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本文从社会发展与区域科学承担的使命关系出发,论述人文地理学创新侧当代供给的使命,称为新人文地理学。在论述发达国家后现代人文地理学使命的基础上,依据"民本"性的新人本主义公正思想,首次系统论述主流新人文地理学研究空间公正结构的价值思想、理念与理论指向及其内容;其次,借鉴发达国家建构新人文地理学与社会及其区域学科的融合机理,具体地论证该学科具有对空间建构的最终人本判识学理性及其指向;中国已进入社会公平与空间公正建构的时代,本文争鸣性倡导国内人文地理学的研究必须从物质空间结构的景观功能研究转入到以提高人本价值生活质量的社会空间结构、行为空间结构与文化空间尊严结构的建构探讨方面。该方向不但是中国时代要求的使然,也是该学科对当代社会知识供给的宿命,同样也是与区域科学共同构建区域统筹发展与空间全面公正构建的学科融合宿命。在此基础上本文还首次提出社会与空间价值统一的"新区域经营理念"、"区域同步发展观"及其对应"空间体系价值统一规划"研究的新朝向。  相似文献   
This paper engages with an arising interest in heritage as a ‘future-making’ project, arguing that in a context such as Sierra Leone heritage work may be better understood as a reflection of aspirations for a ‘common destiny’, than the articulation of common pasts. It questions the centrality with which modern anxiety continues to frame heritage temporalities, drawing on anthropological engagements with contexts of development and social transformation to propose a non-linear model for mapping the relationship between the past and the present. Drawing on a recent surge in heritage work in Sierra Leone, I suggest that heritage has efficacy beyond the provision of emotional security in a context of rapid change, indeed that it may be implicated in the process of instituting and shaping change itself.  相似文献   
经济生产方式的变化在一定程度上折射出社会变迁的信息与轨迹。通过阐述一个客家村落——广西桂林毛村的水运经济的兴衰变迁,看到素以水运为命脉的毛村,一旦失去旧有的生产方式,他们的命运又将如何呢。  相似文献   
赵琪 《史学集刊》2012,(3):116-122
从《尚书·周书》的诸篇诰辞中,我们可以看到以周公为代表的西周政治家们已经得出天命以民心为依归的观点,并以此来解释夏、商、周三代的历史递嬗。战国时期的孟子继承了该思想,并进一步以其来解释三代以前的历史递嬗。司马迁在思考天人之际时,既继承了周公、孟子的上述天人思想,并以此来解释古今历史递嬗中的"常";同时又有自己更深一层的思考,并以此来解释古今历史递嬗中的"变",从而最终做到"通古今之变"。在此,司马迁的"究天人之际"与"通古今之变"实紧密结合在一起,而这正是他能够"成一家之言"的原因所在。  相似文献   
汪维真 《史学集刊》2006,1(2):22-28
自隋、唐以降,伴随着科举制的创立、发展与完善,科举入仕成为社会普遍追求的理想人生模式, 以科举制度、科举人物、科举故事为核心内容的科举文化是中国传统文化的一个独特的构成部分。观照明人关于科举人物、科举故事的诸多记载和议论,基本上可以认为,命定、风水、报应等传统思想,因其理论上的包容性和阐释中的灵活性,是明人解释科举功名现象的主要理论依据。这种现象的生成,既是科场激烈竞争所引发的焦虑与无奈的结果,也是明人对社会、自然整体认知局限的自白。  相似文献   
中共十一届三中全会前,党领导人民对社会主义道路进行了艰辛的探索,取得了伟大成就和宝贵经验,但这种探索没有能够从根本上突破苏联模式的传统框架,特别是十年文化大革命造成的巨大损失只有通过改革开放来摆脱困境,20世纪70年代世界经济快速发展也要求我国必须通过改革开放缩小差距。改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,不仅由于这是从党领导人民对社会主义道路进行艰辛探索中得出的必然结论,而且因为只有改革开放才能使社会主义和马克思主义在当代中国充满生机,它是发展中国特色社会主义的必由之路,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路。  相似文献   
In the aftermath of the war of expansion against Mexico, the United States undertook a lengthy adjudication process of Spanish and Mexican property claims throughout the newly acquired territory. In New Mexico, nearly all Spanish and Mexican community land grants were either rejected by U.S. courts or were acquired by commercial interests during a period of intense land speculation. In addition to legal explanations of dispossession, most historical land grant research has emphasized the role of commercial speculators in the dispossession of land grants. The Santa Fe Ring, a loose affiliation of lawyers, politicians, federal and territorial officials and commercial investors, became a potent political and economic force in New Mexico during the 19th century. This article explores the adjudication and speculation histories of two Mexican property claims: the Petaca and Town of Vallecito de Lovato. The dearth of historical knowledge of the practices and tactics of land dispossession in specific New Mexico land grants continues to obscure the full story of U.S. territorial expansion and the history of the transformation in property relations. This article sheds new light on the extent and intensity of commercial speculation and the contribution of those efforts to undermine legitimate claims.  相似文献   
陈筱芳 《史学集刊》2005,(2):24-28,23
春秋帝崇拜式微,天信仰几乎取代西周天帝信仰。天作为春秋至上神,其突出的特点是权能的广泛性、意志的权威性和赏罚的道德性。春秋天命和天道是天的意志的固定表达方式,从“天”的意志到“天命”到“天道”,是一个从天神的意志到冥冥之中的命运到社会自然法则的转化。在这个转变过程中,天的人格色彩愈趋淡化。春秋天信仰对于现存社会秩序的作用犹如双刃剑,既维护又破坏,具有道德约束、心理平衡和精神支撵功能以及认识功能。春秋人不求在天信仰的精神世界中获得永恒,而是理性地寻求对现实的信念、生活态度和生存价值。  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
《Romance Quarterly》2013,60(3):217-231
John W. Baldwin. Aristocratic Life in Medieval France: the Romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, 1190-1230. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. xvii + 359 pp.

Daniel J. Sherman. The Construction of Memory in Interwar France. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999. xvii + 414 pp.

C. Brian Morris. Son of Andalusia: The Lyrical Landscapes of Federico García Lorca. Vanderbilt University Press, 1997. xiv + 486 pp. $39.95.

Ramón F. Llorens and Jesús Pérez Magallón, eds. Luz vital. Estudios de cultura hispánica en memoria de Victor Ouimette. McGill University and Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, 1999. 227 pp.

Robert Vilain. The Poetry of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and French Symbolism. Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000. xii + 376 pp. $85.00.

Janet Pérez. Camilo José Cela Revisited: The Later Novels. New York: Twayne Publishers, 2000. 189 pp.

Catherine G. Bellver. Absence and Presence: Spanish Women Poets of the Twenties and Thirties. Bucknell University Press, 2001. x + 294 pp. $46.50.

Allen Thiher. Fiction Rivals Science: The French Novel From Balzac to Proust. Columbia and London: Universiry of Missouri Press, 2001. 215 pp. $37.50.

Michael R. Finn. Proust: The Body and Literary Form. Cambridge University Press, 1999. xiii + 210 pp.

Melveena McKendrick. Playing the King: Lope de Vega and the Limits of Conformity. London: Tamesis, 2000. 230 pp. $75.00.

Willard Bohn. Modern Visual Poetry. University of Delaware Press, Associated University Presses, 2001. 321 pp. $47.50  相似文献   
张涛 《史学集刊》2007,(6):43-50
修建运河以连接自然河流和湖泊成为美国建国初期的一大政治共识。逐渐增多的大众刊物为美国早期运河意识从政治领域向社会生活领域普及提供了重要媒介,在美国早期运河热潮中发挥了积极作用。通过报道和评论当时仍然比较零星的运河工程,共和国初期的大众刊物不仅为以1825年伊利运河为代表的运河建设高潮打下了舆论基础,崭露头角的刊物本身也因此表达了对美国命运的关注,有机地融入了美国联邦的巩固进程。  相似文献   
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