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We analyze the general equilibrium effects of an asymmetric decrease in transport costs, combining a large-scale spatial dynamic general equilibrium model for 267 European NUTS-2 regions with a detailed transport model at the level of individual road segments. As a case study, we consider the impact of the road infrastructure investments in Central and Eastern Europe of the European Cohesion Policy. Our analysis suggests that the decrease in transportation costs benefits the targeted regions via substantial increases in gross domestic product (GDP) and welfare compared to the baseline, and a small increase in population. The geographic information embedded in the transport model leads to relatively large predicted benefits in peripheral countries such as Greece and Finland, which hardly receive funds, but whose trade links cross Central and Eastern Europe, generating profit from the investments there. The richer, Western European nontargeted regions also enjoy a higher GDP after the investment in the East, but these effects are smaller. Thus, the policy reduces interregional disparities. There are rippled patterns in the predicted policy spillovers. In nontargeted countries, regions trading more intensely with regions where the investment is taking place on average benefit more compared to other regions within the same country, but also compared to neighboring regions across an international border. We uncover that regions importing goods from Central and Eastern Europe enjoy the largest spillovers. These regions become more competitive and expand exports, to the detriment of other regions in the same country.  相似文献   

The policy phrase Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is rapidly gaining ground across Southeast Asia (and beyond). Despite numerous policy reports, little is known about how vocational training and education work as sites of practice. This is especially true for informal household-based apprenticeships and privately organized, commercial classroom-based training. Yet, these latter arrangements are numerous, an integral part of the widespread informal economy, and reflecting the fact that homes have retained their productive character in much of the Global South. Combining a village-based perspective (Laos) with an urban-based perspective (Cambodia), we analyse how these informal and privately organized training spaces are situated in rural youth’s gendered lives and shaped by, but also generative of, aspirations of ‘becoming someone’. In addition, comparing informal apprenticeships with classroom-based training leads us to raise some important questions about the implications of the (global) policy emphasis on the standardization and formalization of TVET.  相似文献   
This article seeks to establish that the 1892 general election marked a major change in the relative positions of the parties in the Unionist alliance. Not only did it reveal the limitations of the Liberal Unionist Party's strategy and appeal in an age of increasingly organised, mass politics, but it also acted as a brake on the ambitions of the new leader of the Liberal Unionists in the house of commons, Joseph Chamberlain. It argues that the Liberal Unionist Party suffered a more severe setback in 1892 than has been recognized hitherto and that Chamberlain's attempts to revive his party both before and after the general election were now prescribed by the reality of the political position in which the party now found itself. Rather than regarding the fluid political circumstances of the 1890s as the outcome of an emerging struggle between increasingly polarised ideologies, it seeks to reinforce the significance of local political circumstances and the efficacy of party management in the growing dominance of Lord Salisbury and Arthur Balfour and the Conservative central organisers.  相似文献   
在甲午战争中,邓世昌、林泰曾、刘步蟾和丁汝昌等海军将领宁死不屈、战败自杀,其事迹可歌可泣,更发人深省。从他们成长经历和战斗事略,不难洞悉其自杀原因在于传统的忠君思想和荣辱观以及脆弱的国民性格。中国军人特别是各级将领应当知耻而后勇,树立正确的荣辱观,方能立于不败之地。  相似文献   
冯彩莉 《攀登》2007,26(6):176-178
文章在对青海省高校教师的职业压力进行调查的基础上,分析了这个群体的基本状况及他们所面临的问题,并提出缓解青海省高校中青年教师职业压力的建议。  相似文献   
王作全  王立明 《攀登》2006,25(5):127-130
随着我国市场经济的不断深入发展,市场交易中的不正当竞争现象也越来越突出,已成为反不正当竞争法律规制中的重要理论和实践问题。为进一步完善我国反不正当竞争的立法,本文主要阐述了我国反不正当竞争法应坚持的立法模式,即一般条款与列举条款并重,并提出实行类型化立法的问题。  相似文献   
论晚清"裁厘统捐"与"裁厘认捐"的尝试及夭折   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨华山 《史学月刊》2004,5(2):57-63
厘金在晚清财政中占有重要地位,但因多次征收而导致的税率过高使多方极为不满,也造成了中央与地方的财政矛盾。《辛丑条约》签订后,为了预备“裁厘加税”,清政府决定对厘金进行改革,实施“裁厘统捐”。随着立宪运动的展开,商民势力较大的江浙等省发起“裁厘认捐”,以抵制清廷的“裁厘统捐”。由于厘金问题事涉中央、地方、商民等多方利益与矛盾,加之清廷措置失当,短时期内难以顺利调适,博弈的结果是官方的“裁厘统捐”和商民的“裁厘认捐”均以失败告终。  相似文献   
南朝都督诸州军事与所领将军职有密切的关系。将军职是都督诸州军事设置的前提条件。但是 ,都督诸州军事所领将军职不是与都督诸州军事合而为一的 ,保持明显的独立性。南朝国家为保证都督诸州军事获得将军职 ,采取多种途径授予都督诸州军事将军职 ,使都督诸州军事领任将军职表现出多样性。都督诸州军事所领将军职对都督诸州军事的任职具有明显的影响 ,表现为 :可以提高都督诸州军事的地位 ;可以影响都督诸州军事所处的等级地位 ;可以体现对都督诸州军事政绩的表彰。都督诸州军事与所领将军职的这种影响关系 ,是都督诸州军事的设置表现出独自的特点。  相似文献   
谭霖 《攀登》2008,27(5):156-157
新闻工作者承担着宣传党的路线、方针、政策,传播科学文化知识,反映人民呼声的历史重任。因此,作为一名新闻工作者,不仅要具备较高的政治素质,而且必须具备良好的职业道德。这样,才能抵制住各种不良风气的影响和侵蚀,净化新闻工作环境,更好地发挥才智,做好本职工作。  相似文献   
代林静 《攀登》2008,27(4):200-202
在新时期,新闻工作者肩负着“以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人”的历史使命。所以,作为一名新闻工作人员必须始终保持清醒的头脑,不断提高自己的业务素质,以较强的政治鉴别力和政治敏锐性确保新闻舆论导向的正确。  相似文献   
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