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媒人现象的社会作用及其演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金陵 《东南文化》2007,(5):73-76
媒人是历史发展中的特殊民俗现象,也是一种特定的文化符号。媒人随一夫一妻制的聘娶婚的出现而出现,在防止男女乱性、保障婚姻安全、完善规范礼法等方面起着积极的历史作用。媒人不仅不会退出历史舞台,相反,在新的历史时期,媒人的社会作用将更加彰显。  相似文献   
Survey of the coastal and inter-tidal zone at Kilwa in Tanzania resulted in the discovery of a series of artificial causeways and platforms at the entrance to the harbour of Kilwa Kisiwani, an important port trading with East Africa and southern Asia from around the 13th century. These appear to be part of a phase of monumental stone building at Kilwa in the 13th to 16th centuries, and represent a prosperous, confident Kilwa, impressing foreigners arriving by sea. Although necessarily speculative, several possible interpretations of their functions are advanced including navigation, protective breakwaters, access to marine resources, or ceremonial use.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   
汉代画像中的车马出行图考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汉代画像中的车马出行图,其实质是墓主人的灵魂从地下世界赴墓地祠堂去接受祭祀。此类题材在画像中的频繁出现,证明祭祀祖先活动的图象是汉画像中最重要的内容之一。  相似文献   
仪式活动是集体记忆、象征空间与地方认同建构源头,因其研究有助于揭示城市各空间尺度内的公共生活竞争的内在机制,因此已成为西方文化地理学的重要研究命题;但此类以仪式活动为视角,揭示集体记忆、象征空间建构过程及其机制的研究,在国内极少。鉴于其研究重要意义,文章以南京大学校庆典礼为例,运用文献研究、田野考察、访谈等多种定性与定量方法,探讨了自上而下的仪式活动,即校庆建构集体记忆、象征空间、地方认同的过程及其机制,为校园特别是新校园或扩建校园的纪念物建设与规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
在先秦时期的中原,基地、墓葬的头向以及夫妻合葬墓中左右方位的选择,不断被赋予礼制的内涵,体现了我国古代丧葬制度不断发展、演变的过程。尤其是到周代,丧葬制度趋于完备。其中的茔域与方位之制,成为古代礼制的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
中国封建皇帝封禅略论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在祭教合一的封建时代,皇帝举行隆盛的封禅典礼,既是构成皇权存在合理性、合法性的普遍逻辑性法则和终极依据,又是皇位正统和大一统所必须的文化表征.在儒学思想演绎和阐释下的封禅仪式过程和象征意义,不仅是一种政治秩序和制度模式的构建,而且也是一种意识形态和价值观的展示.  相似文献   
宗教作为一部分人解决个人终极关怀的唯一手段和实践体系,它在使人们保持心理和谐方面的积极作用是不容忽视的。了解日本国民宗教信仰的现状、特点及其影响,不仅对认识日本社会文化的特点大有裨益,而且对我国当前的社会主义文化建设亦具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
明朝万历年间,佛山南海盐步老龙与广州泮塘龙舟因一次大型龙舟比赛而结缘,因对比赛结果的谦让而结契:根据两条龙船所造时间之先后、历史之长短来划分辈分,盐步老龙因时间久远被尊为“契爷”(干爹),年轻的泮塘龙舟甘为“契仔”(干儿子),并择日簪花挂红,举行隆重的结拜仪式。在以后的每年端午节期间,“契爷”、“契仔”互相探访,仪式隆崇,场面壮观,彰显和重塑了南海盐步老龙厚重的文化习俗。  相似文献   
布依族夜宴酒歌的礼仪风俗,程序严格,内容繁复,形式多样,表现出雅俗共赏的民族传统文化艺术;夜宴过程能激发智慧,显示渊博知识,教育族人,增进民族间情感,形成团结互助的民族精神,从而加强民族的凝聚力。  相似文献   
His Majesty King George Tupou V, who reigned as the king of Tonga from 2008 to 2012, inherited near-absolute political power from his predecessors, yet two days before his coronation he announced that he would relinquish that power and granted amendments to the Tongan constitution, thereby making Tonga democratic. Innovative additions to the conventional speech made by the chief Ata at his taumafa kava installation ceremony as the 23rd Tu‘i Kanokupolu, on 30 July 2008 in Nuku‘alofa, suggest that the speech was composed by, or at the behest of, Tupou V himself to express his view of the contemporary ideology of his dynasty. The speech consists of 92 lines of traditionally styled Tongan poetry that rehearse the origins, history and achievements of the Tu‘i Kanokupolu dynasty, frequently employing pre-existing phraseology. Twenty-five anomalies of rhyme indicate that the speech was composed on the basis of a pre-existing composition and redacted to remind Tongans of particular aspects of the past and present character of the Tu‘i Kanokupolu dynasty.  相似文献   
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