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The inns and innkeepers of medieval England form a poorly documented and neglected group of institutions and individuals. Yet at a time of growing specialism, they were a crucial part of the economic infrastructure of the country. This study is focused on the documentation for central southern England but seeks to place this in a wider perspective. There was now a regular provision of inns in accordance with the size and importance of the towns. Inns generated substantial rent and were evidently felt to be worth considerable investment. Innkeepers were among the rich and influential members of the town. Inns played a vital role in the evolving and prospering economic, social and political life of the nation in this period.  相似文献   
More than 40 logboats are known from the Czech Republic, and at least 20 are preserved in repositories or regional museums (seven in Moravia, 13 in Bohemia). Two further vessels remain in situ. Many logboats are known from neighbouring countries, but until recently vessels from the Czech Republic have not attracted the same research interest. Only five Czech vessels (two from Bohemia and three from Moravia) have been dated by absolute methods. Several more have been assigned tentative dates on the basis of context or close similarity to other dated vessels. This article presents a summary of current evidence. © 2009 The Author  相似文献   
本研究以石羊河流域为研究区,选取2000、2006、2010年三期遥感影像为数据源,采用成本加权距离和城乡聚落体系潜能指数对传统的场强模型进行改进,综合利用扩张强度指数、扩张速度指数等分析研究石羊河流域内部城乡聚落体系空间结构分异。在此基础上,基于GIS技术并结合道路等级和长度计算流域内城乡聚落体系间最短时间距离来分析城乡聚落体系空间联系与空间相互作用,据此分析石羊河流域城乡聚落体系空间结构变化及影响模式。  相似文献   
两次鸦片战争之后,随着"条约制度"的形成,中国的江海航运权逐渐为外人所攘夺.由于西方航运势力的东侵,中国的江海航运呈现出多样化趋势.在此历史背景下,中外船只碰撞问题不可避免地产生了,而由船碰所生的中外交涉、华洋诉讼诸问题,则复杂多端.但中外各方,尤其是晚清政府所采取的应对措施以及颁布的一系列防碰章程,却成为中国近代海商立法之滥觞.  相似文献   
In September 1819, the passenger steamboat Phoenix caught fire on Lake Champlain and sank off of Colchester Shoal, Vermont, depositing a store of archaeological data on the design and use of early American steamers. The wreck is believed to be the earliest example of a steamboat that has yet been investigated archaeologically, and has been used as a case study for the early development of steam propulsion in North America.  相似文献   
This paper describes the excavation, discoveries relating to the hull, machinery, and artefacts, and the history of an early steamboat wreck discovered in the Red River between Oklahoma and Texas. The wreck has been identified as the side‐wheel steamer Heroine, a vessel in service on the Mississippi, Ohio, and other western rivers of North America during the 1830s. It is the earliest example of this famous type of vessel yet studied.  相似文献   
程军 《历史地理研究》2020,40(4):119-131
1898年清廷颁布《内港行船章程》后,长江内河轮运骤兴,开放轮船行驶的内港日渐增多,截至1929年全流域有超过418处内港开放行轮,内河航运格局为之一变。长江流域开放行轮的内港在空间上集中于下游地区,中游也有较多分布,上游地区则十分稀少。行轮内港的开放在时间上则呈现出下游到上游、干流到支流两种趋势。近代行轮内港的时空变迁趋势反映了轮运这一新式交通在长江流域的发展情况。  相似文献   
贾建飞 《中国边疆史地研究》2012,(2):90-103,149,150
清朝统一新疆后,积极鼓励内地人移居新疆,以达减轻内地人口压力、开发新疆及实边之目的。随着内地人移居新疆,内地文化亦逐渐传入并扎根新疆,尤其是北疆。而内地的各种坛庙则是其中一个重要的方面,很快便充斥于新疆尤其是北疆各地,并形成了一种浓厚的内地文化氛围。这种氛围对于进一步吸引内地人向新疆流动,加强内地人对新疆的认知和认同,以及巩固清朝对新疆的统治等,起到了非常重要的作用。本文利用满、汉档案以及其他清代相关文献,对内地坛庙在新疆的发展及其影响等进行了分析。  相似文献   
自汉武帝元鼎六年(公元前111年),开置交趾、九真、日南三郡,交趾地区就成为汉帝国多民族统一国家整体中不可分割的有机组成部分。此后300余年间,两汉中央王朝之所以能够始终维持对这一地区稳固的郡县统治,不仅因为她于此实施有效的行政管理,合理经营,也与通过各种途径徙居交趾的内地移民有着重大的关系。随着大量内地移民落籍交趾三郡,同时伴随移民而带来的中原内地文化在南部边疆的全面传播,及其对当地土著文化的整合,为交趾地区统一于两汉王朝奠定了广泛而深厚的社会基础,创造了良好的文化条件,促进了该地区与中原内地整体发展的不断加强,从而使交趾三郡成为汉帝国不可分割的南部边疆。内地移民是汉代南部边疆开发的生力军,是交趾三郡统一于汉王朝多民族国家整体的主要社会基础。  相似文献   
清代卫所制度述略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清代卫所制度是对明代卫所制度的改造和调整,其官员由世袭改为任命,职能由原先的军事、经济相结合转变为纯粹的经济职能。  相似文献   
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