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Initiated by geoscientists, the growing debate about the Anthropocene, ‘planetary boundaries’ and global ‘tipping points’ is a significant opportunity for geographers to reconfigure two things: one is the internal relationships among their discipline's many and varied perspectives (topical, philosophical, and methodological) on the real; the other the discipline's actual and perceived contributions to important issues in the wider society. Yet, without concerted effort and struggle, the opportunity is likely to be used in a ‘safe’ and rather predictable way by only a sub‐set of human‐environment geographers. The socio‐environmental challenges of a post‐Holocene world invite old narratives about Geography's holistic intellectual contributions to be reprised in the present. These narratives speak well to many geoscientists, social scientists, and decision‐makers outside Geography. However, they risk perpetuating an emaciated conception of reality wherein Earth systems and social systems are seen as knowable and manageable if the ‘right’ ensemble of expertise is achieved. I argue that we need to get out from under the shadow of these long‐standing narratives. Using suggestive examples, I make the case for forms of inquiry across the human‐physical ‘divide’ that eschew ontological monism and that serve to reveal the many legitimate cognitive, moral, and aesthetic framings of Earth present and future. Geography is unusual in that the potential for these forms of inquiry to become normalised is high compared with other subjects. This potential will only be taken advantage of if certain human‐environment geographers unaccustomed to engaging the world of geoscience and environmental policy change their modus operandi.  相似文献   

The term ‘category mistake’ began to turn up regularly in public discourse in the 1990s as a general term to describe a confusion between different fields of thought with serious practical consequences. But it began its career in philosophy, introduced by Gilbert Ryle in The Concept of Mind in 1949 to attack Cartesian dualism and assert a monistic solution to the so-called mind-body problem. This paper traces the stages by which it came into general usage, arguing that while by the later 1960s it had generally been rejected by philosophers, it was saved from disappearance by its migration into fields such as psychology and theology. From there, it moved into critical theory and then into international relations. Its entry into these latter areas first made plain its potential in political argument. Eventually, multiple meanings of the term came to coexist with one another, with the practical and rhetorical usage supplementing rather than replacing its original philosophical sense.  相似文献   
自古为官皆有禄,禄的内涵随着时代的发展而有所变化.在清代,从雍正朝开始,外官不仅领有俸禄,还有丰厚的养廉银.迨及乾隆中后期,由于政治、经济、军事等多方因素的综合作用,在治政中频繁出现了罚扣督、抚、藩、臬等地方大员养廉银的情况,这形成了乾隆朝官僚政治的一大特点.从乾隆罚扣地方大员养廉银的缘由、目的及具体运作来分析,这项措施与地方大员所受的行政处分有密切关系.即在运作中,出现了以罚扣大员养廉银代替其所受行政处分的情况,而且这种代替经历了开始、发展、减弱、制度化等过程,最后以法的形式在乾隆后期确立下来.本文对此做一粗浅分析,试图揭示乾隆时期处分制度的再调节与多样化.  相似文献   
学术规范建设关系到中国学术的发展和繁荣,对于世界史研究具有同样重要的意义。开展学术规范的建设,既要考虑学术规范自身的系统性,又要照顾不同学科的特点;既要引进欧美学术界的成功经验,又要结合中国学术的传统和实际。世界史作为中国学术的一个分支,其发展需要学术整体进步的带动,同时在学术规范建设中也能发挥某些独特的作用。世界史学科的特点是具有跨文化了解的性质,需要大量使用外文文献,其研究的难度较大,因此,在研究取向、资料运用、引用方式、标注形式、防止抄袭和剽窃各个环节,均有特别的要求。学术规范建设只有顾及世界史的这些特点,才能对其研究水平的不断提高产生有力的推动。  相似文献   
从旅游学的理论构成和形成特点看,旅游学属交叉科学;从旅游学的作用和功能看,旅游学又是一门软科学。旅游学的研究对象是旅游系统,具有交叉性、综合性、系统性、群体性和实践性等特点。旅游学的学科体系可以有多种分类。若按学科划分的规范方法,旅游学可以划分为旅游基础理论和旅游应用理论两部分。  相似文献   
西汉县令长及其在西汉行政系统中的特殊地位问题,在传世文献资料与尹湾汉简的材料中都有反映。如董仲舒言:“今之郡守、县令,民之师帅,所使承流而宣化也;故师帅不贤,则主德不宣,恩泽不流。”通过分析西汉基层行政,可进一步了解西汉县令长行政类别,行政权限以及县令长与地方王候的微妙关系。  相似文献   
本运用先秦献记载与考古物对照辨析的方法,较详细评论战国时期铁制农业生产工具在质地上、种类上明显的时代性进步,并认为这一进步不仅直接为当时精耕细作的农业生产提供了有效的保障,而且对后世农具变革也产生了极为深远的影响,在中国古代经济史上占有极其重要的地位。  相似文献   
The review argues that, while Fish's book is undoubtedly a corrective to the most extreme examples of polemical teaching, it oversimplifies the difficulties academics face in trying to create sharp distinctions between politics and scholarship. The radical disconnection he advocates does not address the most difficult situations in which lines cannot be clearly drawn between the substance of academic research and teaching and the politics of the process of knowledge production itself.  相似文献   
复杂情境中的日常活动可视化与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时间地理学以时空路径为代表的符号系统由于具备抽象、简明、直观等特点,在地理学及其他社会科学领域得到了广泛传播与应用。随着GIS与地理可视化技术的不断进步、高精度时空行为数据的批量生产等,真实地理环境中个体时空运动轨迹的三维可视化技术也在不断进步。信息化社会的到来与城市社会转型等使得现代社会中的人类日常活动变得十分复杂,时间地理学由于直观刻画时空间中人类活动的时空连续性与复杂情境性而备受关注。本文首先界定了人类日常活动复杂情境的分析维度,包括日常情境、企划情境、地理情境、社会情境、技术情境等,并在此基础上将绝对时空间坐标系下的时空路径拓展到相对时空观下多维活动序列的可视化表达。其次,简单说明Daily life与VISUAL-Time PAc TS/energy use等可视化工具,介绍时空路径在复杂情境性下的可视化、模式挖掘及个案分析。最后,案例分析个体与群体尺度上活动情境可视化方法在家庭成员间分工与互动、日常活动模式差异与家庭能源消耗差异等方面的应用。  相似文献   
After the Korean War (1950–53), the two militarized Koreas governed each and every member of society in similar ways through their disciplinary politics of antagonistic nationalism. The existing studies of state formation in the two Koreas have neglected an aspect of state power that was neither necessarily top‐down nor violent from above but also reproduced from below. In both South and North Korea, especially from the 1960s to the 1970s, state power had internal dynamics that penetrated the day‐to‐day activities of most citizens and led them to actively accept and participate in nationalist rule. This article explores an understudied aspect of the two Koreas' state power that was disciplinarily diffused in people's everyday practices through reproduction of aggressive nationalism from below and the organic construction of the individual body and nation.  相似文献   
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