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The US–ROK alliance during the First Korean Nuclear Crisis provides the most likely case of high alliance cohesion. Curiously, however, instead of dancing to the American tune in their joint management of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) threat, the Republic of Korea (ROK) caused frequent policy collisions – supporting the US–DPRK negotiations at one point and opposing it at another – at the risk of jeopardizing its physical security. The main finding here is that the variations in the South Korean behavior were a function of their experience of status inconsistency. In particular, the ROK became compliant with the US–DPRK talks when it believed that its desired status marker of taking the leadership role in crisis management was within reach, and unyielding otherwise. These fluctuations ended up not only eroding the US–ROK alliance cohesion but also inhibiting a successful resolution of the crisis. All this bears directly on the fundamental question of whether international politics is to be understood in essentially realist terms.  相似文献   
文物艺术品市场多元格局的形成,国有文物商店所处的市场竞争环境愈发激烈,凭借原有的运营模式已难于获得新的发展空间,实施产业联盟是国有文物商店在现有市场环境中赢得竞争、获得发展的有效路径。长三角地区有国有文物商店12家,丰富的文物藏量、相似的组织机构、繁荣的文物市场,为建立和实施产业联盟提供了有利条件。产业联盟既可以整合各个个体的资源,充分利用各自的有利因素,又可以避免相互之间的恶性竞争,从而产生最优的协同效应和规模经济效应。  相似文献   

Nuclear cooperation has been a consistent feature of the Australia-US alliance. In the 1950s and 1960s, Canberra explored transferring US nuclear weapons to Australian forces operating in Southeast Asia. Since the 1960s, Australian governments have supported hosting joint facilities that contribute to America’s ability to execute global nuclear operations. And Australia has regularly invoked the nuclear umbrella as part of the alliance. We explain the key sources of nuclear cooperation in the alliance by leveraging realist and institutionalist theories of alliance cooperation. While realism explains limits to US nuclear commitments in the 1950s, institutional explanations are more relevant in pinpointing the sources of nuclear cooperation and in explaining why Australia has often achieved its policy preferences as the junior partner.  相似文献   
After 60 years maintaining Self-Defense Forces rather than a normal military, Japan is moving towards exercising collective self-defence, long restricted by interpretations of its 1945 Peace Constitution. The merits of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo's ‘proactive pacifism’ are intensely debated by those welcoming greater international contributions from Japan and others suspicious of Japanese ‘remilitarisation’. A nation’s defence posture can theoretically be hijacked by aggressive nationalists, shift to pacifist isolationism, or rely on non-military internationalism or multilateral security cooperation. This article assesses competing explanations about the post-war trajectory of Japan’s defence posture by charting variation in military doctrine and capabilities. The analysis finds that Tokyo has made incremental policy adjustments under domestic and international constraints, and is not aggressively remilitarising.  相似文献   
Afghanistan was Australia's longest war, yet the consensus between Australia's major political parties on the commitment never wavered over 12 years. The bipartisan unity held even as the nature of the war changed and evolved, Australian casualties rose and popular support fell away. The enduring centrality of the US alliance explains much—probably almost all you need to know—about the unbroken consensus of the Australian polity. Afghanistan was an example of the Australian alliance addiction, similar to Vietnam. As with Vietnam, the Australian military left Afghanistan believing it won its bit of the war, even if the Afghanistan war is judged a disaster. As Australia heads home it finds the USA pivoting in its direction; with all the similarities that can be drawn between Vietnam and Afghanistan, this post-war alliance effect is a huge difference between the two conflicts.  相似文献   
同盟会,国民革命的联盟——关于同盟会的性质问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为同盟会的性质不是如过去学术界所说的为资产阶级政党,而是全国各阶级革命群众的联合政党、国民革命的联盟.本文主要从三个方面展开论述:1、从同盟会的三民主义纲领来看,它不仅反映了资产阶级的利益和要求,也代表了包括地主、工人、农民在内的当时一切反对西方列强侵略,要求推翻清朝,振兴中华,改变现状的人们和阶级的利益.2、从同盟会的成员来看,既有资产阶级,也有地主、工人、农民和其他各阶级及其知识分子.3、从同盟会领袖孙中山的思想来看,也不是仅站在资产阶级立场上讲话,而是代表了全国各族各阶级,尤其是工人农民的共同利益.  相似文献   
《四国协约》生效后日英同盟协定自动失效,同盟宣告解体。从表面原因来看,日英同盟解体是日美矛盾发展到军备竞赛的激烈程度致使美国成压力图与美国保持友好关系的英国放弃与日本的结盟,以避免英美之间直接军事冲突的结果。但从根本上来说,任何两国之间的国家利益不可能长久地保持一致并维持永久性同盟关系,从这个角度出发,审视同盟的解体则是日英两国的国家利益产生矛盾和冲突,以致在同盟范围内无法进行协调的结果。本文即从日英同盟解体的根本原因入手,分析了同盟解体及其对日本产生的影响。  相似文献   
郝本性 《华夏考古》2002,(2):107-112
所谓盟誓 ,指人们用言辞共相约束。盟誓的言辞 ,《左传》称之为“载书”。盟与誓有时是有差别的。《礼记·曲礼》说 :“约信曰誓 ,莅牲曰盟。”盟是两个人、两个集团及其以上之间的行为 ,通常采用神秘的仪式。就是说举行盟礼 ,要杀牲歃血以表示神圣与庄重。中国古代对血有所崇拜 ,先民有血祭的习俗 ,牲血被认为有避除邪恶的功能。一件器物新成 ,要涂以牲血叫“衅”。盟誓用口饮血 ,叫“歃血” ,是取信于神的一种仪式。盟多由掌权者主持 ,称为“盟主” ,而且盟是用于加强外交 ,巩固内部秩序的重要手段。誓则常见于军旅主帅誓师、祭祀、诉讼及…  相似文献   
Before 1644, the Manchu rulers pursued a deliberate policy of alliances with the southern (later “Inner”) Mongol tribes. In the 1630s the system of treaties and alliances gave way to the creation of the League-Banner system, the jasaq system, and the Lifan Yuan. The new territorial and political organization meant that the southern Mongols, while retaining a degree of autonomy, became subjects of the Qing dynasty. This essay explores the historical circumstances of the transformation of the relationship between Manchus and Mongols from partnership to subordination. It also aims to explain the political principles deployed by the Manchus in the redefinition of their relationship with the Mongol elites. More specifically, the essay proposes that the new forms of administration of Inner Mongolia stemmed from a condition of “tutelage.” Tutelage was not simply imposed by the Manchus upon their erstwhile allies, but actively sought by Mongol aristocrats in the context of the intra-Mongol wars carried out by the Čaqar leader Ligdan Khan.  相似文献   
1931年河南偃师出土一件汉代石刻东乡通利水大道约束刻石,而铭文长期未得通读。本文从考释该石刻文字入手,对有关汉代"约束"文书的几件石刻及简牍材料铭文进一步确释,并予以综合研究,梳理"约束"在古代的缘起与存续过程,指出"约束"这一文书形式与民间民众组织的密切关系,说明类似石刻材料是研究古代基层社会的重要资料。  相似文献   
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