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马科斯独裁下的菲律宾土地改革(1972—1986)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菲律宾农村土地分配的不公正状况在马科斯统治初期依然严峻,土地问题的急剧升级加剧了政体的演变,但军管法下的土改并没有使农民的生活状况得到明显改善。马科斯政府虽然与“旧寡头政治执政者们”逐步脱离,但和军人集团、政策制定者及商业权贵结合,实行“亲朋资本主义”政治,继续忽视农民的利益,农村基层组织也为地主势力所把持。制度创新的滞后严重阻碍了菲律宾农村土地改革和农村发展。  相似文献   
Using the Brazilian census and administrative panel data, the present paper provides evidence that the spatial concentration of analytical skills generates positive wage externalities for all workers in the local labor market. We rely on shift‐share instrumental variables to overcome the endogeneity of skill concentrations. The observed externality is independent from the classical market size economies. The estimates are robust to geography, institutions and workers' sorting on unobservable abilities.  相似文献   
A new artwork trading model emerged in China at the beginning of 2010s: the value of a piece of artwork was divided into equal shares, and investors could buy and sell these shares in the cultural artwork exchanges, in exactly the same way as investors trading stocks in the stock market. In China, this trading model, once available, was hotly pursued by investors. This rapid market growth quickly descended into trading market confusion and speculation, forcing the government to deal with this model and eventually putting a stop to it. In this paper, we take a closer look at the reasons for the artwork shares’ price booming and slumping, the disorder and speculation in the artwork share trading market, and the reasons why the Chinese government halted this kind of trade. Taking the Tianjin Cultural Artwork Exchange of China as an example, we found that artwork can be an alternative investment vehicle, but the share trading model, similar in function to the stocks and bonds market, is not fit for artwork. The lack of legal basis and supervision by governmental bodies, together with the changeable trading rules has also contributed to the failure of this artwork trading model in China.  相似文献   
从老股票看20世纪50年代的股份制企业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从已搜集到的20世纪50年代上海市的几种老股票来看,新中国成立初期的股份制企业至少存在三种类型。旧社会承继下来的资本主义性质的股份制企业是接受社会主义改造的重点对象和主角,通过实行“定息”,以“赎买”的方式,切断了所有制与经营者之间的联系,此时的股票与债券无异,股东与企业的关系是债权债务关系;农村的供销合作社和城市中的街道办股份制企业,与真正意义上的股份制企业相比都有很大的不同,它们的目的都是在抵制资本主义复辟和改变小生产方式的前提下发展社会生产力,目标是建成生产资料公有制的社会主义计划经济。  相似文献   
资本是维系企业生存和发展的命脉,而股份制企业筹集资本则不外乎对外招股和内部增殖两种途径。在近代中国华商股份制企业的创立和发展过程中,就对外招股而言,延续着一种按认购股份比例赠予红股的传统;就内部增殖来看,亦出现了一种以配发股份(红股)代替现金分红的制度。当在同一家企业中出现上述两种红股先后更替的嬗变时,则不仅反映了企业财务状况的改善,而且还体现了企业在制度设计上的优化。  相似文献   
The geography of the Canadian economy has long been dominated by heartland‐hinterland contrasts, with manufacturing identified as the dominant function of most heartland cities in analyses of the 1961 and 1971 census data. However, the proportion of employment in manufacturing has been declining in the heartland provinces of Ontario and Quebec over the past fifty years and some geographers argue that the heartland‐hinterland dimension of the regional economy is being overridden by city‐regions that are integrated into global networks of production and trade. The heartland‐hinterland trends are examined using multifactor partitioning (MFP), an advanced shift‐share methodology, for the period of 2001–2006. This is the first intercensal period in which Canadian business has faced the full impact of the removal of North American tariff protection and the increased globalization of the Canadian economy. The data covers employment by eighteen industry sectors for the seventy‐three economic regions defined by Statistics Canada. MFP measures the region and industry‐mix effects, which are interpreted as in the traditional shift‐share model (though they are derived more accurately) and, in addition, an interaction effect. The results demonstrate that the broad heartland‐hinterland differences in the distribution of population and employment growth are increasing not decreasing and that the hinterland is in fact falling further behind the heartland in employment growth. However the Calgary‐Edmonton corridor and the Lower Mainland of British Columbia are emerging as a western heartland. The population size of cities does affect their rates of employment growth, but so too does their location: the growth of heartland cities is outpacing those in the hinterland. The Appendix provides the equations for two‐variable multifactor partitioning.  相似文献   
中国东部地区向中国内陆及周边国家的产业转移方兴未艾,很有可能发展成为全球第四次产业转移浪潮,而制造业的区域转移是该过程的主体。本文对中国制造业不同尺度的份额变化及其影响因素进行讨论并对二者关系进行计量分析,得出以下结论:第一,制造业重心基本空间格局未发生变化,但已发生明显的份额变化;第二,制造业份额变化涉及多个空间层面,并遵循随经济发展水平增长而降低的梯度原则;第三,根据2001年和2009年中国地市级尺度制造业份额变化及其影响要素间关系的理论分析和计量研究结果,中国区域制造业份额与经济发展水平呈现倒U型关系,且仍对低成本劳动力具有一定的依赖性,而交通设施改善对于制造业份额的增长具有显著的正向效应。  相似文献   
陈彦光 《人文地理》2017,32(4):86-94
区域产业分析的常用测度之一是区位商,该测度用于一个地理单元(如北京市)中某种行业在全部行业中的比重与特定区域(如全中国)的同种行业比重做比较。然而,区位商是一个静态概念,不能反映一种行业的相对增长幅度或者变化速度。基于数学中"商"的概念和理论地理学中测度构造的一般方法,本文定义了一个行业增长商测度,用于比较一个子区域中某种行业的增长幅度与特定地理区域中同一行业增长幅度,数值越大表明一个子区域的某种行业相对于特定区域的同种行业的增速越快、增幅越大。进一步地,定义了一个区域增长商,用于比较某种行业的相对增幅与全部行业的平均增幅,数值越大表明某种行业在全部行业中的增速越快。采用信阳实例说明了增长商分析的应用方法。作为参照,定义、对比并讨论了区位熵和增长熵测度。增长商是一个动态的测度,简明易懂,在区域产业分析中可以与区位商功能互补,在未来的主导产业选择中可能发挥一定作用。  相似文献   
颜碧桃  吕守南 《攀登》2007,26(4):85-87
文化信息资源共享工程的实施,是青海省建设和发展社会主义先进文化的现实要求。本文分析了青海省推进文化信息资源共建共享工程的有利条件和政策环境,并就其建设路径进行了对策探讨。  相似文献   
郭安禧  黄福才 《旅游科学》2011,25(5):33-40,66
本文以1988~2010年台湾民众赴大陆旅游人次的统计数据为基础,从市场占有率、市场增长率和市场竞争态三个维度,对该客源市场的变动特征展开分析。结果表明:该客源市场在大陆入境旅游中的市场占有率自1990后变动相对平缓,主要围绕均线ai=3.50%作小幅变动;其市场增长率变动表现为波动幅度连续强幅、波动高度持续高峰、波动深度正负并存、平均位势总体偏高;整个市场竞争态集聚在均线di为3.50%、极差为1.59%的垂直于x轴的狭小区域内大体作上下变动。  相似文献   
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