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This paper examines the acquisition particularities of advanced-level students. It also investigates the use of content-based—in this case media material—in teaching advanced-level students, as well as the impact of teaching such material on the students’ writing ability and overall proficiency. Finally, the subtle differences between heritage learners and second language learners are analyzed and discussed. Therefore, this research encompasses both a quantitative and a qualitative study of the issue at stake to ensure reliability of the findings. The results of the study suggest that there is no significant difference between the number of errors made by heritage learners and second language learners; however, the sources of these errors are often different. These sources of error and their possible reasons are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
1896年,李端棻上《推广学校折》,面对当时我国“时事多艰,需才孔亟”的现状,通观全局,统筹兼顾,进行了切中时弊的分析,主张“自京师以及各省府州县皆设学堂”;提出了一整套富有革新意义而又切实可行的发展新教育的方案,而且为光绪帝采纳,成为戊戌维新的主要内容之一,并较快地付诸实行,推动了我国教育走向近代化。  相似文献   
姜玉芝 《神州》2012,(24):176-176
中学英语教学是为了提高学生听、说、读、写的基本能力。英语写作教学也变得越来越重要。同时,写作能力是以读和听为基础的,写作能力的提高也有助于其他能力的提高。  相似文献   
吕晓飞 《神州》2011,(3X):78-78
英语书面表达的训练是综合能力的训练之一,大量的多种训练要贯穿于英语教学的始终,因为英语的听说读写是相互影响、相互作用的有机统一体。平时要鼓励和指导学生多读多练,坚持不懈,熟能生巧,以至达到“下笔如有神”的境界。  相似文献   
叶晓和  陈福荣 《神州》2011,(3X):102-103
把学校的图书室开辟为重要阵地加以利用,并改变写作方向,让小学生们用自己的童心去感受生活,用自己的眼睛去认识生活,用自己的耳朵去倾听生活,用自己的方式去表达生活。惟有如此,他们才能写出富有童情童真、童言童趣的原汁原味的好文章。  相似文献   
西周晚期至东周之初是早期史学发展过程中的一个重要节点。受西周晚期社会政治变动的影响,该时期的历史表述产生了诸多重要变化。其一为表述主题发生转变,由原来侧重表述天命、族群及周王朝的发展,转而侧重贵族家族或诸侯功业等主题,开东周诸侯国史述作之风。其二为历史表述的内容与主旨渐趋丰富多元。西周衰亡刺激时人反思历史,审视时政,开始就历史动因提出不同的解释模式,实即私人述史的一个开端。其三为述作群体扩大,人数较多的中下级贵族及普通士阶层开始成为历史表述的主体。部分贵族士大夫摆脱旧观念的约束,就历史与政治发表看法或讴歌主君,"君子作歌"之风由此而起,实为春秋家史兴盛局面的滥觞。  相似文献   
《中国历史地图集》作为政区地理研究的集大成者,由于历代地理与政区的变化复杂、文献记载的缺漏与歧异等原因而使该书存在着一定的疏误。不断出土的战国文字资料,不仅可以提供各诸侯国疆域变迁的内容,还包含大量的县一级的地名资料,可以据此对《地图集》第一册“战国时期”所收录的地名资料进行补正。本文在纠正《地图集》的几处失误之外,还补充了120余个战国时期的县名,为研究战国至秦汉时期的地理沿革提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to problematize writings on vehicles in an Iranian context. Previous studies have indicated that vehicle stickers can be employed to express emotions and social status, political views, ideology and identity, and religious beliefs. However, very little has been done on this discursive practice in Iran. This study is the result of the content analysis of 122 vehicle writings collected from April 2011 to March 2012. This paper will draw on six of the most frequent themes: religion, humor, playing pessimism, didactic expressions, ethnic-geographic identification, and love. Employing Bourdieu's conceptual frameworks of “habitus,” “field,” and “doxa,” and Heath and Street's social practice perspective on literacy, it will be argued that vehicle writings in this study can be regarded as situated literacy practices reflecting the dominant undisputed discourses in the context, but at the same time displaying the dynamic interplay of power relations, the relationship of cultural structures and individual customized versions of those structures in vehicle writings.  相似文献   

Student journals encourage more frequent thinking about course topics, foster development of writing skills, provide feedback about course content and administration, and mitigate exam anxiety. Measures of academic 'ability' and other student characteristics were found to correlate with journal grades. This was unexpected. For example, grades correlated positively with exam scores and GPA, and correlations varied widely among the disciplines represented by the students. Females consistently earned higher journal grades than males. Segmentation modelling (SPSS) identified important subgroups involving gender, age, exam scores and major subject. The journal assignment is, therefore, not equally beneficial for all students.  相似文献   
Federico Chabod was one of Italy's most respected historians in a period that ran from the late 1920s down to the 1950s, and hence was an important intellectual protagonist in the intellectual culture of both Fascist and post-Second World War Italy. In this article Stuart Woolf re-examines Chabod's intellectual itinerary in both these periods, and focuses in particular on the course of lectures on the idea of Europe that Chabod gave in 1943-4 and 1958-9 (the latter were published in 1961 as the Storia dell'idea d'Europa). Like Marc Bloch's Etrange défaite, Woolf argues that Chabod's reflections on the idea of Europe and the role of Europe in world history were symptomatic of the response of a minority of committed intellectuals to the disasters of two world wars. The author sets Chabod's arguments in the context of debates on the nature of Europe and its historical role both before and after the Second World War, and offers a critical retrospective evaluation of Chabod's conclusions.  相似文献   
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