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This article seeks to dispel the popular myth that Pope Gregory X (1271–6) wanted to change the government of the kingdom of Jerusalem by putting Charles of Anjou on its throne through the purchase of the claim of Maria of Antioch. A study of the Angevin chancery records – little used by crusade historians – demonstrates that Charles had an interest and influence in the kingdom before Gregory became pope. An examination of Gregory's papal registers shows that he consistently treated Hugh of Lusignan as king of Jerusalem and that the pope had no desire for anything to disrupt the peace in Christendom that he deemed necessary for his crusade.  相似文献   
陈强 《攀登》2007,26(4):210-212
从"五四"运动到今天,新诗已经走过了80多年的历程。这一历史进程曲折复杂而又历尽艰辛,从文化传统和美学的角度看,新诗与古典诗歌不但没有不可逾越的鸿沟,而且有着谁也不能割断的民族的血缘。我国古典诗歌传统对新诗有着深远的影响。  相似文献   
洪业对崔述《知非集》、《荍田剩笔》等著作进行研究,系统梳理了崔述著作的版本流传、学术思想和生平事迹,这对顾颉刚整理和编订《崔东壁遗书》是有价值的。洪业主持的哈佛燕京学社引得编纂处支持了顾颉刚的《尚书》研究。在《禹贡》半月刊、禹贡学会的创立和以通俗读物的形式宣传抗日的工作中,洪业作出了自己的贡献,这些都对顾颉刚的学术产生了有意义的影响。  相似文献   
王仁湘 《中原文物》2007,4(3):38-45
考古所见我国史前玉人的冠式多为纵梁冠。这种冠式在长江、黄河中下游晚期新石器时代文化的玉件上经常出现,体现着某种神格,是史前人格化神灵的一种标准冠式。  相似文献   
论中国古代治边思想的特点、演变和影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
古代治边思想大体形成于秦汉,发展和延续至清代,其内涵是动态变化的,经历了从肤浅到成熟的过程,各个时期的治边思想又有其特色。古代治达思想总体上有两个基本的特点:统治对开疆拓土多持相对保守的态度,认为理想的边疆治理是“守在四夷”;从“华夷有别”的治边观出发,在边疆地区施行相对宽松的羁縻统治,同时重视在边疆传播封建化的教化作用。章还以封建统治对边疆民族的治策和对边疆的经济开发为例,阐述了古代治达思想对边疆治策的广泛影响。  相似文献   
This review of John Potts's Ideas in Time: The Longue Durée in Intellectual History discusses the advantages and disadvantages of writing intellectual histories that embrace the longue durée. It applauds Potts's concise account of historiographical discussions of continuity and discontinuity in the history of ideas in the last seventy-five years but laments his failure to discuss the contributions of historians of science and scholarship to the practices of knowledge-making and to the transmission of ideas. It suggests that the study of discontinuities can also be rich and revealing, and it proposes one approach to understanding the ways in which ideas go out of fashion. It concludes by noting, first, that the models that contemporary historians of ideas adopt also have to do with book-market opportunities and pressures and, second, that we have work to do to engage our contemporaries and students in whatever form of intellectual history we choose to write.  相似文献   
Despite sustained attention to the role of stakeholders in policymaking—both in legislative and regulatory venues—we lack a systematic understanding of whether and when stakeholders wield influence over decisions. This is particularly true regarding state-level rulemaking in the United States, which has become an important venue of policy action as federal policymaking is increasingly stymied. Although the specifics of the rulemaking process vary to some degree across states, determining whether common patterns of stakeholder influence exist across states and issue areas can advance our understanding of regulatory institutions more broadly. This study contributes to the growing body of scholarship on state-level rulemaking by analyzing the ways in which stakeholders participate in rulemaking processes and the effects on rulemaking decisions of such participation in three policy domains across five states. We find that while industry may be influential during rulemaking across cases, consequential opportunities for non-industry stakeholders to influence regulatory decisions also exist.  相似文献   
From the late nineteenth century, both Argentina and Chile were integral parts of Britain’s ‘informal’ empire in Latin America. It has been suggested by historians that this ‘informal empire’ came to an end around the mid-twentieth century. By analysing contemporary sources from within the British government and the findings of later economic historians, it is the purpose of this article to contest this viewpoint. It will instead argue that the end of ‘informal’ empire in these countries was a direct consequence of the First World War, and that the decline in British influence in the region was registered by British policy-makers much earlier than has previously been argued.  相似文献   
论严复对蔡元培教育思想的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严复是近代名的启蒙思想家,蔡元培是近代名的教育家。作为思想启蒙,严复对教育的认识直接和明显地影响着蔡元培“五育”教育、“男女平等教育”、“思想自由、兼容并包”、“美育代宗教”等教育思想的形成和发展n但这种影响不是全盘的接收,而是学习中的改造和借鉴中的超越。  相似文献   
日本新感觉派形成于20世纪20年代中期,强调主观感觉在创作中的重要作用。它诞生之初,就在日本文坛掀起轩然大波,论争主要围绕新感觉派的创作方法展开。日本新感觉派对中国文学创作产生过两次影响,第一次是20年代末30年代初,以刘呐鸥、穆时英、施蛰存为代表的新感觉派小说,他们较多从文体和创作技法上吸收;第二次是80年代贾平凹、莫言和余华等人的创作,巧妙汲取日本新感觉派的风韵,化入到作品肌髓。  相似文献   
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