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Attending to Poly-Olbion’s river dynamics, I argue that, implicitly opposing natural, inevitable unionization, Drayton demonstrates through visual and poetic means that any viable empire is forged by deliberate local choices about conjunction and affiliation. Further, I show that by reconfiguring Saxton’s maps, rejecting politically defined boundaries and perceptions, and situating three major rivers as the organizing features of the landscape and the empire, Drayton ultimately defines Britain as inherently and universally maritime. Moreover, linking Poly-Olbion to mare clausum and mare liberum debates, I reveal that Drayton situates the flow of self-aware rivers into the sea as an extension of Britain beyond its land boundaries. He thereby suggests that the eventual mixing of British waters with the larger oceans establishes the basis of Britain’s local and global maritime rights, linking regional autonomy and conjunction by choice with claims to both local offshore dominion and global freedom of navigation and trade.  相似文献   
沈有梓 《攀登》2008,27(5):92-95
大力发展三江源地区的医疗卫生事业,不断提高人民群众的健康水平,对于加快生态文明建设,推动环境保护,促进人与自然和谐相处,统筹经济社会全面协调可持续发展,着力改善民生,使该地区与全国同步实现全面建设小康社会目标,都具有十分重要的意义。本文在概要阐述三江源地区医疗卫生事业发展现状与特征以及政府公共卫生政策措施与效应的基础上,提出推动该地区医疗卫生事业可持续发展的若干公共政策建议。  相似文献   
在河口三角洲地区,河流是与人类活动关系最为密切的自然元素。本研究选取位于珠江三角洲核心区的广州市五眼桥涌地区为典型案例,通过实地调查、标图和深度访谈,结合相关的统计资料和历史文献,解析了快速城市化背景下珠江三角洲河涌环境的演化过程及动力机制,并分析了人-河关系的演进。研究发现案例地的河涌环境在地貌形态和水环境方面都发生了剧烈变化;城市河涌环境演化的主要动力来自于社会生产层面和个人生活层面的人类活动变迁。案例地人与河涌关系的演进经历了亲密和谐、对立隔离、重塑改善三个阶段。  相似文献   
三江源区生态移民的价值测算与补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江源区在我国乃至世界占有极其重要的生态地位。随着三江源区生态保护与建设项目的顺利实施,作为该项目十大工程之一的生态移民建设已经取得了阶段性的成绩,但在推进生态移民工作中存在的问题也日渐显现。要着力解决这些问题,关键在于理清并建立该区域生态环境的价值测算与补偿机制。  相似文献   
This paper reports the initial recording of an early riverboat wreck located in the Red River between Oklahoma and Texas. The wreck is probably the Caddo lost in 1842. The visible wreckage is described and the history of the Caddo is discussed. This is the earliest western rivers steamboat investigated by archaeologists to date.  相似文献   
海河水系以"清"为名的大清河其实只是相对于位居其南、其北著名浊流滹沱河与永定河而言的"清"河。历史时期,随着上游水土流失的日益加剧,大清河南系各河含沙量不断增高,干流段决徙逐渐频繁。本文利用历史文献,对先秦以来在自然与人类活动共同影响下的大清河南系的变迁进行了探讨,揭示和总结了两千余年来水系格局变动的基本过程及主要特点。大清河南系又是白洋淀湖群地表径流补给最大的水源,上述研究结论还将是理解和分析这一著名湖群演变不可忽视的重要基础。  相似文献   
秦代山川祭祀格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山川祭祀在中国古代国家祭祀体系中地位显要,秦代首创了统一王朝山川祭祀的大格局,将名山大川整合为一个体系,其中又有"崤以东"与"华以西"的区分。西汉中前期对秦的格局既有延续也有调整。本文逐一梳理了秦至西汉初年"名山大川"的地望,考证其祠庙具体位置及设立时间。同时,本文考察了秦至西汉中期的国家山川祭祀格局,并分析了这一格局形成的原因及其意义。秦汉的山川祭祀不仅是国家祭祀中的重要组成部分,也是政治地理格局的一种反映,承担着宣告王朝正统性及皇帝控制力的意义。  相似文献   
桑才让 《攀登》2011,30(6):15-20
文化适应性是移民面临的一个重要问题。本文在实地调研的基础上,分析了三江源生态移民文化不适应的客观必然性以及表现,提出了文化适应的具体策略。  相似文献   
For a brief period about a century ago, reputable scientists gave credence to the idea that wind was capable of regional planation. Among them was J.T. Jutson, whose publications exerted considerable influence both in Australia and overseas. He differentiated between deflation and corrasion (sand‐blasting) and in 1914 attributed major as well as minor landscape features to their activity. He ascribed the westward migration of salinas and the shaping of associated rock platforms to the wind as well as to the extension of valleys that were incised into the lateritised Old Plateau and that coalesced to form the New Plateau of Western Australia. But local and overseas colleagues drew his attention to the primacy of rivers in shaping even desert landscapes, and by 1934 Jutson had realised that running water was almost solely responsible for the New Plateau.  相似文献   
周馥与山东黄河的治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为晚清封疆大吏的周馥,对山东黄河的治理尤为重视。在治理前,他非常重视考察黄河水性,并制定切实可行的治水方案。治理黄河本身体现了周馥重视农业的思想。  相似文献   
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