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During the nineteenth century, “exile” became a key term to describe the Irish-diasporic community in North America. More recently, scholars in the fields of diaspora studies and Irish studies have described this community as a “victim diaspora” with connotations of forced expulsion, exile, and nostalgia for the homeland. Moreover, among scholars and within the Irish-American community, the notion exists that the Great Irish Famine (1845–1851) constitutes the Irish-American “charter myth”, that it was the starting point of an Irish-American identity. This article sheds a different light on these (self-)identifications by discussing the concepts of origin myth, exile and nostalgia and also considers the concept of diasporic belonging in the context of Irish and Irish North-American works of popular “Famine fiction” written between 1871 and 1891. Consequently, the impact of these late nineteenth-century literary considerations on present-day conceptualisations of the Irish-American community as a victim diaspora are discussed.  相似文献   
As the criterion used by archaeologists for determining early white porcelain is quite ambiguous, the origin of Chinese white porcelain remains a point of disagreement. In this study, we systematically investigate 61 typical Xing porcelains of the late Northern dynasties to the early Sui dynasty (550–600 CE) using spectrophotometer, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and analyze the differences between early white porcelain and celadon of Xing kiln in terms of their whiteness and raw materials characteristic. The results show that early white porcelain is a new type of ware that differs from celadon, which can be distinguished by whiteness, with a whiteness greater than 8% being early white porcelain and a whiteness less than 8% being celadon. It is assumed that the ancient potters created the whiter wares based on celadon by improving the glaze and selecting new raw materials for the body, but the production of this type of ware was short lived and subsequently refined in the Sui dynasty (581–618 CE) owing to the limited improvement in whiteness.  相似文献   
先秦中国和古代希腊文明起源的地理环境之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李友东 《史学月刊》2007,1(5):79-86
文明起源的地理环境可以分为整体地理环境和中心地理环境。前者指文明整体能力所及的极限地理范围,后者指文明主体的主要活动区域。从这两个角度分别进行比较,将有助于解释希腊和中国文明侧重于陆地或是海洋发展的原因。  相似文献   
中国"三农"问题的由来和发展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
中国在改革开放过程中出现的特有的城乡关系和特有的城乡发展路径,产生了中国特有的"三农"问题的理论.这个理论的形成和运用,对于深入认识我国的基本国情、用以指导社会主义现代化建设的实践和对其他国家的问题进行研究,都是很有意义的.我国"三农"问题总的情况是农业问题已经基本上得到了解决,但农民问题和农村问题还很严重,主要根源还在于计划经济体制下所形成的一套农村、农业政策还没有得到根本转变.解决农民问题和农村问题,要继续深化农村体制改革,下决心改革户籍制度,改革现有的土地承包制度,改革现有的国民收入分配格局和乡镇现有的政权体制包括财政体制.  相似文献   
Editor’s Note     
Most previous studies have held that the system of Tubo gaoshen (an honorary identity mark) was an imitation of a similar system in the Tang dynasty, referring to the latter’s official costume decorations for its stratified office-holders. These studies have not given due attention to the characteristics of the title itself. From the perspective of the change of the Tibetan name and based on existing research results and historical records in both Tibetan and Chinese, this article tries to offer a new understanding and preliminary discussion on the development of Tubo gaoshen and several related issues. We find that there are two paths in the evolution of its name: One is from Sug to Yi Ge or Yig, the other is from Yig tsang to Yig tshangs. The former is used to denote a concrete gaoshen and can be added as a prefix while the latter denotes the abstract idea of gaoshen and no attribute can be used before it. When the two are used together, the latter is used before the former, such as in: yig tshangs pa ni zangs kyi yi ge gtong/ (As to the gaoshen [yig tshangs], [he] is awarded a bronze yi ge).  相似文献   
黄帝族的发祥地及其时代   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本论文对关于黄帝族的发祥地及其所处时代的各家之说,进行比较考辨后,据古文献的记载与考古学的研究成果,得出:黄帝族发祥于今西北陕甘黄土高原,其时代约相当于考古学上的仰韶文化中、晚期,年代大致为公元前4000-3000年之间。  相似文献   
刑法规范法定原则是一项重要的刑法规范配置原则。其思想渊源是民主主义与尊重人权主义。民主主义要求刑法规范配置应当民主化,尊重人权主义要求刑法规范配置应当尊重人权。刑法规范法定原则包括法律性原则与明确性原则两个派生原则。法律性原则要求刑法规范的法律渊源应当是法律,刑法规范的内容应当依法规定。明确性原则包括刑法规范确定化与刑法规范明晰化两个方面。  相似文献   
韶乐探源:苗蛮文化对中原早期文明的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古今学界都认为韶乐是中原早期发明的礼乐制度.与处在蛮荒地区的苗蛮化并无关系。但根据可靠献.隋置韶州得名于韶石,韶石得名于韶乐.可知粤北地区的古化当与韶乐有联系。如果进一步探索.先秦献所载帝舜奏韶乐的传说和夏启舞九韶的“天穆之野”都在今湘南、粤北的南岭地区,韶关石峡遗址出土的6人舞蹈实物显示这一地区的先民早在5000年前左右就对乐舞情有独钟。因此.韶乐当是中华明初期南北方化交流、融合的产物.是南方苗蛮化对中原早期明的形成作出的重要贡献。  相似文献   
商代马车及其相关问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷墟发掘以来 ,曾多次发现商代车马坑。但在解放前 ,因受当时发掘条件所限 ,都未能将坑中的木质车子的遗迹清理出来。19 5 0年在河南辉县琉璃阁战国墓地 ,夏鼐先生带领数名技工 ,通过精心操作 ,剥剔出十几辆已朽为尘土的木车遗迹。后来 ,随着发掘经验的积累和发掘技术的提高 ,新中国考古工作者先后在大司空村、孝民屯南地、白家坟西地、郭家庄西南、刘家庄北地、梅园庄东南等处的商代车马坑的发掘中 ,经过精心细致剥剔清理 ,将数十辆殷代车子发掘出来 ,为复原商代车子提供了可靠的依据 ,也为研究商代车制及其相关问题提供了珍贵的科学资料。…  相似文献   
“金张掖”来历及涵义考略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“金张掖”一称到底始于何时 ,其涵义又是什么 ,历来众说纷纭、莫衷一是。本文引用了许多文献资料 ,随着历史的变迁 ,对这一系列问题进行了考证  相似文献   
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