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Developers seeking to assemble complementary parcels of land will likely encounter strategic behavior by landowners. Using a property‐level data set from Florida's Department of Transportation covering the period January 2000 to July 2014, I test whether bargaining delays lead to higher final transaction prices. Given the nature of the data, I can compare properties within the same roadway project to estimate the effect of delayed negotiations. My empirical estimates indicate that bargaining delays lead to increased final transaction prices. The magnitude of this effect is approximately 7 percent for the average holdout, however, the effect is nonlinear and diminishes over time.  相似文献   
This paper reveals the extent to which undergraduate students demonstrate transformative learning whilst on international fieldwork in Barcelona, Spain. Groups of students create a series of discrete active learning situations that allow them and their peers to engage more fully with their locale and in turn experience a deeper understanding of “place”. Reflective field trip notebooks are used to capture the experiences of students. Results show that through the use of the affective domain (Krathwohl’s taxonomy) and applying cyclic experiential learning (Kolb) combined with critical reflection (Mezirow), students demonstrate progression and, in some cases, regression along Krathwohl’s taxonomy.  相似文献   
This research, conducted with groups of undergraduate students before and after a European fieldwork exercise, critically examines the pedagogic value of fieldwork and its ability to provide students with transferable skills. This is achieved using Anderson and Erskine’s lens of tropophilia – the aesthetic connection between people and place – to explore the influence of “being” in the field upon affective learning. In doing so, this research suggests (1) that encouraging students to recognize how their own affective skills may influence the types of knowledge(s) that are produced on fieldtrips and (2) that people-place connections have the ability to inspire students to become more self-reflexive about their position(s) as learners.  相似文献   
王东宏 《攀登》2010,29(3):92-95
本文在充分认识化隆县域经济发展现状的基础上,分析了县域经济发展中存在的主要问题,提出了加快县域经济发展的对策。  相似文献   
乐都县域经济发展的现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王宏伟 《攀登》2006,25(1):107-109
目前,乐都县县域经济得到了跨越式发展,但与全国平均水平和发达县相比,仍存在较大差距。因此,必须以体制和科技创新为动力,以战略性结构调整为主线,以招商引资和项目建设为突破口,加快县域经济发展。  相似文献   
关于民和县县域经济发展的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡生宝 《攀登》2006,25(6):130-132
建设社会主义新农村必须大力发展县域经济。本文分析了民和县县域经济发展的现状及存在的突出问题,并就如何进一步促进民和县县域经济发展进行了思考。  相似文献   
Recent years witnessed an assurgent criticism of anthropocentrism in the social sciences, arguing for more balanced approaches to the study of humans and non-humans as equally responsible for the constitution of society. These claims lean heavily on philosophical grounds, noting that the focus on the human subject is guided by modernist binary oppositions and produces an inappropriate image of society. However, the problems anthropocentricity poses for archaeology are unique, and these received little attention. It is argued that efforts to discover the human subject forces archaeologists to continuously compensate for its absence. A shift of focus from the nexus of humans and things to the nexus of things and other things is proposed, arguing that the relationships among the various components and features of the archaeological record embody social relations in themselves.  相似文献   
江州寻阳郡置于西晋惠帝永兴元年(304年),初领寻阳、柴桑二县,郡境兼跨长江南北今黄梅、武穴、九江一带地,郡治在柴桑;永嘉元年(307年),增领彭泽、上甲、九江三县,统辖地域向东、南扩展至今湖口、彭泽县;永嘉二年至五年间(308-311年),原在江北之寻阳县治南移至江南之湓口城,寻阳郡遂失去江北地,同时,九江县废入柴桑;安帝义熙八、九年间(412-413年),省寻阳、上甲,原在寻阳县境内的松滋、弘农二侨郡降为县,隶寻阳郡。这一系列变化,是政局变动、区域政治格局、地方政治势力、经济兴衰以及军事行动、策略等多方面因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
吴春香 《攀登》2006,25(4):130-132
西部大开发是一项得民心、顺民意的世纪工程,也是我国西部民族地区期待已久的造福工程。然而作为开发主体之一的藏区,对这一战略工程的认识还有待进一步提高,实施力度还有待进一步加大。本文试图寻找解决问题的出路,以推动藏区经济社会的全面发展。  相似文献   
Globalizing Flowscapes and the Historical Archaeology of the Mormon Domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Historical archaeology within the Mormon Domain should focus upon the globalizing flowscapes defined by Arjun Appaduri: ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, financescapes, and ideoscapes. This perspective moves archaeological scholarship away from attempts to identify a single “Mormon Culture Pattern” and illustrate that pattern's collapse to processes of Americanization and Globalization after Utah achieved statehood. By shifting the focus to the relationships of exchange organized using the flowscapes, the Mormon Domain becomes an ideal venue to explore the roots of globalization's bifurcating tendency to deterritorialize nations and regions by connecting local places with transnational population movements. This intellectual perspective will further align historical archaeology in Utah and the Great Basin with general trends in historical archaeology, New Western History, and New Mormon History.  相似文献   
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