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赵玉 《东南文化》2016,(4):100-105
我国博物馆应充分运用互联网、多媒体、新媒体等技术手段,使博物馆文化成果惠及更多受众,博物馆微信营销是完成该任务的有效手段之一。我国博物馆通过微信营销策略满足观众需求具有很强的实践性。专业化程度较高、功能较完善、社会作用较明显的96家国家一级博物馆中,有65家开通了微信公众号,但目前微信公众号存在基本内容不完整,功能不完善,内容更新频率低,宣传推广力度不够等问题。今后博物馆应根据自身情况,完善公众号的基本内容与功能,加快内容更新频率来保持目标用户的关注,多途径进行微信公众号的推广,凭借微信公众平台这个低成本的沟通渠道,为观众提供更加优质的服务。  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to establish the extent to which the history of music can offer new perspectives on the modern period. We need a change of perspective, moving away from the aesthetic debates on music to an investigation of actual experiences and practices of participants. Audience behaviour provides a link between musical production and society. In order to make opera houses and concert halls visible as social spheres, this article draws on examples from the musical life of Berlin and London in the 1800s. Music should no longer be regarded as a peripheral phenomenon, but instead as a potential historical question. The analysis of musical performances prompts at least one: music matters.  相似文献   
博物馆观众是博物馆教育研究的核心问题。研究的进步依托于理论的成熟,但是目前学界有关博物馆观众这个定义的理论研究还处于一个发展阶段。本文作者对以往有关博物馆观众的若干流行定义进行了质疑和辨析,同时对博物馆观众的定义进行了新的探讨,提出了自己对于博物馆观众的理解,即博物馆观众是博物馆环境的直接体验行为人的集合体。文章结束部分进一步对博物馆环境、博物馆体验以及人的集合体等信息点进行了必要的深化补充。  相似文献   

In pursuing the question ‘what can scientists learn from theatre?’ Particularly, ‘what can scientists, as scientists, learn from theatre?’ this paper argues that science lacks a normative framework that theatre is capable of providing. Despite science’s well-earned epistemic reputation, there is adequate reason to question its ethical reputation, particularly at the point where cutting edge scientific technology impacts society. I consider science as operating in four categories: the scientific method; the scientific hypothesis; the scientific experiment; and the scientist’s personal character. The realms of the scientist’s hypothesis and personal character are those where social pressures are reciprocally exerted, where imaginative play mentality and epistemic values are most in evidence. Theatre can examine these realms effectively because it is able to use narratives that appeal not only to logical and social moral judgements but to emotional and visceral responses, so as to situate science in the social context in which the pressures of law, funding, experimentation, society, and personal ambition converge in ‘the game of life’.

This can be seen in the theatrical process known as ‘contracting with the audience’. I point out a spectrum of traditional narrative tropes by which science makes “contracts with” audiences. The paper draws on theories of entrainment and theatrical game-play from Peter Stromberg and Philippe Gaulier, as well as my own practice and research into the process of contracting with the audience, to propose how to reach beyond tradition and to shift normalising contracts “outside the box”. To illustrate my proposition, I examine the play Seeds by Annabel Soutar as directed by Chris Abraham for Crow’s Theatre and Theatre Porte Parole. Seeds follows the controversial court battles of Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser against agricultural-biotech corporation Monsanto, which sued him for patent infringement of its Genetically Modified Organism Roundup Ready Canola. Seeds helps its audience define a public arena for discourse even as it brings to our attention the factors that make this difficult to do, while making an excellent contribution to the genre of ‘Documentary Theatre’. It is a successful contract with the audience that creates a public forum for discussion about contemporary ethical debates in science, thereby merging artistic ambiguity and scientific theory.  相似文献   
蔡琴 《东南文化》2011,(3):80-87
为了贴近观众的多元需求,改善博物馆的服务质量和服务水平,浙江省博物馆在武林馆区通过为期一个月的问卷调查来收集观众的反馈意见。问卷设计有两种:其一是《浙江省博物馆武林馆区和浙江革命历史纪念馆观众问卷调查》,侧重调研观众的身份、信息来源、参观需求;另一种是《"越地长歌——浙江历史文化陈列"问卷调查》,侧重调研博物馆陈列展览的品质和观众参观时的状况。这次问卷调查获取的信息比较准确、科学,有助于博物馆工作者从中找出博物馆工作改进完善的目标,更加密切博物馆与公众的关系。  相似文献   
Collaborative research partnerships between academic anthropologists and host or descendant communities are becoming more popular in anthropology. The reviewed books demonstrate there are different understandings of what collaboration means for professional identities and expertise across subfields. Therefore, such partnerships are unlikely to promote cross-subfield integration. Nevertheless, while their collaborative styles diverge, the reviewed authors are motivated by a shared interpretation of disciplinary responsibilities and opportunities that emerges from anthropology's longstanding commitment to fieldwork and also reflects post-World War II historical transformations. Their shared interpretation raises challenging questions for the discipline at large about professional practices like evaluation.  相似文献   
In his Ars praedicandi sermones, in traditional yet rich metaphoric language, Ranulf Higden compares Christ to a fountain, a shepherd, a rock, a lily, a rose, a violet, an elephant, a unicorn, and a youthful bridegroom wooing his beloved spouse. Ranulf encourages preachers to use such metaphors while using them himself, rendering his text a performed example of what he encourages. This text is clearly linked to two others: Ranulf’s Latin universal history, the Polychronicon, and John Trevisa’s English translation of it. In the Polychronicon, Ranulf relates the life of Christ, utilizing some of his own rhetorical suggestions from his preaching manual. He also depicts a cross-section of good and bad preachers, including Gregory, Wulfstan, Eustas, St Edmund, and one William Long-Beard and his kinsman, who exemplify (in different ways) the wisdom conveyed in Ranulf’s instruction in the Ars praedicandi. This essay suggests that the literary relationship between the preaching manual and the Polychronicon supplies additional support for the idea that the audience of the latter was not noblemen exclusively, but also clergymen who preached and had responsibility for the care of souls (cura animae).  相似文献   
This paper explores the relationship between social movements, urban regeneration programmes and media outlets in cities, with a focus on the transformation of urban culture in regards to people’s engagement with the spaces of media platforms. The argument is based on the study of cinema-going practices of an audience community in Istanbul, during and preceding the Gezi uprising. By employing ethnographic methods, this paper interrogates the activism of an audience community against the impact of shopping-mallisation and commodification of Istanbul’s urban spaces under AKP rule. In order to reclaim ownership of their spaces and future, this audience community claimed their right to the Emek movie theatre, Gezi Park and other parks whilst creating their own outdoor screenings and social media platforms. This paper also provides an interpretation of social movement development attached to media outlets such as film festivals and screenings, particularly the development of spatial activism in relation to people’s use of films, streets and movie theatres, thus illustrating, challenging and reinforcing rights to the city. More broadly, it gives new insights on the film and protest culture of a ‘secular’ group within a predominantly Muslim population and shows alternative and creative methods of protesting during a popular uprising.  相似文献   
博物馆观众行为,主要是指观众在博物馆环境中带有目的性的行动的连续集合。观众行为的跟踪调查和定点观察,是博物馆观众研究的重要手段。湖北省博物馆"曾侯乙墓展览"的观众行为、参观时间、展品参观率、博物馆标识利用率等的调查研究和统计分析,折射出博物馆在展线安排、服务设施等对外服务方面的大致情况,可以为我国博物馆开展观众服务提供可资借鉴的参考数据和建议。  相似文献   
凌静 《神州》2011,(9X):5-6
由于在高中阶段学生的兴趣爱好、智力因素、学习习惯的优劣、个人意志和毅力等非智力因素的作用都会逐步显现,随着学习的深入,数学成绩的分化是必然的,成绩在落后的同学会与初中比较,原来在班上是前几名,现在是后几名,精神压力很大,处理不好对以后学习影响较大。高中数学有十几章内容,高一数学主要是函数,有些同学函数学得不怎么好,但高二立体几何、解析几何却能学得不错,因此,一定要用变化的观点对待学生。鼓励和自信是永不失效的教育法宝。  相似文献   
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