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黄潇婷  王志慧  张野 《人文地理》2023,38(1):158-168
在乡村振兴背景下,旅游生计成为乡村可持续发展的重要议题,但与之相关的研究较为匮乏。文章以栾川县重渡村为案例地,通过对亲代和子代进行半结构化访谈,探讨旅游生计代际传承的过程及其主要影响因素。研究发现:(1)旅游生计的代际传承经历了亲代生计开拓、子代培养和发展、共同经营、生计传承四个阶段,并与重渡村这一乡村旅游目的地起步、培育、快速发展、规范管理的生命周期相适应。(2)文化因素、主体因素和规制压力是影响生计传承的主要原因。(3)旅游生计的代际传承关乎乡村旅游的可持续发展和乡村振兴战略的有效实施,相关问题值得进一步探索和研究。  相似文献   

Ecofeminists maintain that seemingly diverse and naturalized socio-ecological issues are in fact rooted within a particular cultural framework that perpetuates inequality and severs relationships among human and more-than-human communities. This important yet perhaps abstract understanding can be made tangible via examination of the ‘conventional’ food system, in which human and more-than-human communities are simultaneously otherized, marginalized, and exploited, realities largely hidden in a global industrial food system that disconnects production from consumption and obscures embedded relationships. Yet as consumer awareness rises, more people wish to know and move closer to the sources of their food, fueling community-based agro-food alternatives. When endowed with an ethic of care, such alternatives can be transformative for individuals and communities across scales.

This article situates conventional and alternative agro-food systems within relational frameworks of ecofeminism and care ethics and uses participant-driven photo elicitation (PDPE) to engage with experiences of consumers participating in a community farm tour. Findings suggest that such ‘enchanting’ experiences can begin to (re)embed food ‘products’ within contexts of place, people, and process, contributing to a relational consciousness that is central to an ethic of care. Findings also illustrate that PDPE can serve as a valuable window into experiences of reconnection, particularly useful for feminist researchers interested in learning more about enchantment and the transformational potential it holds.  相似文献   
章毅 《安徽史学》2015,(3):129-134
文章利用《汪氏渊源录》和《回岭汪氏宗谱》以及相关元代文集为主要参考资料,研究了元代徽州路的军功家族群体,尤其是其中的典型个案———婺源回岭汪氏。作者认为婺源回岭汪元龙、汪元圭兄弟在宋元易代之际,因为归附蒙元及“保障乡里”之功走上致身荣显的仕宦之路,他们不仅自身建立了可观的权势,而且有效地将之世代传承,以与元朝统治相始终,最终使婺源回岭汪氏家族成为“朱紫满庭”的“新安巨室”。在元代的徽州,类似的军功家族分布广泛,人数众多,深具影响。他们的出现,与元代统治者重视“根脚”的政治铨选原则紧密相关,与那些在蒙元征服战争中出现的“汉军世家”具有相似的来源和特点。  相似文献   
赵新平 《史学月刊》2007,3(8):109-113
民初晋北乡村作为历史大变革时期重要的社会单元,其生活方式不仅仅局限于衣、食、住、行等日常生活领域,还包括劳动生活方式和婚姻生活方式等。且由于晋北是农耕文明与游牧文明的交汇区,故在生活方式上呈现出一些突出的特点。  相似文献   
日本帝国主义通过日俄战争,在中国东北旅大地区建立了关东州殖民地。会是关东州最基本的地方行政机构,日本殖民政府对关东州殖民统治主要是通过会来进行的。但关东州的会只是一种行政上的辅助机关。1925年6月20日,日本政府以第238号敕令的形式公布《关东州会制》,正式赋予会以法人资格,以后又不断强化,确保其殖民统治的需要。  相似文献   
黄雅雯 《清史研究》2020,118(2):13-25
清康熙年间,山东寿光县为缓解"大差"负担,将"大差"由轮当制改为下放给各社自理,但这进一步加重了民间劈社的窘境。乾隆年间知县王椿在缺少土地记录的情况下,采用"顺庄法"重整地方组织,缓解赋税征收的困境。以百姓实际居住的"庄",取代官方登记的里甲组织"社",作为税收登记与征收的基本单位。同时,这也形成了山东以"村庄"为基层组织的地方社会。因南北土地分布状况的差异,顺庄法在山东与江南显示出不同的形态与结果。  相似文献   

The Malopolska region of Poland is highly representative of the current state of agritourism in Poland. The level of agritourism services in this region is very high relative to the national average, the result of environmental and cultural values being incorporated into social and economic development practices. Based on evidence from 1259 agritourism-oriented farms collected from municipal and regional government bureaus, web-published data, and survey data from 575 farm owners in the Malopolska, this paper analyzes the spatial distribution of such farms and the relationship between agritourism and ‘regular’ rural tourism. The Malopolska Voivodeship is strongly diversified in terms of agritourism development. The largest number of agritourism farms is in mountain, piedmont, and upland areas. Research has shown that agritourism is pursued by farmers who own small farms and produce food only for their own use. However, 60% of agritourism farms were found not to engage in any agricultural production. The research also identified basic tendencies of agritourism development in the region. The following basic trends were observed – a shift from agritourism to rural tourism, an increase in the number of agritourist farms offering 10 or more beds, and an expanded service offering – yielding a targeted offering for a specific customer and an increase in the quality of services. This indicates that agritourism owners engaging in this form of business are investing to create more usable space for tourists. The authors’ findings and conclusions also cover the concept of a functional model of agritourism in the Malopolska region. This model shows the relationship between environmental value and the nature of agricultural production and type of tourism in rural areas as well as the diversity of tourist offerings. The model also shows the transition from agriculture and its close relative, agritourism, to regular tourism in rural areas.  相似文献   
Located on Dongshan Island,off the coast of Fujian province,is a typical rural village called Tongbo.On May 10,1950,147 men were abducted by the KMT army on its way to Taiwan.Since a majority of the men were already married,overnight,their wives became "widows," and most would remain so for the rest of their lives.Consequently,Tongbo village became more widely known as Widow Village.The first objective of this paper is to document the tragic experiences of men and women in Tongbo village,focusing on these forced separations in 1950,the possibility of reunion after 1987,and the struggle to cope with the difficulties in between.The second objective of this paper is to argue that while heartbreaking,the experiences of this village are not extraordinary in the context of the Chinese Civil War.What made the men and women in Tongbo extraordinary is not their collective suffering,but how these villagers suffered less,not more,than in many other places,because of the actions of three key figures.  相似文献   
This paper examines how the villagers of Pams?m village in Seoul acted as agents in configuring their own cultural identity which explores issues concerning Korea’s Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) designation system. It delves in detail how villagers practice their ritual of Pams?m Pugundang kut ? amidst the complex process of continuity and change as a way of sustaining and promoting collective village identity. By examining the implications of this cultural practices in contemporary society, this paper ultimately raises the question of who constitutes the true legatee of traditional culture of Pams?m village. The cultural practice of the Pams?m Pugundang kut carried out by the villagers of Pams?m can be interpreted not merely as a critique of the dynamics of political and cultural heritage, but the reconstruction of villager’s identity through the creation and continuation of their long village history. This study provides a useful case in examining a village community which describes in detail how the subject of this study constructs their cultural identity and faces the complex issues concerning Korea’s ICH designation system.  相似文献   
联庄会是中国特定历史条件下产生的。1941年太平洋战争爆发后河北省沦陷区的联庄会是日伪拼凑的乡村"群众自卫组织",是"乡村协同体"建设的重要形式。实质上河北沦陷区联庄会是日伪对付中共领导的敌后人民抗日战争而精心组建的伪组织。中国共产党以抗日民族统一战线思想为指导,对联庄会进行了卓有成效的争取工作。探讨河北省沦陷区联庄会的建立和主要活动,以及中共争取联庄会的斗争,有助于进一步深化对华北沦陷区日伪统治和华北沦陷区抗日活动的研究。  相似文献   
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