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中国文化对日本文化的影响是毋庸置疑的历史事实。日本有史以来就不断地吸收中国文化,可以说其古代发展史就是吸收中国文化的历史。在长期的交流过程中,中国文献被大量地介绍到日本,对促进社会、文化、语言的发展起到了重要作用。其中有很多重要文献在我国已经失传,而在日本却部分或完整地被保留下来。对这些遗失于东瀛的逸书、逸文等资料的研究对于我国的古籍研究具有重要意义。本文以《和名类聚抄》的引文为中心对今本《释名》进行考察。  相似文献   
故宫博物院图书馆藏1704号圆明园地盘图是迄今仅见的唯一一张完整记录乾隆朝圆明园盛况的绝世孤本,也是现存圆明园图档中绘制年代最早、使用时间最长、表现内容最丰富、记载变化最全面的国宝级珍贵档案。该图极有可能是清代著名样式雷家族的第三代传人——雷声澂执掌清宫样式房楠木作事务之时,于乾隆四十四年(1779)前后绘制的圆明园本部平面。此后该图一直作为档案图纸使用达半个多世纪之久,几乎囊括了一部全盛时期圆明园的变迁史,是研究圆明园在乾隆、嘉庆、道光三朝发展变化的最权威、最完整的档案记录。  相似文献   
《宋太宗实录》(原80卷)前后经过两次编修,计有钱若水等的初修本和王旦等的重修本。经考证得知:现存《太宗实录》20卷(残)本确系钱若水等的初修本。现存本因存有大量诏制及人物附传等,故原始史料价值极高。同时,正因其为初修本,故亦存在记事简略等自身缺陷。该现存本至迟于清道光时才得以传出。  相似文献   
《倭名类聚抄》所引《兼名苑》考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日交流在隋唐时期达到鼎盛,其中遣唐使的贡献巨大。他们将中国书籍带回日本,对日本的社会、文化、语言诸方面产生了深远影响。这些书籍中有一部分是在中国问世后不久便传入日本,而在中国却渐渐失传。《兼名苑》就是其中之一。本文通过考证《倭名类聚抄》对其的引文部分,对其成书过程、内容及在日本的传播进行了分析。  相似文献   
The present study was an attempt to document changes in frequencies of dental morphology traits and understand phenetic affinities of Parsis, who migrated to the Indian subcontinent around the 8th century. Despite successfully integrating themselves into the Indian society, they have retained their ethnicity and distinct cultural practices. This study was conceived as a result of an excavation at the site of Sanjan, Gujarat which, as per historical records, is believed to be the first town in the Indian subcontinent with a large Parsi settlement thereby facilitating a diachronic comparison between the ancestral and extant Parsi groups. We compared and analysed dental traits between the two groups expecting a very close relationship between them owing to their ancestor–descendent relationship. Eleven discrete dental traits were selected and scored using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS). Frequency changes were assessed by comparing trait frequencies; whereas phenetic affinity between Parsis was assessed by statistically comparing them with 13 populations using Smith's mean measure of divergence (MMD) statistic. Comparison of dental trait frequencies between Sanjan and extant Parsi samples show significant differences in incisor morphology, Carabelli cusp and Hypocone development. Trait frequencies, MMD values and 2D multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot indicate that extant Parsis and Sanjan samples are distantly separated from each other. Extant Parsis show closer affinity to low caste Mahars and tribal Madia Gonds than South and Central Asian groups. Sanjan is distant from all other groups including extant Parsis. It is likely that genetic drift accentuated by their small numbers and strict endogamy has resulted in divergence of Parsi groups. Similarly, their convergence with Maharashtran groups indicates admixture of Parsis with local groups, which supports earlier conducted mtDNA studies. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Three Santacrucian borhyaenoids, Cladosictis patagonica, Pseudonotictis pusillus and Sipalocyon gracilis, are analyzed from a functional-adaptive perspective. Five extant placentals and one marsupial model are also examined in order to interpret the locomotor adaptations of these fossils. Pseudonotictis pusillus is the smallest of the Santacrucian borhyaenoids and is known from fragmentary remains; from its small size, dental specializations and elbow anatomy, this species was certainly not far ecologically from an extant weasel. The postcranium of Sipalocyon gracilis, although poorly known, suggests climbing capabilities, and the pseudo-opposable pollex indicates skilful manipulative behaviour. Cladosictis patagonica was an active predatory form, short-legged and able to climb, although it was a less specialized arboreal form than the contemporaneous Prothylacinus patagonicus; the proportions of its limbs recall that of a living South American marten, the tayra. The pseudo-opposable pollex of Cladosictis, as in Sipalocyon, indicates skilful manipulative behaviour.  相似文献   
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