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在清代的佛山镇,义仓几乎承担了所有的地方善举,成为地域社会的"善举联合体"。佛山义仓的运作机制,不是对宗族公产房支轮值原则的简单移植,而是将"九社""八图""二十七铺"的里社组织融入到义仓的管理中,且在义仓管理中,力求革除豪族对义仓公产的强占,从而使义仓成为佛山地方善举的母体。在社会联结的意义上,围绕北帝信仰的祖庙,在空间和象征上成为佛山镇公共管理的黏合剂。  相似文献   
本文对吴、晋青瓷堆塑谷仓罐上出现的诸多动物装饰题材追根溯源,并阐释了其文化内涵。  相似文献   
During the past decade, numerous congressional bills and amendments have attempted to curtail lobbying by nonprofit organizations that receive federal grants. These policy efforts grow out of an assumption that federal funds are encouraging advocacy at levels that are excessive and encourage additional government spending. Using survey data on more than 700 organizations based in Washington, DC, this article tests this assumption. The data show that for the most part, organizations receiving federal grants and contracts lobby no more frequently than similar organizations that do not receive such benefits. The exception is contacting federal agencies, which charitable organizations receiving federal funds do slightly more often than similar organizations without such funds. A multivariate analysis assesses federal funding together with other variables theorized to affect lobbying—federal tax status, resource levels, and the nature of the lobbying issue—confirming that while these other variables affect lobbying levels, federal funding does not.  相似文献   
2009~2010年,南京博物院、镇江博物馆对镇江市区双井路遗址进行考古勘探、发掘,发现并揭示出宋代漕河、清代关河河道,元末明初拖板桥,清代京口驿,宋、元粮仓仓基,宋代官署建筑基址等遗迹、遗址,出土宋代带官、昌字的建筑砖瓦及唐至清代遗物,为研究我国大运河漕运、宋元仓储建筑、镇江地域文化等提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
清代名臣方观承除主要负责治理河渠外,也曾在社会慈善救济领域有较为显著的政绩,如在山东、直隶建立和完善义仓,在浙江关注育婴事业的发展,在直隶遍设留养局等。这些惠政不仅是其执行国家政令的表现,也是其关注民生,"实力办公"为官从政特点的体现。方观承的惠政及其成效说明地方官员执行国家政令要因地制宜,并尽量保持政策的持续性。  相似文献   
焦作出土汉代陶仓楼系目前保存下来较为完整的中国秦汉建筑的实物例证,其种类多,特色鲜明,具有较高的艺术价值和深厚的民族文化内涵。本文根据历年来相关考古报告和研究资料,并在实地考察部分馆藏作品的基础上,逐一对不同形制的陶仓楼进行了考释。  相似文献   
关注历史时期城镇慈善事业的发展状况,不仅有助于传统慈善事业研究的深入,也是城镇社会史研究的重要内容。本文在占有各种历史资料的基础上,完整展现了明末至1936年间天津慈善组织发展演变的历史过程,并对其时空特点进行了归纳。  相似文献   
许志强 《史学集刊》2012,(1):121-128
19世纪伦敦贫民窟的大量存在映证了英国工人恶劣的居住环境。19世纪90年代之前,英国政府将其视为城市环境问题,力图通过清理修缮的方式来解决;当时的工人住房建设主要由社会慈善组织来承担。90年代之后,伦敦郡议会主导市政工作,实行贫民窟清理与公租房建设并举政策,政府开始直接干预工人住房问题。  相似文献   
Recent archaeo‐botanical research has suggested that the introduction of farming did not immediately cause a sufficient shift in subsistence strategy to form an agrarian society but that the process took as long as hundreds of years. It is therefore suggested that it was not the farming technique in itself but the establishment of routinized day‐to‐day activity patterns and world views associated with farming that eventually led to the formation of a new social structure. The holistic concept of a dynamic day‐today routine and its associated physical and conceptual landscape is termed routine‐scape through which the process of agrarian society formation in Japan is examined around 1000–500 bce when paddy rice farming was introduced from China to Japan. A new crop storage system of a raised‐floor granary was also adopted as a part of the rice‐farming routine, which resulted in changing the Japanese routine‐scape. The community leaders increasingly associated the granary with both symbolic and practical significance; alongside controlling the storage‐related routine they finally gained centralized power. This paper indicates that agriculture brought along a new range of routine activities and their dynamic interactions with landscape produced new social structures.  相似文献   
随着考古发掘资料的增加和器物研究的进步,谷仓罐形制的演绎所隐含的丰富的文化内涵和广泛的历史信息得到了进一步阐释。  相似文献   
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