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明人追求通过修谱与祠祭表达祖先崇拜和宗族共同体的意识。明人的祖先祭祀,依据祭祖地点,可以划分为墓祭、家祭、祠祭。娄坚《徐氏宗谱序》分析了明代江南故家大族与谱牒不盛的问题,认为吴人不能聚族在于习俗的鄙、奢所造成的,强调通过宗族建设移风易俗。明代族谱更加盛行,表现出强烈的以谱法接济宗法的观念。苏州士大夫发扬光大了宋代范仲淹设置义田、义庄的传统,以此赡族进行宗族建设,官府倡导并保护义田与义庄,形成了不同于其他地区宗族形态的特色。明代苏州处于宗族组织化的新阶段。  相似文献   
《明书》由傅维鳞参修《明史》而引发,自顺治四年开始撰写,到十年基本完成。以完成时间论,是第一部明代全史。《明书》的刊布、流传,经历了一个比较坎坷的历程,这与清廷的文化政策,与《四库全书总目》的苛评,与《明史》的独尊地位,都有着千丝万缕的联系。  相似文献   
《古今图书集成》版本考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《古今图书集成》编制过程留世档案很少,所以许多细节问题多有待考证,另外由于卷帙浩繁,出版印刷时间较长,各图书馆在著录版本和出版印刷时问等细节上,也常有错误之处。特别是最近国内外《古今图书集成》零本的高价拍卖,使了解此书版本情况的读者日益增多。本文经过多方考察并且对照各版次实物进行了详细的考证。纠正了许多常见的错误。  相似文献   
韩军 《攀登》2009,28(3):122-124
党刊作为党和政府的“喉舌”,其质量的高低。直接关系到能否正确、有效地发挥宣传、教育的作用。而党刊质量的高低在很大程度上取决于党刊编辑的业务能力及水平。因此,不断提高编辑的创新能力,对保证刊物质量、发挥刊物的积极作用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Topographical Survey of the Orange Free State, executed by the British War Office between 1905 and 1911, was not only one of the first but also one of the finest topographical surveys to be undertaken in British colonial Africa. The motivation for this undertaking stemmed from three sources: the personal interest of Sir David Gill (H.M. Astronomer at the Cape) in the measurement of the arc of the 30th meridian; Britain's imperialistic intervention in South Africa which resulted in the South African War (1899–1902) against the Boer Republics and which stressed the need for reliable military maps for warfare as well as for the general defence of the new colonies; and the need for accurate maps for purposes of colonial administration and land tenure. The survey took five and a half years to complete, and the 1: 125,000 series (G.S.G.S. 2230) that was compiled represented the only accurate maps of this part of the continent for almost seven decades.  相似文献   

The 1:1 million Map of Hispanic America, compiled at the American Geographical Society's New York headquarters between the First and Second World Wars, has been seen as a landmark in twentieth-century cartography. In this essay we re-evaluate the Hispanic Map as a technical and scholarly project and re-assess its wider significance for the history of twentieth-century topographic mapping in the light of the cultural and political factors that shaped its development. When finally completed in 1945, the Hispanic Map was rightly judged an unsurpassed scientific achievement and a major work of art. But it was already out of date, superseded by newer cartographic technologies, particularly aerial survey and reconnaissance, that had removed the need for the kind of meticulous and painstaking compilation that the Hispanic Map exemplified.  相似文献   
中共十一届三中全会以来,随着中华人民共和国史研究的广泛开展,一批体例各异、详略不一的资料性国史书相继出版。四川人民出版社2003年8月推出的卷帙浩繁的《中华人民共和国日史》(以下简称《日史》),就是其中之一。该书以年分卷,逐日记事,上自1949年10月1日起,下至1999年12月31日止,共计50卷。编纂者称该书是国家断代性质历史,  相似文献   
王茂荫是清代以不避权要、直言敢谏而声震朝野的名臣。《王侍郎奏议》是他的主要遗著。从王茂荫生前因病开缺调理期间(清咸丰八年七月至同治元年初)亲自编辑"奏稿"藏于家到20世纪90年代初黄山书社新版点校本《王侍郎奏议》,历时一个多世纪,凡编辑5次,刊刻4次。本文对《王侍郎奏议》刊刻史进行了梳理考述,披露了鲜为人知的佚闻佚事,对刊刻过程中的一些关键性人物作了评介。  相似文献   
吕兆禧生活于明万历时期,早死,有《东方先生集》和《吕锡侯笔记》传于世,并与姚士麟共辑六朝潘岳等人别集十余种,辑佚之功实不可没。《东方先生集》是明代较早出现的东方朔作品辑本,虽有收录过滥之弊,然搜罗之全、校核之精实优于张燮《东方大中集》。本文钩稽了吕兆禧的生平、著述和交游,指出了《东方先生集》的价值。  相似文献   
作为一部断代诏令文献总集,《西汉诏令》不是直接利用原始诏令文书汇编而成,而是通过辑录《汉书》中所载诏令文字编纂而成。《西汉诏令》为后世从正史中辑录档案文献,提供了很多有益的方法,但也存在一些不足和缺陷。相关的研究和总结,对现代档案文献编纂具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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