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建于南宋嘉定六年(公元1213年),位于浙江省义乌市的古月桥是折边拱桥这种桥梁发展过渡形式中不可多见的典型实证,具有极高的历史、科学、艺术、文化和社会价值。为了明确古月桥目前的状态,分析其主要威胁及病害原因,判断结构稳定性,进而制定有针对性的修缮方案,采用多种科技方法对古月桥进行了勘察和综合判断。面对桥身残破的现状,工作组采取了三维激光扫描、微观实验、结构分析等多种科技方法综合勘察,不仅较为清晰的地了解了古月桥的病害威胁,也分析了其背后致因及相互之间的联系;最终对古月桥稳定性及保存状况做出了综合判断。上述多种方法的应用,不仅相互印证了勘察结论,也为后续保护工作提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   
Previous research in the history of physics has led us to believe that Yoshio Nishina (1890–1951) virtually single‐handedly imported quantum physics into Japan. However, there are first‐hand accounts that Yoshikatsu Sugiura (1895–1960) also played an important role. Sugiura made his name in quantum chemistry with his contribution to the Heitler‐London theory of the chemical bond. Yet, historians of physics have paid scant attention to him. This paper brings forward information on Sugiura from his letters, his scientific papers, and his own recollections until ca. 1930. By examining this material, the present paper studies Sugiura's accomplishments in Europe and his contributions to the development of quantum physics in Japan. We conclude that Sugiura was one of the most important physicists when it comes to the arrival of quantum physics in Japan. In addition, we assess why he has been under‐appreciated in the history of physics in Japan. Our historical study on Sugiura suggests that, in addition to the position Nishina and his students rightfully occupy, there still are important unexplored aspects in the history of Japanese quantum physics.  相似文献   
Changing working conditions at many universities over the past decade have meant longer hours, intensified record-keeping, and more precarious employment. Despite these changes, many academics still insist that we enjoy our jobs. Our inquiry is oriented toward spaces and practices that bring us joy in our daily work and help us withstand the negative effects of working in academia. This article reports on our exploration of some moments of joy at work as part of our own academic practice. Through a feminist methodology known and developed as collective biography, we wrote individual memories of joy in our teaching, publishing, and collaborating, together at a writing retreat. As we analyzed these recalled moments, we came to realize that joy emerges through a turbulent process fueled by a cocktail of emotions. In fact, we came to understand joy as affect, with affect seen as a certain sort of excess, generated around and through sensations that might contribute to feelings such as celebration, happiness, or surprise as well as fear, anger, or embarrassment. We conclude that joy does things, that it can be transformative, and that cultivating joy in academia is part of a radical praxis.  相似文献   
From the perspective of historical anthropology, this article examines a great deal of the biographies of religious figures in Tibetan history, reveals their special way of writing, classification, and circulation. In Tibetan Buddhism, biographies of religious figures are considered as a subject’s demise (lung-rgyun) and have their special meanings. They are the text of the largest quantity in the historical works of Tibet and had great influence on Tibetan historiography. A comprehensive research on their cultural characteristic, historical evolvement and historical influence will help us understand the Tibetan culture in depth. __________ Translated from Shixueshi Yanjiu 史学史研究 (Journal of Historiography), 2007, (4): 67–77  相似文献   
唐代出现了大量文人所写的应用性传记。其中,他传性托传基本上体现史传的“有益于世”的精神,但和史传的具体写作目的截然不同,它不用拘于史传的种种体式,具有多种多样的表现形式。所以,他传性托传的突破传统史传体式,使得传统的“传”由单纯记述历史的散文发展成为极富文学艺术性的散文,从而开创了中国传记文学的新天地。  相似文献   
盛菊 《安徽史学》2005,(5):116-120
胡适在撰写年谱的学术活动中,就年谱体例的发展与创新、年谱的功用与价值、年谱与传记的关系等问题,形成了丰富系统的思想,并对年谱体裁的发展产生了重要影响.胡适认为年谱应该揭示谱主学问思想的变迁沿革与发展脉络,总结其学术地位与学术贡献,年谱不仅要记述谱主的成就,也可以进行评判与批评,指出他的错误与短处.胡适总体上是将年谱视为传记之一种,但也注意到年谱在内容、体例、功用等方面与一般传记又有一定的区别.  相似文献   
This article examines how the practice of learning geography, and the arenas in which knowledge-making takes place, can be usefully positioned within changing histories of the discipline. It contends that networks of action – understood through the intersection of social sites, subjects and sources – present a conceptual framework and narrative focus for the re-consideration of specific episodes from geography's past. The interventions made here are informed and illustrated by a 'small story' about the doing of geography. Based on different personal accounts, the story revives a series of events, encounters, dialogues and images dating back to the winter of 1951 at Glenmore Lodge, Scotland. This educational institution in the Cairngorm mountains offered children from urban areas the opportunity to learn field studies and the skills of 'outdoor citizenship'. Initially, the focus falls on Margaret Jack, a 14-year-old field-course participant. Her learning experiences are traced through personal letters, a diary and a field journal dating from that time, and her recent recollections of this event. Margaret's account dovetails with the story of her field studies instructor, Robin Murray. Robin's role is traced through his learning experiences as a geography undergraduate at Aberdeen University, and the recent recollections of Catriona Murray, his wife.  相似文献   
辑补<全宋词>赵善括小传:善括,号应斋居士.约生于南宋高宗绍兴二年(1132)前后.以荫入武阶,约绍兴二十一年(1151)前后,始任州县差遣.孝宗隆兴元年(1163)进士.释褐为县丞.乾道四年(1168)六月至七年(1171)十一月,知平江府常熟县(今江苏常熟市).八月,阶官特转左宣教郎.乾道七年十一月,通判平江府(今江苏苏州一带).八年(1172)二月,犹在此任.淳熙四年(1177)十一月,已以朝奉郎通判镇江府(今江苏镇江一带).五年(1178)六月,犹在此任.至迟淳熙五年(1178),已权知鄂州(今湖北武汉市武昌区一带).六年(1179)九月,放罢.淳熙十年(1183)四月,新差知连州,为言官论罢.淳熙十二年(1185),起为荆湖南路安抚使司参议官.十五年(1188)五月后,解任.淳熙十六年(1189)十二月,新知常州,为言官论罢,主管建宁府武夷山冲佑观.卒于宁宗庆元四年(1198)或稍前,官终朝请大夫.  相似文献   
《慈恩传》全称《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》,是一部记述玄奘生平最早最详实的传记,也是唐代唯一的一部专传;《慈恩传》记述了玄葵不同寻常的一生,更重要的是,《慈恩传》折射出唐代上升时期的唐人风貌:开放的文化心态,进取的时代风貌,强烈的爱国情感。  相似文献   
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