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In the context of changing demand for fire services, spatial optimisation of fire coverage has attracted little scholarly attention despite its potential to improve emergency response and to inform future service planning for fire stations. Drawing on small area population forecasts, this paper extends the application of the Maximum Coverage Location Model to compute and delineate the spatial coverage of current and proposed new fire stations to align with population growth estimates for Brisbane, Australia. Our results reveal important gaps in fire cover that are likely to emerge as a result of predicted population growth, the spatial patterns of which varies across the Brisbane metropolitan area. We draw on these results to delineate a series of new potential sites for fire stations to ameliorate the reduction in spatial coverage as a consequence of predicted population growth demonstrating the utility of our analytic approach for decision‐making and operational planning in the fire services.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the ideal of rationality espoused by the European Enlightenment hinges on the separation of the light of reason from heat, with which it had been conjoined in the classical element of fire at least since the Greek antiquity. As a result, evil, from the standpoint of the Enlightenment is tantamount to heat without light, while evil, critically viewed outside this tradition, inheres in the absolute separation between the two aspects of the life-giving, albeit ineluctably dangerous, fire.  相似文献   
Bushfires (landscape fires) are a key Earth system process that affects humans and our societies and economies. In a recent article, we explored the coupling of humans to landscape fire through the lens of human health impacts of bushfire smoke. We noted that such an approach demands recognition of the indirect impacts and costs of bushfires that cannot be captured by simplistic proxies such as deaths directly attributable to a fire front. Evaluation of direct and indirect economic costs of bushfire disasters, and bushfire fire management remains a poorly developed research frontier that demands collaboration of expertise from a broad cross‐section of fields that often have limited experience of collaborating together. The need for such synthetic thinking about fire's place on Earth has spawned the discipline of pyrogeography.  相似文献   
The temperature response of four Phyllocladus aspleniifolius (Celery–top Pine) sites along an altitudinal gradient within a cool temperate broad leaf forest environment in the southwest of Tasmania, Australia was examined. Although strong evidence of a systematically changing response with elevation could not be found, there was evidence that minimum temperature in particular may be important in determining the altitudinal extent of the species. Climatic responses of the Warra LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) area sites were representative of other known sites in southwestern Tasmania. A link between event years in P. aspleniifolius and warm/dry conditions indicates that these event years may provide a guide to the historical frequency of fire weather in Tasmania’s southwest.  相似文献   
This review examines the history of discoveries that contributed to development of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. The origin of the hypothesis is traced to the recognition that neuroleptic drugs interfere with brain dopamine function. This insight was derived from two distinct lines of research. The first line originated from the discovery in 1956 that reserpine depletes brain serotonin. This finding resulted in a sequence of studies that led to the discovery that brain dopamine is involved in neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal motor disturbances. The second line of research was aimed at determining the mechanism of action of psychomotor stimulants. This research produced evidence that stimulants directly or indirectly activate brain dopamine receptors. Because nonreserpine neuroleptics such as chlorpromazine block stimulant-induced movement, these findings suggested that neuroleptics were dopamine antagonists. Most previous accounts of the development of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia emphasize the first line of research and ignore the second.  相似文献   
The pillar of fire was a unique phenomenon that led the Israelites at night through the wilderness for forty years. Many theories have been offered to explain this phenomenon such as it was mythical or metaphorical and never occurred. Other explanations include burning jets of natural gas, a brazier elevated on a pole, volcanic activity, brush fires, lightning, and a comet. The large and controlled shape of the pillar of fire, its appearance only at night for forty years, and its carefully directed path have been explained as miraculous. This article includes a scientific discussion of how the pillar might have been produced, reviews the many theories offered to explain the pillar of fire, and offers several new theories.  相似文献   
清代的消防组织由属于官府的巡城官兵与属于民间的“水会”两大系统组成,行政、军事与消防的一体化管理是清代消防组织的特点。以现代人的眼光来看,清代的消防组织在管理与培训等方面已经具有现代科学化的某些内容。而纵观由太平桶到火烛车再到水龙所形成的救火工具发展的三部曲,我们也不难看到人们在与火灾进行斗争中的进步。  相似文献   
This paper reviews selected evidence of environmental changes in the central Canadian Rockies during the 20th century. The instrumental climate record shows that mean annual temperatures have risen ca. 1.4°C over the last 100 years but seasonal patterns of change are complex. The greatest increases have been in winter temperatures (3.2°C / century). Precipitation data, though limited, show variable patterns of change on decadal scales with generally higher levels of precipitation in the mid-20th century. The longest streamflow record also shows considerable variability, with highest flows in the 1950s. A tree-ring-based temperature reconstruction indicates summer and spring temperatures in the last half of the 20th century are higher than any equivalent period over the last 900 years. Although no accurate regional estimates exist, glaciers have probably lost ca. 25% of their area in the last 100 years and may be smaller now than they have been at any time in the last 3000 years. These two lines of evidence suggest that the climate of the late 20th century is exceptional in the context of the last 1000 to 3000 years. Small but significant vegetation changes are taking place at the upper treeline ecotone in response to climate changes over the 20th century (e.g., seedling establishment). However, the most significant landscape change in the last 100 years is the transformation of the character of the montane forest due to a reduction in forest fire frequency, largely due to an active policy of fire suppression. Dans cet article, on révise certaines manifestations des changements environnementaux qui se sont produits dans les Rocheuses canadiennes au cours du 20ème siècle. Ce registre instrumental climatologique indique que les moyennes annuelles de température ont augmenté d'environ 1,4°C en 100 ans, mais les modèles de changements saisonniers sont complexes. Les plus fortes augmentations ont été notées dans les températures hivernales (3,2°C/siècle). Les données concernant les précipitations - bien que limitées - indiquent des tendances variables de changement selon les décennies et en général des niveaux plus élevés de précipitation au milieu du 20éme siècle. Le plus long enregistrement des débits d'un cours d'eau indique aussi d'importantes variations, les débits les plus forts se situant dans les années 1950. La reconstruction des relevés des températures faite à partir des cernes montre que les températures estivales et printanières de la deuxième moitié du 20ème siècle sont plus élevées qu'elles ne l'étaient durant les périodes correspondantes des 900 dernières annés. Même s'il n'existe aucune donnée règionale exacte, les glaciers ont probablement perdu à peu près 25% de leur superficie au cours du dernier siècle et ils ont atteint leur plus petite taille des 3000 dernières années. Ces deux preuves suggèrent que le climat de la fin du 20ème siècle est exceptionnel dans le contexte des 1000 à 3000 dernières années. Des changements mineurs mais significatifs s'effectuent actuellement dans l'écotone supérieur de la limite des arbres à cause des changements climatiques du 20ème siècle (ex. l'implantation de nouvelles pousses). Pourtant, pendant le dernier siècle, la transformation la plus significative s'est effectuée dans les forêts de montagne. Grâce à une politique active de suppression des incendies de forêt, ceux-ci sont beaucoup moins fréquents.  相似文献   
First Nations peoples are revitalising diverse cultural fire practices and knowledge. Institutional and societal recognition of these practices is growing. Yet there has been little academic research on these fire practices in south-east Australia, let alone research led by Aboriginal people. We are a group of Indigenous and settler academics, practitioners, and experts focused on cultural fire management in the Victorian Loddon Mallee region. Using interviews and workshops, we facilitated knowledge sharing and discussion. In this paper, we describe three practice-oriented principles to develop and maintain collaborations across Aboriginal groups, researchers, and government in the Indigenous-led revitalisation of fire on Country: relationships (creating reciprocity and trust), Country (working with place and people), and power (acknowledging structures and values). Collaborations based on these principles will be unique to each temporal, social, cultural, and geographic context. Considering our findings, we acknowledge the challenges that exist and the opportunities that emerge to constructively hold space to grow genuinely collaborative research that creates change. We suggest that the principles we identify can be applied by anyone wanting to form genuine collaborations around the world as the need for social–ecological justice grows.  相似文献   
A new accessible and easy method for studying past fire events using ‘dry sediments’ is presented. The method was developed for analysing samples from 17 locations in the Ambato Valley, NW Argentina, to study fire regimes in the area. Based on earlier researchers’ methods, guidelines to use microcharcoals in ‘dry’ sediments as a palaeoenvironmental proxy are provided. The procedures outlined include sampling/extraction in the field, preparations of the samples, laboratory analysis and quantification of the samples. The new approach was useful to meet the objectives and answer the questions initially proposed in our research about past fire regimes affecting the past Aguada society.  相似文献   
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