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有明一代,河南省曾进行了三次土地丈量活动:第一次在明初洪武年间,丈量出的土地数字仅是当时开垦的土地数,不能反映全省实有的土地数量。第二次在明中期嘉靖年间,是在一种错误思想的指导之下进行的,丈量之后又以“符合原额”为宗旨,大量进行了折亩活动,故丈量出的土地数字既不能反映当时河南省的开垦耕种数,也不能反映当时实有的土地数字。第三次是在明中后期万历年间进行的,指导思想明确,法令严格,方法得当,丈量出的土地数字既能反映当时河南省的开垦耕种数,又代表了全省实有的耕地数字。  相似文献   
在《跨湖桥》考古报告的基础上,本文运用浮选、孢粉和非孢粉微化石、PIXE技术和拉曼光谱等多种分析手段,对跨湖桥遗址的人工制品和生态物进行了分析,复原了当时人类的居住环境及变迁、古食谱和制陶技术,从文化生态的角度探讨了先民的生存方式。文章认为,8000年前跨湖桥的富裕环境很可能促使复杂采集狩猎经济的发展,并出现比较复杂的社会结构,而水稻栽培和猪的驯养很可能与这类社会常见的仪式和宴享活动有关。  相似文献   
青海近代的农业垦殖与环境变迁(1840~1949)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近代是历史时期波及青海全省范围的大规模农业垦殖的起始阶段,从其发展历程来看可以分为衰落、恢复并快速发展和再度衰落三个时期。不同时期,人口数量、农垦的地域分布和水利事业发展均有所不同。近代农垦对青海环境变迁所造成的影响依然是局部的。  相似文献   
黄国政 《攀登》2005,24(4):105-107
青海省律师事业在改革中不断发展,律师人数不断增加。然而,在我省律师人才的培养中仍然存在一些突出的问题和薄弱环节。对此,本文认为必须给予高度的重视,采取有力措施,认真加以解决,从而才能在我省培养出一批“坚持信念、精通法律、维护正义、恪守诚信”的高素质律师人才。  相似文献   
古代江南地区圩田开发及其对生态环境的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江南地区的圩田大致滥觞于三国之际,迅速发展于两宋,全盛于明清,是我国江南人民在长期治田治水实践中创造的农田开发的一种独特形式。文章以大量历史文献资料为基础,全面考察了江南地区圩田开发的历程与特点,研究了江南圩田兴盛的历史因素和自然条件,并简要分析了圩田的作用。在此基础上,具体探讨了圩田开发对生态环境所造成的影响,认为因过渡围垦破坏了江南地区原有的湖泊河流水文环境,造成“水不得停蓄,旱不得流注”的严重局面,这便给圩田大大增加了防患水灾的压力;历代地方政府在圩田管理方面也是各自为政,各地圩田缺乏相互间的协作,使因破圩而形成的局部水灾年年有之;大量构筑圩田,使湖泊面积大为缩小,影响其调节水量的功能,破坏了本地区的生态条件,致使灾害频频发生。此外,围湖特别是废湖以后,使众多的水生资源也遭到了严重破坏。  相似文献   
在绘画创作中,李流芳的山水画在晚明画坛颇具代表性,其山水画在空间处理上已呈平面化趋势,树木山石的画法也具有某种符号化的特征,这种为追求形式之美而舍弃写实的描绘与明末形式主义画家有共同之处。  相似文献   
1952年9月15日,中苏两国在莫斯科签署《中华人民共和国中央人民政府、苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟政府关于帮助中华人民共和国植胶、割胶、制胶及售与苏联橡胶的协定》。该协定在扩大中国橡胶生产、派遣苏联专家到中国担任顾问、贷款和还款、售与苏联橡胶、移民云南等方面对20世纪50年代云南农垦系统的发展产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Establishing stable cropping systems was vital in antiquity, assuring certain yields and enabling ancient people to settle, thus possibly causing various modern food habits and culture to form around the world, especially in cereal-cultivation-dominated countries. China, one of the most famous ancient agricultural countries, has a long history of rice planting, and the fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system is prevalent in the lower Yangtze region, which is considered a rice domestication center. However, its origin and cultivation pattern remain unclear. We studied a famous agricultural vestige, the Chuodun site, involved in rice planting in the lower Yangtze River Delta in eastern China, during the Neolithic Age. Clear evidence from archaeology, paleobiology, pedology and biogeochemistry suggest both that the rice fire-irrigation cultivation system formed during the Neolithic Age and that ancient peoples lived there steadily. Under this extensive cultivation system, soil structures and properties changed significantly; in particular, it left more black carbon in the soil and increased the organic carbon soil stability, which can be used to reconstruct prehistoric environments. Meanwhile, the prevalent fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system used by farmers in this area, though for a different purpose than ancient people, may be inherited from the Neolithic Age.  相似文献   
郭沫若、范文澜、翦伯赞、吕振羽、侯外庐被称为中国马克思主义史学五大家,他们以马克思主义理论为指导,结合现代史学发展要求,批判性继承传统史家修养论,对史家修养进行了比较全面的阐述。如果运用传统史学的才、学、识、德来概括和分析他们的思想,主要包括:关于史才,着重论述了史料的搜集和整理、治史方法和撰述的技艺问题;关于史学,主要论述了专与通,拓展知识的途径,掌握外语的重要性问题;关于史识,主要阐述了掌握马克思主义理论的重要性及其学习和运用的态度与方法问题;关于史德,倡导树立求真务实的科学精神和学术的民主作风,提倡谦虚谨慎和勇于学术创新的品质。他们的史家修养论是中国现代史家修养论的重要组成部分,对当代史家提高自身修养有重要启示。  相似文献   
This contribution describes the results and interpretations of geoarchaeological and palynological analyses of a soil profile near to a 14C dated Bronze Age roundhouse in a sub-peat field system at Belderg Beg, north Mayo in western Ireland, which displayed field-scale evidence of tillage in the form of cultivation ridges. This evidence of arable cultivation was supported by the presence of quernstones in the roundhouse, but there was no supporting evidence from other forms of socio-economic analysis. Soil micromorphological analysis was employed to define how the ridges were created and with what tools; pollen analysis was used to characterise the surface vegetation and test the purpose of the ridges. The results unequivocally showed that a phase of ard cultivation was followed after a brief hiatus by ridge-and-furrow tillage. There were tentative indications of possible amendment of the earlier, ard-worked soil, and more definitive evidence of midden material addition to the ridged soil. An AMS radiocarbon assay on the base of peat overlying the ridges indicated that tillage occurred in the Mid to Late Bronze Age.  相似文献   
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