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一批流散海外的吐蕃文物的初步考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吐蕃文物曾通过不同途径流散于海外,主要包括金银器与织锦。从中反映出吐蕃作为七世纪以来兴起于青藏高原的强大政治集团与唐、粟特、萨珊波斯等都有着密切的文化联系,并已形成具有自身特色的金银器制作风格;以对兽纹为主题的织锦是吐蕃人最为喜好的"番锦"之一,有可能为粟特锦,也有可能为包含粟特锦、波斯锦等中亚风格在内的"胡锦"。吐蕃银器上的纹饰更是多见于吐善时期的装饰性图案当中,并且影响到以后的藏族艺术。  相似文献   
郭敏 《中原文物》2007,37(2):25-31
依据考古发掘和文献资料,认为史前先民对头部的装饰手法多种多样,这在一定程度上反映了早期人类审美意识及淳朴的原始宗教信仰的多样化,同时也说明了古人对美的追求并非有了丰厚的物质条件才萌生的。  相似文献   
康熙朝雕漆初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康熙朝有无雕漆,一直悬而未决。本文通过对故宫博物院所藏7件雕漆作品的造型、漆色、雕工、装饰纹样、款识等多方面的分析,认为康熙朝有雕漆,并推断为苏州制造。  相似文献   
孙淼 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(1):148-155,161
"明永乐宣德文物特展"是一个全面展现明早期艺术的综合性文物大展。展览的最终目的是要激发大众对传统艺术的兴趣,令其得到文化的熏陶与艺术的启迪,因此,展览陈列设计所要考虑的是一个多层次的体系。首先提炼装饰元素作为视觉主题,将艺术品的美感尽可能展现给观众,同时还要向观者传递时代背景、皇帝的思想境界等信息。此外,设计者还精心挑选不同的装饰材料以营造新颖的展示环境,达到衬托文物高超工艺水平的目的。  相似文献   
本文对吴、晋青瓷堆塑谷仓罐上出现的诸多动物装饰题材追根溯源,并阐释了其文化内涵。  相似文献   
Decline was the fundamental issue in Hungarian historiography and historical thinking between the two world wars. This article primarily analyses the views of historian Gyula Szekf?, the writers and essayists Dezs? Szabó and László Németh, and those of philosophers Lajos Fülep and György Lukács. In this period, the so-called spiritual history (Geistesgeschichte) prevailed in Hungarian intellectual circles, in which the themes of decline and even fall were fundamental. Of the most important representatives of Geistesgeschichte, Spengler, Ortega, Huizinga, Croce and Maritain had significant influence on the authors mentioned above. Historians were ready to reject the ideas of these thinkers regarding the criticism of culture, and rather followed the power- and state-centred streams of Geistesgeschichte, conceived by Ranke, Troeltsch and Meinecke. At the same time it is also true that the decline and generation theory developed by the historian Gyula Szekf? (e.g., in his book Three Generations), is one of the most original interpretations of modern Hungarian history. It was shared by many Hungarian intellectuals of the period. Paradoxically, the theme of decline also appeared in the views of the so-called ‘Századok’ (Centuries) circle, mainly in the writings of the historians István Hajnal and István Szabó. They rather followed the social-history-oriented French Annales School, and even attempted to offer a solution to the problems of the so-called ‘third way’ alternative. Almost all of the above-mentioned concepts were tied in the later political discourse to the so-called right-wing tradition of Hungarian political–historical thinking, but the author also touches briefly upon the notion of decline in the leftist (Marxist) tradition of György Lukács, whose ideas had an impact on the beginnings of the Frankfurt School. The article also offers a brief overview of the main ideas of spiritual history/Geistesgeschichte, since the author suggests that this was a common feature in all the interpretations of decline in the period treated here.  相似文献   
织绣文物中的寿字装饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国于汉代已经在织锦的铭文中使用寿字.到明清时期,寿字与象征长寿的仙桃、菊花、仙鹤及寓意连绵万代的葫芦、字和寓意喜庆幸福的灯笼、蝙蝠等组成吉祥图案。寿宇的字体也随着时代的发展而不断丰富。本文按时代顺序将寿字的字形排列梳理,不仅可供读者了解其丰富的文化内涵.而且根据寿宇的字形变化.可作为判断织绣文物年代的一种依据。  相似文献   
洛阳汉代彩绘陶壶装饰艺术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洛阳地区出土的汉代彩绘陶壶数量多,图案精美,题材丰富,具有较高的艺术价值.本文从造型、图案和色彩三个方面分析了彩绘陶壶的装饰艺术风格.  相似文献   
本文分析了藏区南部夏鲁寺集会殿门廊中,带有宋元时期舞台布景效果的龙凤戏珠纹图画,认为这是自13世纪以来,随着西藏贵族与元代朝廷政治关系的建立而来的汉地艺术影响的一个独特案例。作者将这种影响置于元朝政府与西藏的政治关系,以及尼泊尔纽瓦尔艺术风格的强大影响共同构成的特定的文化情境之下,且重点分析了绘于夏鲁寺早期整个门廊北壁带有汉地风格的壁画。  相似文献   
Recent fieldwork on the south coast of the island of Socotra, Yemen, has revealed a hitherto unknown petroglyph site. This site represents the first rock art to have been recorded on the south coast, an area generally regarded as being unpopulated up until the recent past. The corpus of recorded petroglyphs includes feet, cupules, anthropomorphic figures and geometric motifs, whose designs parallel those from known rock‐art sites on the north coast. The importance of this site is that it provides us with the first glimpse into the religious and socio‐political lives of the inhabitants of the previously unknown southern half of Socotra. Placing these petroglyphs within the broader context of rock‐art studies on the island of Socotra has also allowed us to begin to disentangle the skewed view of Socotra's inhabitants.  相似文献   
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