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余家寨遗址位于湖北麻城市,面积8300平方米。1991年,麻城市修建106国道将余家寨遗址西部边缘破坏,省、市、县文物部门对该遗址进行了全面调查勘探。遗址包含有新石器时代和西周两个时代的文化堆积。新石器时代标本中的主体是石家河文化,还兼有屈家岭文化、薛家岗文化及樊城堆文化等多种文化因素。在新石器时代遗址之上筑有一座面积约15000平方米的西周城堡,夯土城墙及护城河大部分保存完整。余家寨遗址为研究长江中下游原始文化之间的关系及南方商周文化与中原商周文化的关系提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
六胡州古城址的发现及其环境意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文在追溯唐代六胡州的建置与“灵、夏之间”行政沿革的基础上,通过对内蒙古、宁夏、陕西三省区交界处,即毛乌素沙地西南缘的实地考察,并依据考古与文献资料,初步确定了今鄂托克前旗与盐池县境内的六个唐代古城址与六胡州的对应关系。从古城址的时空分布格局、选址条件、人类活动方式等出发,阐述了六胡州古城址的环境指示意义。唐初六胡州北部已经有比较严重的土地沙漠化问题,而六胡州一带建城时因受早期沙漠化过程的影响,在局部地形部位可能分布有地表积沙。  相似文献   
土楼是福建西南部以永定为中心的客家人的民居。这种民居非常特殊,有方形、园形。多为四层,中间为庭院。居民多属同族、同宗、同姓。它是北方因战乱而南迁的移民带来的。在东汉以后。北方战乱,大姓士绅多聚居建成坞壁,作为保护自己。客家人南迁到福建西南,在少数民族与荒野之中,也采取这种形式建筑以适应防守需要。永居的土楼在当地环境亦有发展,特别是园形土楼,形成独特形式。由于客家人聚族迁移此地,土楼既适应其特殊环境,而且也进一步促进了客家人以耕读为中心的强大内聚力的文化的发展。因此,土楼既是客家文化的一种外在景观,又是其文化内涵的外在条件。  相似文献   
The paper explores interpretations of two sets of pathological horse vertebrae identified during analyses of animal bones from recent excavations at the castle at Malbork in northern Poland (formerly Marienburg in Prussia). One specimen dates to the 18th century and the other to the medieval period. The castle was initially constructed by the Teutonic Order from the late 13th century and occupied by military institutions into the 19th century, and is one of the largest fortified structures in Europe. The pathological vertebrae are attributed to prolonged load‐bearing. The problematic interpretation of the remains from the medieval context as belonging to a warhorse is discussed. Warhorses are widely described in contemporary documentary sources which indicate that mares were typically kept in farms on the Order's estates in late‐medieval Prussia, while studs were separately stabled at castles. There is not enough data to confirm the medieval specimen as a warhorse, and both vertebrae may simply represent riding animals. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article provides a detailed review of the early explorations of Tel Burna (Arabic Tell Bornat) from the earliest explorers until the recent excavations led by Itzhaq Shai and Joe Uziel under the auspices of Bar-Ilan University. Beyond offering various possibilities for the identification of the site, this paper's purposes are as follows: first, to serve as a case study on investigation of the early sources associated with the discipline of Historical Geography; second, to provide a detailed history of research related to Tel Burna by examining each major explorer and their respective contributions; third, to compare the recent survey and ongoing excavation to the results of the explorations of the 19th and 20th centuries.  相似文献   
The demolition of castles following the English Civil War is often seen as an inevitable consequence of the conflict, with their slighting often being ascribed to a need to prevent further bloodshed and punish the ruling elite. However, recent studies have demonstrated that the destruction of elite buildings during this period was far from straightforward, and this complexity is reflected in the methodology employed to damage them. At Sheffield, so extensive was this damage that, less than a century later, not a trace remained of what had once been one of the largest castles in South Yorkshire. Whilst little remains of the building itself, the rare survival of a set of demolition accounts, alongside a large number of other sources including personal correspondence, estate rentals and town records, means it is possible to explore in great detail the circumstances of the castle’s slighting. Through these a far more nuanced picture of civil conflict emerges with the castle’s destruction taking place within a complicated dialogue between the Lord of the Manor, Parliament’s officials and the inhabitants of Sheffield themselves.  相似文献   
In recent years, mitochondrial diversity of goats has been extensively studied, in order to shed light on domestication processes. There are limited studies on genetic diversity and demographic history of Anatolian goat breeds, and these studies have focused only on modern goats. Until today, no research has been conducted on DNA analysis of ancient Anatolian goats. In the present study, seven ancient DNA samples of goat remains from Van‐Yoncatepe archaeological site in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, dating 1000 BC, were successfully extracted and amplified for the first time. A 230‐bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA Hypervariable Region 1 of the samples was analyzed. All of the ancient sequences belonged to haplogroup A, which is the most widely distributed and frequently encountered haplogroup in modern goats. The results also pointed out that Anatolian ancient goats might have contributed to the genetic structure of modern goats in the Near East, the Mediterranean Region and South‐Southeastern Asia. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
近世初,丰臣政权和德川幕府及其下属各领国的封建大名在全国范围内较集中地进行了各自领国都城城下町的建设,并展开一系列经营活动促选其繁荣发展,努力将其经营成为领国经济的中心。在当时的时代背景下,城下町的经营可以说既是一种领国都城的建设经营举措.同时也是各封建领主促进商农分离积极对领国内的商业和手工业进行统制利用的行为。通过城下町的经营,领主较全面彻底地掌握了领国内物资的生产和流通,确立并维持了领国独立的经济圈,加强了对领国经济的统治。  相似文献   
合肥市三国新城遗址的勘探和发掘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2006年,安徽省文物考古研究所对合肥三国新城进行全面钻探与发掘。新城呈不规则长方形,城内有大面积夯土建筑基础,还有房址、铸造作坊、夯土台、车道和马面等。出土遗物主要为板瓦和筒瓦,其次为铁镞、铜镞和礌石。根据文献记载结合出土遗迹、遗物分析,三国新城应为军事城堡。  相似文献   
Many specialists in architectural history assign the beginning of an explicitly-articulated need for privacy to any time between the twelfth and nineteenth centuries, and they identify elements such as closets, hallways, and separate servant quarters as indicators of that need. Meanings assigned to privacy range from the retirement of the lord and lady from the great hall into the chamber, to the withdrawal of the nuclear family in the home, and to a psychological need of the individual human being to be alone. This paper examines the problem of privacy and its architectural manifestations using case-studies from sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Ireland.  相似文献   
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