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This Keynote essay argues for a supplement to existing studies in children’s geographies, one that explores the potential of a non-child-centric children’s geography alert to the work done by the figure of ‘the child’ in all manner of worldly situations. Taking a cue from the poetry of John Betjeman, notably his 1960 Betjeman, J. 1960. Summoned by Bells. London: John Murray. [Google Scholar] Summoned by Bells, the essay considers both the intimate spaces of childhood – ones gauged by the immediacies of ‘sounds and sights and smells’ – and the challenges posed by a wider world raddled by adult preoccupations and abuses, those characterised by Betjeman as stemming from ‘the dark of reason’. The essay builds from this foundation to address the ‘darkness’ in two sets of Nazi children’s wartime geographies, as well as engaging with the complexities of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer’s claims, in the horizon of WWII, about the ‘dialectic of enlightenment’. Within the latter – and also, notably, in Adorno’s later writing – the figure of ‘the child’ surfaces as one miniscule crumb of hope, of experiencing and knowing the world otherwise, set against the face of adult Enlightenment’s seemingly inevitable decay. At the close, Adorno’s own brief dalliance with imagining a small slice of children’s geographies allows the essay to arc back towards its original claims, and to a renewed sense of why childhood ‘sounds and sights and smells’ continue to matter far beyond just the domain of geographers researching children.  相似文献   
西方国家移民聚居区研究进展及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方国家对移民聚居区的研究可以追溯到20世纪初的美国“芝加哥学派”,随后经历了同化主义、多元主义、异质本地化和跨国主义研究思潮,不仅拥有丰富的实证研究成果,而且形成了较为完整的理论体系和研究框架。总体上看,对移民聚居区的研究,区位选择方面经历了中心城区到郊区的演变,空间类型包括族裔飞地、族裔社区和族裔郊区,移民聚居区经济经历了单个案例到不同案例的对比研究,形成机制方面从民族团结理论转向不同作用者和空间生产理论,此外,西方移民聚居区还加强了反作用和空间效应的研究。本文在评述西方移民聚居区研究的基础上,结合国内移民聚居区研究现状,提出中国相关研究在研究视角、研究问题和研究方法的借鉴之处。  相似文献   
Matfre Ermengaud's thirteenth-century Occitan encyclopedia, the Breviari d'Amor, concludes with a treatise on courtly love, the “Perilhos tractat d'amor de donas segon que han tractat li antic trobador en lors cansos.” In this treatise, the chief figures of courtly love—the lovers, ladies, troubadours, and maldizen, with Matfre as narrator and participant—dispute key tenets of love, quoting frequently from numerous troubadour lyrics in order to prove their arguments. In fact, the “Perilhos tractat” presents quotations of troubadour lyric in a disputative manner so as to highlight the troubadours as themselves in debate, although the Breviari purports to be structured by the overarching principle of love dictated by the visual mnemonic metaphor of the Tree of Love. This study examines the quotations of the troubadour lyrics here as dialectical, then, rather than as expressing and confirming a unitary vision of Natural Love. The “Perilhos tractat” is a debate not simply on love but also on the understanding and reception of the troubadours more broadly; that is, Matfre's dialectical use of troubadour lyric generates a broader debate about the meaning of the troubadours’ lyrics and their poetic legacy in the late thirteenth century.  相似文献   
Many postprocessual archaeologists have argued that active individuals make history. The apotheosis of the individual has been achieved under the rubric identity, the most pervasive theoretical term of the last few years. This focus obscures the fundamental idea that individuals do not exist in isolation. The relational concept of struggle will help us past this theoretical impasse. This concept has many components including real struggles in the past, our struggles to know the past, and using the past to struggle in the present. Our goal is to struggle past identity politics and the individual by focusing on peoples' real struggles in real cases.  相似文献   
城市居住空间分异的理论基础与研究层次   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本系统总结国外城市社会地理学自60年代以来的发展,作认为激进马克思主义流派的社会空间统一体理论应当是城市居住空间分异研究的理论基础。该理论认为城市地域内人地关系一一人类与他们生活的物质、社会环境的关系构成研究城市社会地理的基础。人(个体与群体)与周围的环境之间的双向互动(Interacting)的连续过程,就是社会空间统一体:一方面,人创造、调整城市空间,同时他们生活工作的空间又是他们存在的物质、社会基础。邻里、社区可改变、创造和保持定居的价值观、态度和行为;另一方面,价值观、态度和行为这些派生之物也不可避免地影响邻里和社区,而且连续的城市过程产生变化的城市空间,使经济、人口、社会和科技力量在不同水平上相互作用得以延续和发展。本系统介绍了社会空间统一体理论的发展沿革,然后指明城市居住空间研究的层次。  相似文献   
Greig Charnock 《对极》2010,42(5):1279-1303
Abstract: It is possible to identify a subterranean tradition within Marxism—one in which dialectical thought is harnessed not only to expose the necessarily exploitative and inherently crisis‐prone character of capitalism as an actual system of social organisation, but also to critique the very categories that constitute capitalism as a conceptual system. This paper argues that Henri Lefebvre's work can be included within this tradition of “open Marxism”. In demonstrating how Lefebvre's work on everyday life, the production of space and the state derives from his open approach, the paper flags a potential problem of antinomy in an emergent new state spatialities literature that draws upon Lefebvre to supplement its structuralist–regulationist (“closed”) Marxist foundations. A Lefebvre‐inspired challenge is therefore established: that is, to develop a critique of space which does not substitute an open theory of the space of political economy with a closed theory of the political economy of the regulation of space.  相似文献   
重申全球化时代的空间观:后现代地理学的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
"空间"是人文地理学研究的核心概念。全球化时代,空间概念的内涵与外延都发生了重要变化。本文通过重述后现代主义哲学、当代城市与区域空间重构的社会实践、当代人文地理学前沿理论三者之间相互印证的理念与事实,重申全球化时代的空间观为空间与社会辨证统一的后现代空间观,并阐述了其对当代人文地理学研究的重要意义。  相似文献   
李抒望 《攀登》2008,27(6):24-26
深入学习实践科学发展现,就是要把发展与和谐更好地统一起来,实现两者的良性互动,在发展中实现和谐,在和谐中促进发展,以发展保证和谐,以和谐推进发展。因此,科学发展观与构建社会主义和谐社会是辩证统一的,两者共同构成了一个完整的正确的社会发展路线,统一于全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标之中,统一于建设中国特色社会主义的伟大实践之中。  相似文献   
大事件影响下的城市空间演化特征研究——以昆明为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将大事件作为一种植入城市进程中的空间生产与再生产过程,分析了大事件空间效应的形成机制,认为"大型投资"与"社会动员"是嵌入城市社会空间统一体并推动城市"物质空间"与"社会空间"演化的内在机制。进而以昆明市为例,界定了昆明世博会的空间影响期,研究了影响期内城市物质空间与社会空间演化的基本特征。文章认为世博会的植入是上述特征形成的影响因素之一,并从空间投资、社会动员与社会植入的角度建立了昆明世博会与城市空间演化关系的解释框架。  相似文献   
基于制度转型的中国城市空间结构研究初探   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1990年代以来全球范围内的众多国家发生了重大制度转型,以中国为代表的社会主义国家转型引起了国际学者的广泛关注。城市空间结构是城市社会、经济发展的空间投影,对其理解也必然要从制度转型的深刻层面去加以认识。文章系统回顾了西方城市空间结构研究经历的城市形态研究、实证主义方法、政治经济学分析等过程,揭示出其基本走向是转向对深层制度性因素的关注。继而文章着重分析了中国制度转型的三个根本方面,并概要性地阐释了其对城市空间的影响,最后列举了相应的一些重要研究领域和基本方向。  相似文献   
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