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This article examines the meteoric rise and enormous popularity of a Marathi stage actor and singer, Bal Gandharva, in early twentieth-century western India. Gandharva was distinctive because he was a male artist who dressed and acted as a woman on stage and was adulated by both women and men for his powerful female roles. The article argues that Gandharva embodied ‘fuzzy’ boundaries between man and woman, drawing from indigenous traditions of gender fluidity. While maintaining strict boundaries between being a man in his personal life and a woman on stage, Gandharva tapped into alternative notions of masculinity. I argue that the adulation he experienced for his acting and singing as a woman points to transgressive possibilities in the otherwise conservative middle-class imagination and challenges what are colonial constructions of hyper-masculinity.  相似文献   
A demonstration that the spatial experience informing some Central Australian Aboriginal art is topographically precise brings into question the relevance of structuralist methodologies for appraising these maps of country. Qualitative aspects of spatial, somatic, linguistic and emotional experiences are found to inform the way‐finding depicted in paintings by artists of three language groups.  相似文献   
The Lv family tombs in Lantian, Shaanxi Province are one of the most important archaeological sites of China in recent years, providing numerous objects and a wealth of information for the study of the history of the Northern Song dynasty. There were a large number of exquisite cultural relics unearthed from the tombs, including one porcelain box containing white powder, which was identified as women's makeup. The phase composition, microstructure, thermal properties and characteristics of the trace elements in the unearthed white cosmetic powder were comprehensively analysed by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry – thermogravimetry (DSC–TG), Fourier transform infrared (FT–IR) microscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES). The white makeup powder was determined to be a product made from high‐quality freshwater pearls. These results, for the first time, showed evidence that freshwater pearl powder was used as a cosmetic in ancient China using archaeological objects, providing scientific evidence and new clues to enrich and expand research into the ancient Chinese cosmetic materials.  相似文献   
In this paper, we explore the role of place in drinking practices of young people in the context of rural Estonia. We draw on a participatory research project carried out during seven months with a group of eight young men (15–18 years of age). We focus on three locations identified as the most popular drinking places by the young men in our research – familial homes, a local hamburger kiosk and the outdoors. The findings indicate that youth drinking practices as well as the drunkenness-related risks are spatially contingent. Characteristics of individual drinking locations influence the negotiation of local and national opportunities, restrictions and attitudes toward drinking, and the associated risks. We argue that, when developing public health tools, it is fruitful to pay attention to the local context and specific places in which young people's drinking practices are negotiated.  相似文献   
《全宋诗》共72册,由北京大学出版社出版后,给宋代文学研究带来极大的便利,确实是一项嘉惠士林、造福子孙的宏伟事业。但该书也还有很多缺误,需要学者们不断补充与研究,方能逐渐臻于完善。笔者多年来查考众籍,从事补遗,所得渐多。今将披览方志及《永乐大典》残卷所得,辑成《全宋诗辑佚作120首》。本文所辑佚诗,均为《全宋诗》未收诗人之作,凡作者事迹可考者,则先作小传,后录佚诗。文后附引用书目,以便查检。  相似文献   
《文馆词林》阙题残篇考证   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在日藏弘仁本《文馆词林》中,有一作者与题名不明的残篇。对作品流传情况、文体及内容进行考察,发现都与马融的《上林颂》相合。最后,马融的生活时代与残篇文字所表达出来的年代相合。这个残篇很可能就是马融的《上林颂》。  相似文献   

Early in 1728, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Duke of Liria—a Spanish diplomat, prominent Jacobite, and an illegitimate grandson of James II—sought to establish a curiously-titled fraternity called the ‘Order of the Anti-Sober’. Using the surviving charter of the proposed fraternal order as a point of departure, this article reconstructs the context and the meaning of Liria’s initiative. While drinking has traditionally been associated with Russia and in particular with the mores of Peter I’s court, this microstudy helps us to see it as a part of European sociable and diplomatic practices of the era. This episode sheds light not only on the broader evolution of fraternal societies in the early eighteenth century, but also on the mechanisms that drove the spread of such forms of associational life across the continent.  相似文献   
This paper explores the interrelations between politics and music as they appear in the ongoing debate about the rebetiko genre, within the intellectual circles of the left‐wing movement in the post‐war era. Through the analysis of the rebetika texts and biographical material, the ambivalent attitude of the Greek Left movement about the political context and the class affiliation of rebetiko are exposed. The Left saw popular music as a pedagogic means for inculcating class‐consciousness among the masses and promoting optimistic utopian images of a possible communist future. In the framework of this politically motivated consideration, the attempt of left‐wing intellectuals to interpret and evaluate the rebetiko genre led to various ambivalences and controversies within the Left movement.  相似文献   
布依族夜宴酒歌的礼仪风俗,程序严格,内容繁复,形式多样,表现出雅俗共赏的民族传统文化艺术;夜宴过程能激发智慧,显示渊博知识,教育族人,增进民族间情感,形成团结互助的民族精神,从而加强民族的凝聚力。  相似文献   
饮酒诗是杜甫诗歌创作的一个重要方面。通过对其饮酒诗的解读,我们可以看到杜甫充满悖论的心灵意蕴:他既是一个“穷愁的大丈夫”,又是一个“清醒的醉饮客”;杜甫的饮酒诗呈现出中国诗酒文化的独特形态:穷愁清醒。这种文化形态不仅体现了杜甫心酸悲怆的内心世界,更展现了一种大地般的博大的人道关怀。杜甫创造了中国诗酒文化中继“天”、“人”境界之后的“地”的境界。  相似文献   
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