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The results obtained from the multi-analytic compositional characterization of ceramic pastes and paints of the Santa María style, from the El Bolsón valley (Belén Department, Catamarca Province, Argentina), are presented here. This pottery style had a wide regional distribution in Northwestern Argentina between ca. 1000 and1600 ce and is characterized by its complex iconography painted in black, cream and red. The analyses show that the containers correspond to the technical tradition of using grog temper and suggest that its manufacture involved a double firing process. This reveals a new practice for the time.  相似文献   
复色釉陶是汉代低温铅釉陶中的一个特殊品种,其施釉烧制工艺系在普通单色釉陶的基础上,于一件器物上施加两种及以上釉料,以低温一次入窑烧制而成,呈现出绚丽的艺术效果,达到了汉代釉陶的高峰。此类釉陶主要分布于宝鸡、济源和延安及其周边地区;最早出现于西汉中晚期,流行于西汉晚期至东汉初期。就施釉工艺而言,其多色施釉技术与北魏时期的二色釉陶一脉相承,并在北齐时期与新出现的"瓷胎铅釉陶"二次烧制技术相结合,形成了北齐特有的多色瓷胎铅釉陶器,为后来唐三彩的出现奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   
明朝初年,国脉皆仰东南,为解决南方粮财物的北运问题,宋礼和白英受命组织修建了大运河山东段南旺分水枢纽。该枢纽主要包括引汶济运、导泉补源、设立水柜和置闸节流四个组成部分。其中,引汶济运是工程之重点,包括戴村坝、小汶河、南旺分水以及配套工程等四个子系统。这些水利设施组成一个和谐的系统工程,保证了该段运河的水量稳定充足,从而实现了大运河500余年的正常通行。南旺分水枢纽代表了我国古代运河水工的最高科学技术成就,堪称世界水利史上的一大经典范例。  相似文献   
Ophlie Vron 《对极》2016,48(5):1441-1461
This paper examines issues of power and resistance in “divided cities”. Basing my analysis on fieldwork I carried out in Skopje, Macedonia, I look at how urban space may be constructed and used by hegemonic groups as a means of asserting their power and how, in turn, the city may be a place of resistance where power is contested and public space reappropriated. Drawing on Lefebvre's perspective on the production of space, I compare the conceived city to the lived city and examine how urban inhabitants may resist the division of the city and challenge hegemonic representations. I also draw on Debord's psychogeography to define an artistic, active and participatory approach to urban space through which the inhabitants may re‐conquer their right to the œuvre and to the city. I argue that the city as a lived environment may offer narratives other than division and that there are alternatives to the divided city.  相似文献   
安徽巢湖放王岗出土西汉漆器漆膜测试分析   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
为了解放王岗出土漆器的髹漆技术,采用了漆膜切片技术、X射线衍射粉末法、傅立叶红外光谱法和显微镜等分析方法对漆器残片进行了分析。实验结果表明:大部分的漆膜包含1~3层髹漆层,一些漆膜中存在着漆灰层;采用了HgS作为漆膜的红色呈色颜料;可能采用了混合大漆和其它有机物的漆料;特别是漆膜中发现了含量约在5%左右的石英颗粒,其成因和作用值得现代漆器业去研究。  相似文献   
商前期青铜斝铸造工艺分析与模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斝是一种酒器,夏代晚期已有出现,盛行于商到西周早期。关于斝的铸造工艺,前人也曾做过一些相关研究。我们通过对出土斝范的考古调研、对铜斝的实物考察和对其铸造工艺的模拟实验研究.认为黄冈博物馆所藏商前期铜斝是采用典型的三分法制作的。斝腹部凸起的棱角分明的兽面纹和柱帽上的涡纹,是在范面上制作出来的;斝腹芯和鏊芯是由芯盒制作而成;铸型不糊草拌泥也可单独阴干、焙烧并用于浇铸。  相似文献   
商前期青铜斝的制模工艺初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制模是青铜铸造工艺的第一道工序,也是关键工艺之一,其重要性不言而喻。而文献记载的缺乏,考古实物资料的限制,严重影响了学界对陶模制作工艺的认识。近年来,我们通过对大量青铜实物的细致考察,发现大多青铜器上都有明确、整齐的范缝。为研究夏商之际的范铸技术,我们对商前期青铜斝进行了模拟制备,发现分型制模才是其制模工艺的主流,用此种工艺制模更加符合器物上的范铸特征。  相似文献   
过去几十年,美国普滤公司合作开发了一种可以用来精确评价被保护环境中存在破坏可能性的技术,用来保护珍贵的文物,艺术品及历史档案资料。他们一方面研究开发了能精确评估被保护环境的反应监测仪器和监测技术,另一方面又制订一套新的环境分级标准,使文物保护者了解被保护环境是否是安全的。现把这种文物、档案、图书保存环境的反应监测技术和环境评估的新标准介绍给国内的同行们。  相似文献   
Edmond Halley made two scientific voyages in the Atlantic Ocean as captain of the HMS Paramore between 1698 and 1700. Following these voyages he published the first map showing lines of equal magnetic declination in 1701. Halley did not reveal how he constructed the map, however, and it remains unknown. In this study, a construction procedure is hypothesized that uses mathematical tools that were available in his day, namely arithmetical averages and Isaac Newton’s method of divided difference for fitting a polynomial curve to data. To enable his map construction, a method is suggested whereby Halley could have created new data to augment the situations where insufficient data were collected.  相似文献   
An integrated remote-sensing survey was carried out in Navarino Bay, where in 1827 a battle was fought between the allied British, French and Russian navies and the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. Integration and interpretation of the remote-sensing data has shown the presence of shipwreck remains on the sea-floor and possible shipwrecks buried under the sea-bed. It has also shown that the historical remains are under threat from the heavy anchors of tankers which sink into the sea-bed and, when dragged, dig furrows, thus disintegrating the shipwreck remains. To protect the sites the construction of permanent anchoring systems away from the shipwreck remains is recommended.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
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