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汉代郡治之县,在同郡属县中秩级最高。由张家山汉简《二年律令·秩律》载录的各郡辖县秩级,可探知西汉初年某些郡的治所: 陇西郡治所为上邽县;上郡治所为高奴县;北地郡治所为彭阳县。此外,西汉初年汉中、河东、河内三郡治所也可以凭借《秩律》得到进一步限定。《秩律》在西汉初年郡治研究上的价值需要得到重视。  相似文献   
20世纪二三十年代晏阳初领导的以定县实验为主体的平民教育与乡村建设运动和国民政府倡导的农村复兴运动相结合,使乡村运动走上了“政治与学术合流”的道路,“合流”的结果产生了河北省县政建设研究院。在县政与研究院的双重作用下,平教会的工作得以推进,同时也因此失去了原有的独立地位。但是,无论怎样,这些现象表明当时政府和民间在重构国家权威上的一致性,在自觉地为达到“国家再造”这一目标而进行不懈的努力。  相似文献   
博物馆策展人的素质与能力是博物馆陈列展览特别是专题展览成功的关键因素之一.美国大都会艺术博物馆亚洲艺术部主任、国际著名博物馆策展人屈志仁先生以"忽必烈的时代"展为例指出:博物馆策展人应同时具备学者、艺术鉴赏家与展览组织者的素质与能力,通晓与展览有关的历史学、艺术史、文化史及文物与博物馆学等学科知识,组织、协调从研究策划...  相似文献   
Focusing on the Yūshūkan museum in Tokyo, and the Australian War Memorial Museum in Canberra, this article engages how pain and sacrifice in the Pacific War are represented through the characters of kamikaze and prisoners of war respectively. Despite the inimical historical, political and moral orientations, these institutions’ presentations of memory of war display some interesting overlaps. After establishing that historical, cultural and political contexts are significant in assessing how and why pain and sacrifice in the war are engaged by each institution, I examine the Japanese midget submarine attack on Sydney in 1942, which effectively bridges both institutions. By assessing the emotive nature of the exhibitions it becomes apparent that while the framing of this single act of violence is culturally esoteric, themes of bravery, heroism, loyalty and sacrifice cross cultures.  相似文献   
秦南海郡辖南海县说商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对传世古官印"南海司空"之性质和新出土南越国木简所见"南海"地名之性质的重新研究,对秦南海郡辖有南海县说进行了商榷,认为所谓传世秦官印"南海司空"估计是南越国官印的误断,南越国木简所见"南海"地名指的当是南越国的南海郡,也不能排除是指南海郡治(即南越国都番禺城)的可能性,但没有任何证据可以证明指的是南海县,有学者推测秦代与南越国时期一样也设有南海县,显然缺乏立论的根基。  相似文献   
清乾隆朝所修《西清砚谱》卷一中收录的几方"铜雀瓦砚",当时被认定为汉砚,备受重视。本文通过近年来邺城地区考古发现的瓦作遗存,判定这几方瓦砚并非汉砚。铜雀瓦砚在宋代即受到追捧,而实际上,"铜雀瓦砚"并非东汉晚期的铜雀台瓦,是使用东魏北齐时期压磨黑光瓦件所制。在这一结论基础上,作者透过"铜雀瓦砚"的诞生,分析了某些艺术品的塑造,不单纯只是匠人的创作,还夹杂着历史、想象与物质的复杂互动。  相似文献   
三杨庄聚落遗址发现的庭院内的房屋建筑,符合汉代一般民户建筑的"一堂二内"的记载,也与汉代"五口之家"的家庭规模相适应;张家山汉简《二年律令·户律》规定"一宅"的面积是"大方卅步",约相当于今天1700多平方米。三杨庄聚落遗址中庭院面积近2000平方米,基本符合《二年律令·户律》中普通民户"一宅"的面积。这表明汉代关于住宅大小的规定,可能是一项长期实行的比较稳定的制度。汉代人所抨击的"田宅逾制"问题,是说"田"、"宅"都不能"逾制",其中"宅"的面积大小的规定必定是长期存在的;三杨庄庭院遗址,可能就是《二年律令·户律》中"民宅园户籍"中"宅园"的真实再现,"民宅园户籍"应是记载民户家庭人口情况、住宅及其附属物"园"情况的综合簿籍。  相似文献   
For two consecutive years, the Lowy Institute Poll has revealed just how little Australians seem to value democracy. This has particularly been the case for Australia's so-called Generation Y. Understandably, these findings have aroused dismay among media, policy and academic commentators, with many automatically assuming the troubling nature of these findings. Despite this, little consideration has been given to what the results actually denote, and what they were not telling us about the rationale and justification behind the Gen Y responses. This critical commentary offers some preliminary thoughts and findings on what the Lowy Polls are not telling us; as well as on what they are telling us.

连续两年,罗伊民调所发现澳大利亚人对民主评价极低。澳大利亚所谓的“Y一代”尤其如此。可以想见,这样的发现让媒体以及政策和学术评论者失望不已,许多人会马上想到这些发现会造成的麻烦。其实,很少有人思考这类发现的真实所指,思考关于Y一代反应所没有讲出的东西。这篇批评性文章提供了一些初步的想法和发见:罗伊民调除了讲了什么,它还没讲什么?  相似文献   

Excavation of an early historical (circa 1900) church cemetery in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada, revealed the graves of six individuals. All but one had been previously excavated and the individuals were re‐interred elsewhere. The remaining grave contained a coffin burial of an infant including most of the skeleton, crowns of forming deciduous teeth, scalp and hair. The remains were excavated and historical research was carried out to determine possible families who had used the cemetery. Skeletal and dental age estimates pointed to a particular individual described in historical records. This identification was confirmed through more precise ageing by dental microstructure, sex determination using DNA, and finally, maternal relatedness by comparison of mtDNA with a living female relative. In addition to describing the analytical methods used, this paper demonstrates the importance of accurately identifying historical burials, particularly when living relatives remain in the community. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
西汉初期北部诸郡边界略考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西汉初期,北部诸郡多为强大的匈奴帝国侵占,不能恢复秦郡之旧观。汉高帝时云中、定襄、代郡、雁门四郡只得秦郡之半。在汉惠帝至高后二年之前这段时间,云中、定襄二郡的北界推进至阴山南麓的赵武灵王长城下。代、雁门二郡经数十年的扰攘,终于在汉景帝时期将北界稳定在善无、武州、平城、参合、高柳一线。西北之上郡、陇西、北地三郡边界则退缩至秦昭王长城。上谷、渔阳、右北平、辽西、辽东五郡则以秦始皇长城为界。  相似文献   
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