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After the outbreak of the Pacific War, while considering taking back the Japanese-occupied areas, the Nationalist government also started to think of recovering the frontier regions, which had been somewhat out of China's control under the influence of a major ally of China, the USSR. For a long time, Xinjiang had a very close relationship with the Soviet Union under the rule of Sheng Shicai, and the central government of China had little direct control. In April of 1942, Sheng Shicai, suspicious of a Soviet conspiracy to overthrow his rule, conducted mass arrests in Xinjiang, causing a sudden deterioration in the relationship between Xinjiang and the Soviets. At first, the Soviet Union attempted to intimidate Sheng in order to prevent him from turning to the central government, but failed. Paying no heed to the alienation policy of the Soviets, the Nationalist government soon decided to buttress Sheng in an effort to place Xinjiang under centralized control. The Nationalist government first set out to take back the diplomacy of Xinjiang, followed by expropriation of formerly Soviet-controlled enterprises and forced removal of Soviet military advisors, experts, technicians and army personnel from Xinjiang. In the meantime, a large number of party, government, economic, cultural and educational personnel were dispatched by the central government to Xinjiang to infiltrate various sectors. With the weakening of his own power and increasing conflicts with the central government, Sheng Shicai planned another turn of events. By executing a new round-up, this time to cleanse Xinjiang of the central government's forces, Sheng re-oriented his regime towards the Soviet Union. Yet his gesture was turned down by the USSR because of his loss of credibility. Well prepared militarily, the Nationalist government eventually forced Sheng Shicai to leave Xinjiang, which then was almost fully restored to the authority of the central government.  相似文献   
以盛世光环载入史册的乾隆朝在文治领域潜伏着重重隐忧。当时朝廷重视经学,而思想上却不认同民间汉学;虽然承袭庙堂理学,却对其内圣外王鲜有心得,并且压制朝野理学的发展。同时,统治者的信仰世界混乱、迷茫。嘉庆朝的经学政策略有调整,重新重视理学,又强调以勤简为政,但总体上缺少新意,无济于事,清中期遂成武功彰显而文治偏失的格局。这也是清朝由盛而衰的重要根源。  相似文献   
19世纪60年代,是上海从"江南的上海"向"上海的江南"过渡的关键时期。这一时期,湘淮集团一方面通过解除太平军对上海围困,解决在此过程中产生的诸多社会问题,有效控制了上海的军政大权;另一方面通过采取系列的手段和措施,以处理日显复杂的上海中外关系,为上海的发展创造了一个相对安定和平的环境,从而成为了19世纪60年代上海崛起的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
While historical documents indicate that complications during pregnancy, labour or soon after birth was a common cause of death in past populations, to date only a few archaeological cases have been reported. Here we present an example, unearthed in a small Portuguese churchyard, of an adult female buried with an infant at her pelvis. The pair appear to have died during labour, as the infant's estimated age at death corresponds to a full term pregnancy, while the distribution of the bones at the adult's pelvic girdle is consistent with birth positioning. The association between the skeletons and their cause of death is analysed, discussed and compared with similar archaeological evidence. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期疫灾时空分布规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏晋南北朝时期是中国历史上的第一个疫灾高峰期,疫灾频度平均为21.0%,其中西晋时期疫灾最为频繁,疫灾频度高达34.6%。夏季是疫灾流行的最主要的季节,约41%的疫灾发生在夏季。疫灾周期具有波幅越来越小、波长越来越短的趋势。在空间分布上,疫灾范围有逐步扩大的趋势,疫灾重心有由北向南迁移的趋势,都城所在地为疫灾多发区,都城区位的变迁影响着疫灾重心的变迁。三国时期的疫灾重心在河南,西晋时期的疫灾重心在陕西与河南,东晋以后的疫灾重心在江苏。总体来看,经济相对发达、人口相对稠密、战争相对频仍的黄河中下游地区、长江中下游地区以及它们之间的淮河流域是魏晋南北朝时期疫灾的主要流行区域。  相似文献   
清末至民国时期赣闽粤边区农业变迁与转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游海华 《史学月刊》2005,4(6):101-110
清末民国年间,赣闽粤边区①农业面对新的市场竞争环境,经历了兴衰嬗变、重组调适的过程,这一过程有衰落、有收缩、有扩张;并出现了诸多近代农业新因素,农业正朝着积极的方向作渐进性转型和变迁。近代农业完全衰败的观点在边区缺乏强有力的证据。赣闽粤边区农业渐进性转型的例子说明,对近代中国农业整体变迁评价应立足于多区域的实证研究,任何单一区域的农业评价都无法涵盖近代中国农业的整体变迁内容和特点。  相似文献   
张羽  刘妮 《人文地理》2009,24(1):119
中国共产党在延安时期新闻传播事业所形成的纪念地、纪念物及其所承载的革命精神在红色旅游中具有重要地位。清凉山承载着中国革命战争和新闻传播事业的厚重历史,有着许许多多可歌可泣的动人故事。发展清凉山红色旅游,须建立"政府主导,各方参与、市场运作"机制,保持其核心竞争力;要以新闻传播行业及其高校为依托,开拓客源市场;活化清凉山红色旅游资源,强化游客精神体验等。  相似文献   
江苏籍著名金石碑刻家黄怀觉先生曾于20世纪40年代时,经吴湖帆介绍,为上海著名收藏家徐俊卿摹拓明清紫砂器全形数十件。黄先生亲自选取其中的33件复印成《明清砂器图录》一册。该图录在实用价值、艺术价值、史料价值等三个方面体现出黄怀觉全形拓作品的特点与价值,向人们展示了全形拓艺术不可替代的独特魅力。  相似文献   
抗战时期的黄埔军校情况复杂,不仅分校众多,且不少军校生由军校委托各专门军事学校代训,仍属军校建制。抗战时期,黄埔军校四分校及为军校代训的三所专门军事学校迁入贵州。贵州为军校的发展提供了相对稳定的环境,培养大批基层军官,有力地保存了抗日力量。军校也对当地教育等方面产生了积极影响。  相似文献   
抗战时期,因人口暴增、游资汇聚、地价暴涨等因素共同作用,上海华商房地产公司有了根本性的发展,第一次主导了上海的房地产市场。本文对抗战时期上海华商房地产公司的崛起及原因、经营内容和业绩、华商房地产同业公会的活动等内容进行了探讨。文章认为,此时期上海华商房地产公司的崛起和活动,是近代中国市场经济进入发展阶段的标志之一。  相似文献   
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