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魏晋南北朝玉佩研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏晋南北朝玉佩自发现以来,学术界对其性质和组构样式的判断皆不甚明了。近年南京仙鹤观东晋玉佩的完整发现,为研究其结构与性质提供了详实的研究资料。本文以此为基础,结合国内各地玉佩的发现情况及历史文献资料,分析魏晋南北朝时期玉佩发展、演变的历史原因,并试对玉佩构件进行了初步的复原研究。  相似文献   
契丹族建立的辽朝(907-1125年)雄踞北方100多载。其自北魏始与中原王朝有往来,及至隋、唐、五代、宋等,政治、经济、商贸往来连绵不绝,并与中亚、西亚诸政权也有交往,从而形成了其所创造的文化和艺术的独特性。本文通过对几件兼具实用和装饰功能的玉盒佩的介绍,以揭示辽代玉器独特的草原风貌及中原文化、佛教文化对其的影响。  相似文献   
We studied the composition, colour chromaticity and form of application of red pigments in human bone samples from seven Classic period Lowland Maya sites. The samples were analysed by X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X‐ray energy‐dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Colour was measured using conventional colour identification standards (Munsell) and reflectance spectroscopy. Cinnabar and hematite were identified as the pigments used. We conclude that the reflectance method has advantages over conventional visual results, as it provides precise, objective and quantifiable optical data to distinguish the chromaticity, colour saturation and brightness of the pigments.  相似文献   
The saturation magnetization σ of soft baked pottery appears to be determined during the firing process by transitions between the iron oxides magnetite, maghemite, hematite and perhaps goethite. The finding of large variations in σ motivated the design and construction of a ‘magnetization–gravitation’, or ‘MG’, balance for rapid non‐destructive magnetization measurements. The first results with this MG balance are presented: iso‐σ contours, typical histograms and correlations with colour features. Practical MG applications are summarized.  相似文献   
营城子汉墓位于辽宁省大连市甘井子区,是我国东北地区一处重要的大型汉墓群。营城子汉墓出土了一批玻璃耳珰,为探讨其成型工艺及来源,采用超景深显微系统进行了表面形貌观察,初步认为是模铸成型,并经过打磨。采用便携式X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)进行了化学成分分析,结果显示,它们分属铅钡硅酸盐和钾硅酸盐玻璃系统,一件由Cu2+着色,其余主要由Co2+着色。其为我国自制,所用钴料来源相同,钴料的锰钴比特征与国产钴土矿的类似。并对营城子汉墓出土玻璃耳珰造型与化学成分体系间的关系进行了分析,对玻璃耳珰制作模式进行了初步探讨,进一步加深了对我国古代玻璃耳珰制作与传播的认识。  相似文献   
The work focuses on the potential of structural and chemical examinations by scanning electron microscopy based methods for archaeometric studies on ceramics. Achieved by a single preparation technique (polished block sections), the feasibility and benefits of electron backscatter diffraction are demonstrated as case studies using polychrome examples of pre‐Columbian pottery (Wari, Moche and Cajamarca). Elemental and phase maps allow for separate consideration of clay and temper. Identification of mineral phases and intergrowths of temper particles provide information for clarifying clay procurement and firing techniques with respect to local versus non‐local pottery to enlighten trade relations, technological transfer and shared heritage of pre‐Columbian cultures.  相似文献   
A scalenohedral hematite pendant (presumably a pseudomorph after a calcite crystal), excavated on Bahrain (ancient Dilmun) in the Persian Gulf from layers dated to c.1800 bc , was investigated using X‐ray computed microtomography. The internal porosity was studied in 3D, showing a preferential concentration of small pores in the central part, where carbonate remnants might still be present, and larger, flattened, elongated voids in the subsurface portion. Part of the scalenohedron can be described as an intergrowth of platy hematite crystals. Microtomography also yielded data on pore‐size distribution. Considerations are given to the genetic model and the provenance of the hematite pendant.  相似文献   
The use of red ochre for utilitarian, symbolic and artistic purposes is widely documented in prehistoric contexts. The absence of adequate red‐coloured raw materials influenced the development of technological activities aimed at modifying the original physiochemical properties of yellow ochre. The heat treatment of goethite to obtain hematite was investigated in the western sector of the Lessini Mountains in north‐east Italy, where red ochre was found in the (Proto)Aurignacian levels at Fumane cave and in the Late Epigravettian sequence at Tagliente rockshelter. The combination of X‐ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) proved that heat treatment was a common practice in the studied archaeological sites due to the scarce availability of suitable hematite‐based material in the region.  相似文献   
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