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地理学家的演讲与他们运用文字、图象所作的交流同样值得重视.美国的地理学可以通过下述途径得到加强,即围绕地点、地区和全球联系发展实质性演讲,促进自然地理的发展,恢复地理生态的传统.地理信息系统(geographic information systems)对于完成上述任务,对于改进地理学科以满足不断出现的需要,将是一个非常有用的工具.如果我们能够避免自己拆自己的台,避免不现实的空想,避免玩弄语言技巧,而是坚持在大学里进行高质量的教学,并在教师和从事地理实践工作的人员之间开展学术交流,那么地理学将会变得更加有效.我们有一个前所未有的机会来帮助改进美国的中小学地理教育.  相似文献   
Building on existing research concerned with social distance in multi-ethnic states, this study of college students in Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region provides a picture of social attitudes, intra-group attachment, and inter-group social distance along ethnic and religious lines in Northwest China. The study measures inter-ethnic group fissures in Chinese society as measured in social distance between three ethnic groups: Han, Hui, and Tibetan. Comparative survey methods are used to examine inter- and intra-group relations by mapping dimensions of social distance among 382 university students. Our results indicate only very subtle differences that suggest a closer majority–minority relationship than the previous literature indicates, especially between the Hui and Han. The findings show some clustering and segregating patterns along ethnic lines, specifically when accounting for degrees of trust and tolerance and levels of ethnic and religious attachment. The Hui and Han in Ningxia exhibit closer inter-group relations in comparison to wider measurements of social distance between the Tibetan and Han in Gansu. Where the survey data revealed clustering among ethnic groups, the analysis shows that religious, geographical, and economic differences fail to account for the attitudinal differences between ethnic groups.  相似文献   
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is moving across the international stage as the future King of Saudi Arabia. He has the support of his father, Saudi royals, and the oil income of his country. He also has 10‐year plan he agreed upon with the King called Vision 2030. The three components of the Vision are to diversify the oil‐based economy to include technology and tourism, to make the country the heart of Islam and Arab culture and to become the economic and geographic hub of Asia/Europe and Africa. His rise in power will depend upon his skill in expanding the religious tolerance of Saudi people, the current economic structure of the country, and the education of the youth. He is simultaneously addressing all these challenges in order to cement the country's future sustainability. Suggestions for enhancing his multifaceted impact on his country are provided.  相似文献   
This article explores the relationship between unmappable lesbian space, the Xenaverse, which is a complex discursive space generated out of the syndicated television show Xena: Warrior Princess, and the national space of Aotearoa New Zealand. The article argues that the Xenaverse is an imaginary space which is also a lesbian space and that it is partially pulled into material national space by its links to Aotearoa New Zealand. It is therefore an excellent example of the complex and recursive process of lesbian place making. The role of distance as a significant factor for dominant national discourses, the Xenaverse, and lesbian possibility is discussed to partially account for the materialisation of the Xenaverse in Aotearoa New Zealand. The article suggests that unmappable lesbian spaces such as the Xenaverse can be examined using three analytic filters: ephemeral space; queered lesbian space; and neo-colonial processes.  相似文献   
In Israel and Palestine, map-making practices were always entangled with contradictive spatial identities and imbalanced power resources. Although an Israeli narrative has largely dominated the ‘cartographic battlefield’, the latest chapter of this story has not been written yet: collaborative forms of web 2.0 cartographies have restructured power relations in mapping practices and challenged traditional monopolies on map and spatial data production. Thus, we can expect web 2.0 cartographies to be a ‘game changer’ for cartography in Palestine and Israel. In this paper, I review this assumption with the popular example of OpenStreetMap (OSM). Following a mixed methods approach, I comparatively analyze the genesis of OSM in Israel and Palestine. Although nationalist motives do not play a significant role on either side, it turns out that the project is dominated by Israeli and international mappers, whereas Palestinians have hardly contributed to OSM. As a result, social fragmentations and imbalances between Israel and Palestine are largely reproduced through OSM data. Discussing the low involvement of Palestinians, I argue that OSM's ground truth paradigm might be a watershed for participation. Presumably, the project's data are less meaningful in some local contexts than in others. Moreover, the seemingly apolitical approach to map only ‘facts on the ground’ reaffirms present spatio-social order and thus the power relations behind it. Within a Palestinian narrative, however, many aspects of the factual material space might appear not as neutral physical objects but as results of suppression, in which case, any ‘accurate’ spatial representation, such as OSM, becomes objectionable.  相似文献   
以表现方式和取材方法为主,结合现代学者对古代地理文献类型的划分以及明代的具体实情,可以将明代的地理文献划分为传统地志类、广义游记类、西传地理文献类和舆图类。它们在明代均得到了较快的发展。虽然都是地理文献,但它们之间又存在着诸多差异。通过对这些文献的分析研究,我们可以窥见明代地理学的发展趋向。  相似文献   
李宁利 《人文地理》2004,19(3):69-73,68
历史文献记载及婚俗残余反映古代岭南地区盛行一夫多妻制,本文在此基础上,指出该地特殊的自然地理环境、深刻的历史和社会文化背景、鲜明的区域文化特色等是使得一夫多妻制盛行的主要原因。一夫多妻制在岭南有明显的地域差异,可分为山区、珠江三角洲和沿海三个地区,给当地社会和文化带来深刻的影响,时至今日,在岭南经济发达的城镇,重婚、“包二奶(情妇)”现象又有所抬头,是新形势下一夫多妻制的另一种表现形式或折射。在正视这种现象同时,应充分认识它,并采取强有力措施革除它,以达到净化社会风气的目的。  相似文献   
The Whereabouts of Power: Politics, Government and Space   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract In a world where it has become almost commonplace to talk about power as centralised or distributed, concentrated or diffuse, deterritorialized or dispersed even, it is all too easy to miss the diverse geographies of power that put us in place. The binary talk that forces us to choose between a centred or a decentred view of power, or to shuffle between them in an effort to blur clearly demarcated scales, leaves little room to move beyond defined distances and settled proximities in relation to the exercise of power. In this paper, a more spatially‐curious dialogue of power is opened up which foregrounds associational as well as instrumental forms of power which can make a difference to how we act politically.  相似文献   
许浩 《人文地理》2005,20(2):93-97
现代艺术是目前唯一在国际上占统治地位的艺术现象。本文从地理学角度出发研究现代艺术的发展演变。首先回顾了现代艺术的发展过程,重点分析了现代艺术的地域性特征,指出国际现代艺术体系有"中心-边缘"性的分布格局,从流派数量和艺术主题的变化方面总结了其发展演变特点,并且总结了历史上三次重要的艺术扩散过程。其次分析了我国现代艺术发展的时空分布和地理格局,指出我国现代艺术的中心位于东部沿海大城市,具有分布不均、在国际体系中地位不高的特征。最后指出我国城市积极参与国际现代艺术体系、提升文化艺术地位的重要性和途径。  相似文献   
尹宏兵 《江汉考古》2005,(2):61-65,73
三峡地区与东部平原的不同地理环境,导致了峡区和平原地区的考古学文化的差异。古代人类对不同地理环境适应的结果,是反映在考古学文化中的环境因素。  相似文献   
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