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More than fifty years after its publication as a broadsheet ballad, John Montague’s “The Rape of the Aisling” (1967) retains its satirical force. Whilst not the first instance in Irish writing to acknowledge sexual abuse of young people by priests (two years earlier John McGahern’s The Dark had been banned partly on the grounds of its rendering of clerical malfeasance), Montague’s rough ballad nonetheless places sexual abuse at the very heart of its assault on the Catholic Church’s baleful influence on a society on the cusp of dramatic social change. By adopting, and radically adapting, that most malleable of literary forms – the aisling or dream-vision poem – Montague seems to suggest that in mid-twentieth-century Ireland it is not the “Saxon occupier” who poses a risk to Republican ideals. Now, it is members of a home-grown patriarchy, the “access-all-areas men in black” who abuse and rape children and young people in their care, who seek to compromise the Proclamation’s promise to cherish “all of the children of the nation equally”.  相似文献   
《新撰字镜》是日本平安时代末期由僧人昌住所撰写的一部字书。这部字书在成书过程中参阅的我国的《一切叠至音义》、《切韻》、《玉篇》(顾也王原本)等典籍,在考究这些书目的原始形态方面具有重要意义。研究《新撰字镜》对揭示古代日语的语音、词汇、文字的发展都具有其他文献所不能取代的价值。本文着重对《新撰字镜》的传本及其篇目排列等进行了详考。  相似文献   
李国顺 《攀登》2007,26(4):221-222
国家"抢救和保护中国人类口头和非物质遗产工程"的启动,为青海花儿的生存和发展带来了契机。要做好花儿文化生态的保护,应当在对传统花儿、花儿会等遗产进行保护的同时,对花儿生态系统进行人为调控,使得花儿文化能走上"可持续发展"之路。  相似文献   
“相和歌辞”是郭茂倩编撰的《乐府诗集》中的重要部分。郭氏往往在各曲调名下撰写解释、说明的文字,其中常引录南朝陈释智匠的《古今乐录》一书,而《古今乐录》又常引述晋朝荀勖、南朝宋张永、齐王僧虔的著作。由于这样辗转引述,且《古今乐录》及其所引的著作久已不传,故今人阅读时颇感困难。本文即对郭氏所撰写的“相和歌辞”的若干题解加以分析,并得出了某些比较重要的结论。  相似文献   
杜青梅  罗成 《攀登》2007,26(4):217-220
原生态民歌热唱现象,反映出当今社会大众的心理和文化倾向,引起了全社会对民族口授文化遗产更多的重视。分析并关注这些大众心理和文化倾向,不仅有利于提高全社会对青海非物质文化遗产——民歌的更多关注,也为从民歌角度认识社会提供了一条有效的途径。  相似文献   
The tragedy of Isabel of Dunsmore—an English shepherd’s daughter who commits suicide after being impregnated by a social superior—is recounted in two similar, yet lyrically distinct seventeenth-century ballads: “The Lamentable Song of the Lord Wigmoore Gouernor of Warwicke Castle and the Fayre Maid of Dunsmoore” and “The Fair Maid of Dunsmore’s Lamentation Occasioned by Lord Wigmore Once Governour of Warwick-Castle.” What is remarkable about these two ballads is that, despite commonalities in plot and even pacing, they offer divergent interpretations of a shared series of narrative events. What is more, both ballads do so by suggestively juxtaposing Isabel’s story both textually and musically with varying mythological precursors: Lucrece, Diana, Callisto, and Dido. This essay seeks to untangle how these classically inspired intertexts serve to characterise Isabel and Wigmore’s relationship in each ballad, particularly when it comes to the fraught issue of female sexual consent.  相似文献   
张志娟 《民俗研究》2020,(1):109-118,158,159
以《中国评论》为中心的中国民俗搜集活动堪称西方世界的中国"歌谣运动":活动始于民俗及民间文学资料征集,以报刊为媒介扩散影响,继而引起广泛关注,并由社会各界共同参与,其中"歌谣"地位卓然,成果显著。更重要的是,它真正开启了西方现代中国民俗学研究,第一次用明确的学科眼光审视中国民俗。面对歌谣及其他民俗形式,中西心态的差异可以从"民间"和"街头"意义的错落中约略窥见。"民间"预设了上下层级,有"民间"便有"庙堂",有"民众"便有"眼光向下""到民间去"的"我们"。"街头"却展示了另一种构图:所有人位属同一平面,在同一条喧嚣的街上,没有层级,或者说没有内部的上下层级,因为"我们"始终是群体外泾渭分明的他者。西方这些早期起步于街头的中国民俗研究,或许资料性大于学理性,开风气多过立典范,在当下价值有限,但这段历史却是我们不应该遗忘的。  相似文献   
崔若男 《民俗研究》2020,(1):99-108,158
以"互译性"的视角来看,在近代的歌谣学学术史研究中,还有许多术语都值得重新梳理,ballad就是其中之一。它是较早被来华西方人引入中国的术语,也引起了中国知识分子相当多的讨论。从来华西方人的引介来看,ballad在中译的过程中,虽然也存在内涵不明确等问题,但其基本指向还是与欧洲语境中所指的"叙事的短歌"一致。中国知识分子在引介ballad时,则出现了术语混乱的现象。而基于歌谣运动中对音乐性的忽视、对抒情性的青睐及对民众基础的追求等特点,folksong得以最终取代ballad,成为"歌谣"的代名词。  相似文献   
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