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楚文化研究又一新成果--《新蔡葛陵楚墓》读后   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨育彬 《江汉考古》2005,(1):95-97,86
河南新蔡葛陵楚墓,是近年来淮河流域考古中新发现的一座战国中期大型墓葬。其墓主人为平夜君成,是与楚王关系密切的重要封君。墓葬结构复杂,并有陵寝建筑遗存。出土有包括青铜器、玉器、漆木器和大量竹简在内的各类随葬品,还有人殉现象。在科学发掘和整理的基础上出版了《新蔡葛陵楚墓》一书,详细介绍和分析了考古资料所反映的楚国历史、葬俗、礼制、历法、手工工艺、书法艺术等诸多信息,是我国楚文化研究又一新成果。  相似文献   
Many indigenous populations are experiencing rural-to-urban migration. In making this transition, indigenous peoples are entering industrial societies where most income derives from wages or salaries, and formal educational achievement is crucial in determining economic prospects. This research analyzes the gap in test score results between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students in public schools in the Canadian province of British Columbia. It finds a strong effect of school quality, as measured by non-Aboriginal achievement, on Aboriginal achievement. It also finds a nonlinear negative relationship between Aboriginal achievement and the number of Aboriginal students in a school over the empirically observed range. It thus suggests a possible trade-off and dilemma between, on the one hand, policies that enable Aboriginal students to concentrate in a few schools able to provide a culturally sensitive curriculum and, on the other, policies to maximize Aboriginal academic achievement.  相似文献   
李端棻《苾园诗存》147首,大部分写于流放新疆之后,诗歌揭露黑暗现实,批判专制制度,宣扬“平等”、“自由”等资产阶级民主观念,为贵州民智开发的先声。其内容与风格与“诗界革命”主张隐然契合。李端菜应该是“诗界革命”的宿将。  相似文献   
Augmented reality (AR) technology is commonly used in education. AR offers a combination of the virtual and real world; thus, it can help students in learning abstract and complex subjects. The purpose of the current study was to determine the impact of mobile AR technology on achievement, cognitive load levels and views of 95 first-year university students (40 in the experimental group and 55 in the control group) enrolled in a geography course in the social sciences education department of the education faculty of a university in Turkey. A sequential explanatory design, a mixed method type of research, was used. The data were collected using an achievement test, a cognitive load scale, and a semi-structured interview form. The results of the study showed that AR increases students’ achievement and decreases their cognitive load levels, and the students’ views about AR technology were positive. Consequently, it can be stated that mobile AR technology is a useful tool for teaching geography, especially geomorphology topics.  相似文献   
王姝 《安徽史学》2015,(2):163-168
自20世纪80年代初白寿彝明确提出"历史文学"的概念以来,对于"历史文学"的研究已有三十多年。文章就中国古代史学上的"历史文学"问题的相关研究,从"历史文学"意识、"历史文学"成就和"历史文学"理论三个方面进行梳理,并对"历史文学"研究的发展提出一些前瞻性的思考:"史学审美"是否可以作为这一领域传承创新的路径。  相似文献   
《算经十书》的校勘,是自清乾嘉以来中国数学史界的一项重要研究课题。这次由中国科学院自然科学史研究所郭书春、刘钝研究员校点的《算经十书》,是在总结和吸取前人经验和教训,并对各校勘本深入研究,加以甄别基础上的新校勘。此校勘本的出版,标志着《算经十书》校勘的工作达到了一个新的更高阶段。  相似文献   
This study empirically analyzes the influence of school accessibility on student academic achievement in a rural area of Taiwan. The sample population comprised elementary and junior high-school students in Pinlin, a small village outside Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan. Data were obtained through a questionnaire survey and analyzed via linear regression and ordered logit regression for continuous grade point average and discrete letter grade, respectively. Compared with previous research, this study presents the following new findings: (1) similar to elementary-school children, travel obstacles also negatively affected learning achievement of junior high-school adolescents; (2) travel obstacles affected academic achievement more significantly for adolescents than children; and (3) travel obstacles affected letter grades more significantly than grade point averages in children. The empirical evidence indicates that travel obstacles explain the academic achievements of children and adolescents with moderate or weak significance.  相似文献   
《吴雁南评传》以大量翔实、可靠的文献资料及口述史料为基础,通过纵向的、横向的、历史的、现实的比较研究,力图就吴雁南由一个普通的专科学生成长为我国著名的历史学家的人生轨迹进行描述、探讨,并就其在太平天国史、辛亥革命史、中国近代社会思潮史、儒学与传统文化等诸多领域内取得的具有国内领先水平的重大的突破性学术成就与治学经验及其教育成就与思想做出全面、系统、深入的介绍、总结、探究,就其学术成就的地位、价值与意义做出深刻、公允的剖析、评价。该《评传》是关于吴雁南研究的开拓性、创新性成果。  相似文献   
Using a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative, quantitative and Geographic Information Science methods, we assessed the primary school landscape around a protected area in Western Uganda. Data from a household survey, interviews and standardized school examinations were mapped to visualize spatial patterns in enrolment and academic achievement. We found children on average were starting school at age nine, but started to dropout as early as age 14; especially orphaned boys. Twenty of 36 schools demonstrated improving examination results from 2004 to 2013, although in one district improvements were lacking. Girls traditionally perform poorer than boys on exams in Uganda, but we found girls’ exam scores were catching-up. Support from one non-governmental organization with a long-term local presence was improving academic achievement. The use of Geographic Information Science provided spatially explicit recommendations to guide local policy actions for primary school education.  相似文献   
程丽华 《攀登》2009,28(6):69-72
文章总结了实施西部大开发战略十年来青海财政取得的成就和基本经验,分析了存在的问题,提出了继续实施西部大开发战略的相关政策建议。  相似文献   
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