化,统治者必须随时而变,随机应变。他认为考察历史问题应与具体的社会环境结合起来,具体问题具体分析,主张将不同的政治主张置于具体历史时空中探讨。他既能从整体上把握事物,从多角度加以探讨,又能考察事物的不同方面,分析其内在联系。他看到事物具有相对性的特点,主张通过比较把握事物的共性与个性,认为考察事物要透过现象看本质。他朦胧地意识到事物内部存在既相互对立又相互联系的两个方面,在人物评价中注意分析其两重性。荀悦的史识值得我们认真总结。  相似文献   
学界以社会经济指标(人口普查、问卷调查等)为主导测度城市内部贫困空间,取得较好的研究成果;但是普查数据周期长、贫困群体社会经济数据可获得性低,如何制定全覆盖、多方位、易获取的测度指标是该项研究的主要挑战之一。本文尝试使用遥感影像、在线房租等公众可获取的数据,采用FETEX2.0、WEKA等软件,利用三个指标(土地覆盖指数、复杂度、单位房租)建构基于大数据的贫困指数,测度广州市内城核心区718个居委会的贫困得分。再将测度结果与利用第六次全国人口普查数据测度的贫困空间对比分析,探究两种测度方法的区别和适用性。结果显示:①两者的测度结果具有较强的一致性,尤其对前5%最贫困的居委会具有较高重合度;②本文建构的大数据贫困指数对城中村、传统工业区等典型贫困空间识别效果更好。本研究使用易获取、更新周期短的数据,有利于城市贫困空间分布的实时监测,对引导精准分配扶贫资源、有效实施贫困社区更新规划具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This study disentangles the concept of relative deprivation by distinguishing feelings of individual and collective relative deprivation as sources of individual aspirations. Both concepts are then operationalised and empirically tested with regard to their relative importance in migration decision-making. Based on data from the National Sample Survey in 2008, two factors turn out to be relevant in understanding the Indian migration pattern. First, individual and collective relative deprivations are both strong predictors for out-migration, but only for short-distance, intra-state movements. The likelihood of out-migration towards international destinations is significantly higher for households with lower levels of individual and collective relative deprivation. Second, leaving aside the effects of relative deprivation, absolute deprivation plays a rather ambivalent role: while economically better-off households have a higher propensity for sending (primarily male) migrants to distant inter-state and international destinations, shorter distance out-migration is mainly dominated by female migrants stemming from poorer households.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to analyse whether internal migration of graduates is an efficient strategy for addressing scarce occupational opportunities in southern Italy. Analysis of data on the southern graduate population in 2004 shows the rise of a new aspect of social discrimination for recent graduates in the process of transition to the labour market. In fact, the probabilities of adopting different strategies of geographical mobility are not homogeneously distributed, but they change on the basis of available family resources. This differentiation has an impact on labour market outcomes, modifying strategies and ways that lead the transition towards employment.  相似文献   
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