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Historians’ interest in the history of human migrations is not limited to recent years. Migrations had already figured as explanatory factors in connection with cultural and historical change in the work of classical and ancient studies scholars of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In the writings of these scholars, migrations acted as historical landmarks or epochal thresholds and played a key role in the construction of geo-historical areas. This model has been called “migrationism” and cannot be explained simply on the basis of the history of individual disciplines, but must be seen in its complex interaction with scientific and historical contexts. However, “migrationism” does not relate to fixed political and scientific positions or movements. For this reason, it cannot be explained adequately by using a historically or ideologically based approach. Relying on narratological approaches, this article examines migration narratives that historians of this period used to explain the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. Referring to contemporary historiographical representations of the ancient Near East, it distinguishes three main narratives that are still common today: narratives of foundation, narratives of destruction, and narratives of mixtures. In this sense, analyzing older migration narratives helps us to sharpen the critical view on the genealogy of our own views on the history—and present—of human migrations.  相似文献   
Perimortem traumas have been identified in a pre‐Hispanic Canary mummy (fifth–sixth centuries cal AD). The location and nature of the fractures in the cranium, cervical vertebrae, ribs and both legs indicate a fall from a considerable height, which would have been the cause of death. Supported by forensic anthropology criteria and historical information about the population of origin, the circumstances in which the fatal injuries might have occurred are discussed. Given the pattern of the injuries, it is debated whether they were the result of an accident or a ritual suicide, as aggression is thought to be a less likely scenario. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
水对城市发展至关重要,严重水灾可能会酿成"城毁人亡"的悲局。历史上徐州饱受水灾之苦,特别是黄河决口南徙打乱了原本水系,使得境内水灾频仍,经济和社会发展受阻,在很大程度上导致了城市的衰落。但另一方面,沂、沭、泗以及故黄河所带来的便利灌溉条件则促进了境内古代农业生产;而运河开凿又使徐州处于全国重要的水运枢纽位置,因此带来商贸繁荣、工业发展、人口集聚和城市兴盛。本文在对历史上徐州水系变迁、尤其是水灾频发及其产生原因作出深入分析的基础上,着重探讨了境内水环境变化对徐州城市兴衰主要方面的影响。研究表明:①黄河对徐州水系变迁和城市兴衰影响巨大,直接时间持续近700年;②良好的水环境对历史上徐州境内工农业生产、商品贸易和城市建设起到了极大的推动作用,城市的繁荣兴旺与农田水利的风调雨顺、水上运输的川流不息往往处于同一个时期;③建国后徐州境内水系得到逐步治理与恢复,特别是20世纪80年代中期京杭运河(徐州段)实现全年通航后,其城市发展的水环境得到极大改善,为打造山水生态园林城市提供了良好条件。  相似文献   
沛谯又称谯沛,汉魏二祖和自己的功臣集团两次从这一地区崛起,于400年间,一首一尾,书写了汉王朝从建国到终结的历史。沛谯地方位于黄淮海平原。这里自战国晚期起,已经拥有富足的经济基础和充备的文化资源。楚文化的长期积累,在这里形成了新的重心。汉初梁国的文化优势,也对这里的人才形势有所影响。刘邦集团和曹操集团虽然都崛起于沛谯,而前者多布衣、白徒、亡命无赖,往往只是以个人身份追随刘邦,后者则以诸夏侯曹为代表,以宗族势力参与政治军事争搏,且其中颇有豪富。这一情形与东汉豪族势力的兴起有关。  相似文献   
崔述穷一生精力 ,考辨古史 ,成就很大 ,对后世史学也有很大影响。但崔氏在考史中又论史、论历史盛衰 ,有很多精审见解 ,崔述很少用性理天道论历史变化 ,注意对历史过程考察 ;他对历史“势”的分析值得总结 ,注重从人事作用上对历史盛衰变动原因进行考察 ,也体现出对民众的同情。崔述的考史能在求真基础上求理 ,显示出特色来。  相似文献   
塔里木河下游绿色走廊的兴衰与保护   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在历史上 ,塔里木河下游改道主要有 5次 ,每次改道都引起下游地区生态环境的剧变 ,绿色走廊的衰退 ,给我们留下了宝贵的经验教训。塔里木河下游的绿色走廊能否得到保护 ,关键是看有无保护它的水量。现在南疆之水量完全可以维护南疆的生态 ,塔里木河下游之水量完全可以维护塔里木河下游的生态。目前南疆严重缺水、塔里木河下游严重缺水 ,根本原因不是水量不足 ,而是没有管好用好现有水源。文章提出了保护塔里木河下游绿色走廊的 1 8项措施  相似文献   
先秦诸子承认历史盛衰变化是一种客观存在,这是其历史盛衰论产生的思想前提。先秦诸子还认识到盛衰变化和转化的必然性。对于决定历史盛衰的因素,先秦诸子从历史与哲学的高度进行了深刻、多维的思考,他们关于历史盛衰的总结和思考,对我国民族的历史思维及后世史学产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   
Traumatic dental injuries, although apparently rare in archaeological populations, can be found under certain circumstances affecting the dentition in a variety of ways. This paper contributes to the paleopathology literature by reporting one case of dental trauma. Evidence for differentiating antemortem/perimortem dental trauma from postmortem damage is presented, and it is suggested that these injuries were sustained due to an accidental fall, supported by the morphology, location and extension of the injuries and characterization of the impact. These data provide a valuable information for a reconstruction of past behaviors in the Samnitic necropolis of Opi Val Fondillo (VI-V century BC; Central Italy).  相似文献   
阮新梅  徐锦顺  靳淼 《中原文物》2012,(2):75-76,81
河南博物院藏有明末画家曹堂《深山观瀑图》一幅,笔者根据仅有的史料记载对曹堂的生卒年做简要考证,另外还对这幅画的风格作了较为详细分析。  相似文献   
甘肃陇南西汉水上流游的西垂(又名犬丘或西犬丘),是嬴秦祖先的发祥地和历史上很有名气的一座古城。但此城从魏晋以后迅速衰落。本文对西垂从繁盛到衰落的原因 ,从不同层面作了全方位的探讨。  相似文献   
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