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云南、西藏两地间交易茶叶、马匹等商品的交通线,近代以来称为"茶马古道"。茶马古道的出现,与相关道路的形成演变、清代普洱茶的兴起及运销西藏有关。在特定的历史条件下,清朝以普洱府、顺宁府为主要产地经营的大叶种茶,种植、生产获得迅速发展,同时运销西藏等地,西藏的骡马也赶到云南销售,"茶马古道"由此形成并趋兴盛。  相似文献   
The development of tourism can have a considerable sociocultural impact on ethnic communities, but few studies have attempted to separate the unique impact of ethnic tourism from the overall impact of modernization and describe its mechanism clearly. This paper describes a quasi-natural experiment performed in three typical Dai villages in different stages of tourism development. A crosswise and longitudinal comparative study was performed on Dai village culture. The study indicates the following: (1) spiritual culture has been transmitted relatively unchanged across generations in three Dai villages, but material culture has undergone various degrees of change. (2) The changes in material culture and some parts of institutional culture have been caused primarily by the pressure of overall social modernization. (3) Currently, the overall thrust of modernization in mainstream Chinese society has driven some ethnic cultural practices out of use, while the endogenous driving force of tourism development in ethnic communities has pulled them back into use. (4) Under the influence of modernization, the issue of whether ethnic tourism communities can be developed in a sustainable way depends on both bottom-up and top-down factors: the leading role played by community elites internally, developing useful parts of ethnic culture and discarding useless parts during repeated games in the tourism field, and government policy and guidance facilitating planning.  相似文献   
李柏文 《旅游科学》2009,23(4):72-77
20多年来,旅游管理课程体系建设取得很大成绩,但依然存在课程老化固化、缺乏对社会需求响应能力等问题。通过往届毕业生、网络、新业态和旅游组织机构等多端口的职业需求信息的监测与评估,在理论和技术上可以构建一个既能响应社会需求,又能满足学生个人兴趣,还能符合国家专业要求的“三位一体”的响应社会需求的旅游动态课程体系。通过该课程体系的建设可以加强现有专业对社会需求的响应能力,减少一些短周期新专业的应急性增设,从而节约教育资源、积累教育资本、避免学生同业竞争、缓解就业压力。基于以上理论和实证研究,云南民族大学旅游管理专业未来至少可以增设美食与营养、旅游技术与工程两门课程以响应社会需求,并形成其核心竞争能力.  相似文献   
经国家文物局批准,云南省文物考古研究所与美国密歇根大学人类学系签订为期3年的合作协议,进行"滇池区域史前聚落形态考古调查"项目,目的是通过开展全面的区域系统调查,寻找并确认与石寨山文化(亦称滇文化,时代约从春秋时期至西汉末期)有关的遗址和聚落[1],揭示这些聚落的  相似文献   
1952年9月15日,中苏两国在莫斯科签署《中华人民共和国中央人民政府、苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟政府关于帮助中华人民共和国植胶、割胶、制胶及售与苏联橡胶的协定》。该协定在扩大中国橡胶生产、派遣苏联专家到中国担任顾问、贷款和还款、售与苏联橡胶、移民云南等方面对20世纪50年代云南农垦系统的发展产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Comparisons of conodont and trilobite communities from the Arenig-Llanvirn of northern Spitsbergen show that both groups were influenced by the same environmental factors, related to a shallow to deep water profile at the western edge of the proto-Atlantic Ocean (Iapetus). The majority of both conodonts and trilobites had benthic or nektobenthic habits; a few genera of both groups were pelagic. Temperature was a major influence on the distribution of conodonts; similar genera could occur on both sides of ancient oceans (e.g. Iapetus) given the same temperature regime.  相似文献   
历史上云南是我国白银主要产地之一,元世祖平大理后,云南与内地间的经济联系进一步加强,蒙元政府结合云南实际,采取了为当地各族民众接受的赋税征银政策,通过差发征银、税粮折银、银矿课税、土司贡赋纳银等等途径,取得了相当数量的白银。蒙元政府进而通过出钞收银、以贝易银等途径,将所取得的白银转输内地。元代云南赋税征银,仍属于实物税,与内地的货币税有较大差别。但对云南白银矿企业的发展和内地白银货币化起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
清政府对云南的管理与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,清前期对云南的管理与控制,主要是通过解决土司问题,亦即改土归流而达到目的的。作者为此论述了世宗时期在云南实施改土归流的原因、具体措施及其后果。并指出,通过改土归流的实施,清前期对云南的统治是最有成效的,提供了可资借鉴的历史经验。  相似文献   
The present paper describes and illustrates an Early Permian brachiopod fauna collected from two localities from the upper part of the type Dingjiazhai Formation near Youwang, 30 km south of Baoshan in the Baoshan block, western Yunnan, China. The brachiopod fauna is dominated by Stenoscisma sp. and Elivina yunnanensis sp. nov. and exhibits strong generic and some specific links with faunas from the Bisnain assemblage of Timor and the Callytharra Formation of Western Australia and, to a lesser extent, faunas from the Jilong Formation of southern Tibet, the Tashkazyk Formation of southeastern Pamir, the lower Toinlungkongba Formation of northwestern Tibet, the upper Pondo Group of central Tibet, and the Jimba Jimba Calcarenite of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Based on these correlations, a Late Sakmarian (Sterlitamakian) age is preferred for the Dingjiazhai brachiopod fauna. Two new species are proposed: Globiella youwangensis sp. nov. and Elivina yunnanensis sp. nov.  相似文献   
滇越铁路与云南矿业开发(1910—1940)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1910年滇越铁路全线通车,大大改善了云南对外交通运输条件,推动了云南经济尤其是矿业的发展。滇越铁路的通车首先方便了个旧大锡的出口,大锡成为云南对外贸易的支柱产品,锡业也代替昔日的铜业成为云南矿业的命脉。滇越铁路还刺激了煤炭需求,促进了整个云南煤业的发展。不过由于滇越铁路管理权被法国控制,导致该条铁路产生的巨大收益外流,在一定程度上阻碍了云南矿业的进一步发展。  相似文献   
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