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《梦窗词》有多种版本,通行的主要有《梦窗甲乙丙丁稿》四卷本和《梦窗词集》一卷本。本研究和考述了上述两种版本以及由此演变而来的各种版本。  相似文献   
A. Tarriño 《Archaeometry》2015,57(5):928-948
A new classification system is proposed to describe the volumetric formats of clastic lithic products of geological and archaeological origin. In order to build this operative classification, the rectangular block or cuboid is established as the standard geometric format to represent their three‐dimensional format (the X‐axis being length or long diameter, the Y‐axis being the width or intermediate diameter, and the Z‐axis being the thickness or short diameter) on a two‐dimensional diagram. To obtain this graph, each absolute coordinate (X, Y, Z) defining the prisms is projected on to an auxiliary plane with a new set of relative coordinates (x, y, z), expressed as the percentage of their sum. The projection generates a triangular diagram on which the indices of elongation and flatness are represented. A geometric transformation converting the triangular diagram into a quadrangular diagram has been produced in order to better represent the scatter points. Then, a double scale is necessary: (i) an absolute scale to quantify the indices, and (ii) a relative scale to calculate where the graphic locus is projected. This new graph also allows us to work with statistical parameters. Finally, two classic examples of applications selected from the literature are shown.  相似文献   
本从历代书目、题跋入手考察了宋代词集《梅苑》自宋代以讫近代的流传及版刻情况对诸传刻本、钞本的授受源流、钞刻时代及版式特点进行了说明,并比较了它们之间的优劣异同。  相似文献   
日前,国家社科基金重大项目湖北出土未刊布楚简(五种)集成研究课题组,对纳入课题的湖北江陵藤店、江陵红光砖瓦厂、荆门严仓、老河口安岗和江夏丁家咀等五种共七批楚简进行了常规与红外照片的拍摄。拍摄期间,课题组尽可能对竹简形制及与形制有关的方面进行观察、测量和记录。本文分修治、编联、缮写、刮削与补字等四点谈了我们在这方面的初步印象。  相似文献   
《史记》电子资源述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘伟  胡海香 《史学月刊》2003,(10):93-97
目前所见的比较流行的电子版文献如《四库全书》、《汉籍全文检索系统》、《国学宝典》、《二十五史多媒体全文检索系统》、“汉籍电子文献”中的《史记》有着各自的功能和特点,一些比较常用的可在internet上进行《史记》在线阅读或下载的网站和软件,存在一定的问题,我们可进行多方面努力克服这些缺陷,古籍资源的电子化将有更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

This article interprets the use of teraphim in 1 Sam 19,13 through a historiographical lens. A close reading of 1 Sam 13-19 reveals Saul's doomed kingship (a lack of God's presence) and God's continual presence with David. Drawing on Hayden White's historiography, archaeological material, and textual sources, one can see how the teraphim functions as part of the emplotted (arranged) narrative of David and Saul, emphasizing the leitmotiv that runs through David's rise and Saul's decline. The author of the 1 Sam 19 arranged the narrative vis-a-vis David and Saul in such a way that her or his audience would understand.  相似文献   
王剑 《史学集刊》2005,(1):27-33
明代的密疏是朝臣上呈给皇帝的一种秘密章奏,是一种特殊的上行官书。和普通的题、奏本相比,它有诸多的不同。其中密疏书写格式的特殊,既是密疏与一般章奏最显的差别之处,其相对独特的书写格式的形成,也是明代密疏言事初步制度化的一个表现。明代密疏书写格式的发展,大致经历了两个阶段,即明代中前期时,密疏的书写格式依照一般的题、奏本格式,并无太大的差别;而到了明世宗嘉靖初年,始形成了影响后世的书写格式。明代密疏的书写格式大体上包括开首、叙事和结尾三个主要的部分,此外,密疏书写中的尊上与禁忌也与一般的章奏有较大的不同,这些正是明代密疏书写格式的独特之处。  相似文献   

From the time that Pfeiffer’s work on the structure of the Book of Malachi was published, scholars have divided the Book into six oracles with a common question/answer answer format. Most scholars attempt to identify the genre of the oracles and their sitz im leben according to this struc-ture. However, scholars have overlooked one basic feature connected with this format in the Book of Malachi, a feature that has significant ramifications for the understanding of the book. Examining the content of the questions and answers, we discover that they fall into two different categories, one in which the prophet rebukes the people and the people attempt to justify their actions (in the second, third, and fifth oracles), and one in which the main accusation is made by the people against God, while God justifies Himself against the people’s accusations (in the first, fourth, and sixth oracles). Having made this distinction, we can understand more clearly the principle on which the whole book is based. The oracles of Malachi reflect a breach in the covenantal rela-tionship between God and the people that is expressed through mutual accu-sations. The prophet seeks to repair this breach through a message designed to renew and strengthen the people’s feeling that God is committed to the cove-nantal relationship with Israel.  相似文献   
马涛 《攀登》2011,30(5):126-128
目前,党报受到网络等新兴媒体的冲击,加之自身发展的困境,使党报亟待创新。今后,党报要进一步在理念、内容以及版面形式上创新,以增强竞争力,促进党报的发展。  相似文献   
对胡刻本《文选》征引《广雅》的700余条中与今本《广雅》的相异条目或今本《广雅》无收者一一进行考释,并从中归纳《文选》引用字书的体例。  相似文献   
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