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罗忠胜 《攀登》2010,29(5):57-62
德才兼备是我们党始终坚持的选拔任用干部的一个总的原则和基本标准。从毛泽东提出"德才兼备、又红又专"到胡锦涛明确提出"德才兼备、以德为先",党的几代领导人对干部选拔任用标准的探索经历了在表述形式和具体内容上的发展演变过程。党的几代领导人关于德才兼备标准的基本"内核"是相同的,即要求干部必须德才兼备;而区别就在于"德"与"才"在具体内容上的不断丰富和发展。  相似文献   
师■鼎铭"困伯太师武"一句的"困(韋東)"二字,原文写法非常奇怪。裘锡圭先生释为"東(韋東)",读为"范围",认为是遵循、效法之意。本文同意把后一字释为"(韋東)",但把前一字改释为"困"。"困(韋東)"也是遵循、效法的意思。  相似文献   
段传亮 《攀登》2011,30(3):26-30
新兴媒体的发展,在丰富信息传播渠道、拓宽传播广度和深度、提高领导效能的同时,也以其强大的功能深刻改变着舆论传播格局。社会舆论环境的更加复杂化,给党的思想文化宣传工作和党的执政活动带来了新的挑战和影响。认清当前执政的舆论环境、了解新兴媒体的强大功能、把握新兴媒体传播规律、掌握新兴媒体的操作技术,对于各级领导干部来说具有重要意义。  相似文献   
冯秀梅 《攀登》2007,26(4):157-158
每个人的艺术素养与其自身素质有着密切的关系。领导干部作为一个特殊的群体,应具有很高的思想觉悟和严格的行为准则,具备良好的为党和人民服务的素质与才能。而注重加强艺术素养,便是领导干部不断提高自身素质的有效途径。  相似文献   
张爱萍 《清史研究》2020,118(2):1-12
清初,迭遭兵燹的湖南地区经历了兴垦、均编粮里、清丈等重建赋役秩序的过程。其中,衡山县于康熙四十三年实施的"废甲编区"更是呈现出清初里甲赋役改革的丰富面相。因应偏沅巡抚赵申乔革除里排、滚单催征的举措,衡山县打破原有里甲规制的束缚,改革中坚持粮不过区、就地编区的原则,孕育了字区的地缘性色彩,重塑十七字四百三十七区的赋役区划体系。以康熙五十三年新一轮的清丈为契机,知县葛亮臣在业已建立的区划结构内清查荒籍,使字区成为地方重要的赋役征派和土地登记单位。在这一区域变迁的历史过程中,字区的行政区划功能逐渐得到强化和延续,以赋役征派为目的建立起来的基层赋役区划向实体化与政区化迈进,与之相应的行政话语也深刻地影响着民间契约文本的表达。  相似文献   
干部在中共抗日根据地政权建设中具有举足轻重的作用,或者说中共要达成自己的政权建设目标需要建立一个忠诚且有效的干部支持体系.1940年1月晋西北抗日民主政权建立后即开始自己的政权建设努力,试图通过民选方式和平且合法地改造基层政权,实现控制乡村社会、汲取乡村资源、服务抗战的目标.而越来越多的贫苦农民则依靠中共支持并借助"选举"渠道进入政权系统,由此构建了以中、贫农为主体结构的基层权力格局.这些新生干部尽管是中共在乡村社会最基本的依靠力量或中共革命事业最主要的承担者,但由于文化素质低下、行政经验缺乏、革命意识不强,似乎很难真正承担起中共的伟大理想.这亦充分说明干部队伍建设是中共需要不断努力破解的一道"难题".  相似文献   
In Indochina, overseas Chinese were organized by dialect group into associations called congregations, which shared many of the functions of huiguan in China. The spread of overseas Chinese economic and social networks followed a Skinnerian model in which large urban con?régations wielded more political and economic authority than did smaller, rural con?régations. By examining the impacts of French colonialism upon overseas Chinese networks within Indochina and upon overseas connections with their Chinese native places, this paper proposes that the Skinnerian model of local-system hierarchy fits quite comfortably when applied to the world of French colonial Indochina and its overseas Chinese. Furthermore, it argues that French colonialism actually reinforced the Skinnerian hierarchy of politics and markets in ways that endured long after the collapse of Imperial China.  相似文献   
In the last three decades, China has taken actions to tackle its environmental issues while the tension between policymakers at the central level and decentralized implementation of such policies has been a major concern. This study investigates how policy clarity and high powered incentive system jointly affect organizational performance in the context of environmental governance in China. Utilizing city-level data compiled with text data extracted from Report on the Work of the Government from 2004 to 2015 and Difference in Differences (DID) design, we find that the compliance of local officials to protect the environment as well as the actual environmental protection outcome significantly increased. Our study also finds evidence that newly-appointed Party Secretaries at the city level are the main facilitators of enhancing environmental regulation policies. This research proposes a two by two typology based on the principal-agent theory explaining how successful environmental governance within this period in China is realized and offers practical implications for those who seek to enhance the effectiveness of environmental governance.  相似文献   
王建军 《攀登》2011,30(2):1-4
信仰、信念、信心是一个管总的问题,关系到党的兴衰成败和国家的长治久安,至关重要。有些干部信仰、信念、信心出现问题,这是一个很大的问题,需要在新的时代条件下进行深刻反思并切实解决。要客观、全面、正确、深刻地认识信仰、信念、信心的内涵及其现实意义,坚定马克思主义信仰,坚定社会主义和共产主义信念,坚定走有中国特色社会主义道路的信心。  相似文献   
Initiatives aimed at protecting aquatic ecosystems often prove difficult to implement—particularly in water‐stressed, semi‐arid regions where the demand for water for human consumption is high. This article reports on an investigation of the factors that shaped the development and implementation of policies for aquatic ecosystem protection in the Oldman River Basin (ORB), a crucial watershed in semi‐arid southern Alberta. The analysis reveals critical cultural and historical considerations that confront those attempting to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems in the ORB and highlights specific factors that influence implementation of measures to protect it. In addition to the most basic consideration—demand for water exceeds supplies—eight specific factors that influenced aquatic ecosystem protection in this region are identified and evaluated. These include (1) clarity of actors’ roles/ jurisdictional responsibilities; (2) communication; (3) definition of key terms; (4) funding and organizational capacity; (5) leadership; (6) legal standing; (7) data and monitoring; and (8) public education. We argue that while these factors are important, critical cultural and historical considerations that influence water policy in the province also must be addressed in any efforts to protect aquatic ecosystems in southern Alberta.  相似文献   
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