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Bayesian statistics has now demonstrated its strong utility in archaeology, specifically through software that conditions radiocarbon data. Only recently has this technology been applied within Maya archaeology, however, in part because the Maya calendar provides a much greater resolution in dating archaeological events than is possible with radiocarbon data. The Long Count in particular allows for the assignment of some events relative to each other, accurate to the day. In this paper, a new approach is presented to incorporate robust records of both in the same Bayesian analysis through the OxCal software. The results do call for a reconsideration of the earliest radiocarbon studies in the Maya area from the 1960s, as well as the latest attempts to corroborate the currently popular calendar correlation known as the GMT. This new study demonstrates the value of the approach and corroborates the 1σ accuracy of the GMT, while at the same time opening up the possibility of revision by 20 or more years.  相似文献   
国家"夏商周断代工程"初步确定商周断代在公元前1046年,他们依据的前提是"当年岁星是在鹑火星次",比实际情况--"当年岁星是在天鼋星次",多了6个星次.所以,他们的推算方法虽然是正确的,但是因为所依据的前提错误,结果不对.依据对月象词、星象词和西周时期历法的认识,以岁星(木星)的运行规律可知,牧野之战发生于公元前1039年夏历的三月四日.我们判断,武王伐商是当年的二月一日壬辰,二日癸巳早晨从周地出发,二月戊午师逾孟津,二月晦日越五日甲子在牧野与商纣王战斗.  相似文献   
乾卦六龙态的天文含义研究--《左传》"龙纪"历法钩沉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《左传》昭公四年的“龙纪”,是上古以苍龙星为历象的太阳历的记载。这个苍龙星星象在《易经》乾卦六爻爻辞中有形象的描述,根据寅月“见龙”、午月“跃龙”等记载,可知其观测年代当在夏代以前。这种借龙“以喻天之阳气”的龙纪历法流传至先秦秦汉,或称“易历”、“气历”;或称“律历”、“甲历”。它以天干记日,十日为旬,六旬为甲,六甲为岁,一岁360日;并通过不记在日序之内的56日的过年日使历年长度略等于回归年长度,从而形成了原始社会晚期一部较实用的历法。  相似文献   
彝族是我国有悠久历史的民族之一。早在六千三百多年以前,彝族的先人重黎和吴回就是颛顼和帝喾高辛时期的"火正",即司掌心宿大火"光融天下"的天文历法大臣。从此中华传统天文历法即四分阴阳历便成了彝族同胞的一门家学,一直传到了今天。  相似文献   
从历法的角度探讨"四十二年"和"四十三年"逨鼎的历法关系,可以得出"既生霸"是初九的认识。该器符合厉王时期的历法。西周铭文中的王号生称、死称相同,具体铭文应分别对待。共和行政十四年应归属于厉王纪年范围之内,即37 14=51年。逨鼎诸器和晋侯稣钟同属于厉王时期的器物。西周金文中的月相词语是定点的,各指月中固定而又明确的一日。  相似文献   
Indigenous voices in government‐led natural resource management planning processes are often marginalised, misinterpreted, or excluded. Third parties, including government‐employed geographers, can act as knowledge brokers in defining Indigenous values and interests so they might be included in government planning processes. This paper reviews and assesses a research partnership that evolved to document the complex and diverse ecological and hydrological values held by Ngan'gi speakers about the Daly River and connected water places in the Northern Territory, Australia. The development of trust through the slow building of a relationship based on place‐based dialogue, a key aspect of participatory action research (PAR), created the foundation from which a mutually beneficial and respectful research partnership was able to, and continues to, evolve. Both research partners' perspectives are revealed here to articulate why the research partnership was deemed a success. Key lessons learned from the research partnership include the importance of trust, respect for place‐based learning, researcher and institutional flexibility, and awareness of the intricacies of relationship building and the benefits that research engagement can bring to Indigenous people and communities. We aim to further dialogue among geographers and interested disciplines as to the potential for PAR methods to foster mutually beneficial Indigenous–non‐Indigenous research partnerships.  相似文献   
年、月、日、时,是人类生活、生产,生存最重要的时间概念。五、六千年以前科学推算的历法和钟表还没有产生以前,我国先民依靠对日月星辰运行规律的观测来确定年月日时等时间概念。北斗七星则是一部摆在天空的历书和时钟。凭着对北斗柄指向变化的观测,人们便可以精确得知春夏秋冬四季及其月、日和一日的具体时间。  相似文献   
先秦时期的历政文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代自尧制新历起形成了实质上与巫史文化对立的历政文化,这标志着中国古人对最基本的自然规律开始有了比较明确的认识,从而对以农业为主的社会生产发生了重大的积极作用,并孕育了中国古代的唯物主义天人哲学,故历政文化是中国古代最重要的优良传统文化之一。在先秦学术中,真正继承历政文化精髓并使之升华的是儒家之学,渊源于历政文化的阴阳五行之学则最终沦为一种“舍人事而任鬼神”的“小数”。  相似文献   
森和 《江汉考古》2006,59(2):73-79
本文对“楚帛书”(包含第二帛书和残帛书)上有关月名与历法问题的文字和图像进行了基础性研究,认为子弹库楚帛书群中可以看到边文月、十三行月和楚月名三种月名,并尝试就其对应关系与历法作了再验证。我们还以五行说为指标,通过对“日书”以及“卜筮祭祷简”进行比较,指出楚帛书群的年代可能接近九店楚简“日书”。同时就子弹库楚帛书群的史料性质以及定位及今后的课题研究简单地作了展望。  相似文献   
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