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Kicking in soccer has been the subject of scientific research for more than 40 years yet review articles summarizing the biomechanical fundamentals of kick optimization as a guide to coaching are scarcely to be found. The current review article aims to bridge the gap between scientific research into the maximal instep kick (including studies employing 3D motion capture and full-body biomechanical modelling) and the application of such research in coaching. It does so by supplying a scientifically founded, coaching-friendly article explaining identifiable characteristics and motor control sequencing that define this skill. Relevant biomechanical factors are identified in a way that should help coaches better develop training programmes and, at the same time, foster better understanding of the skill among athletes. Such information will contribute to both accelerated skill acquisition and, by concomitant gains in skill efficiency, the development of programmes that minimize risk of injury to athletes during training.  相似文献   
古代治边观念的研究内容与主要特点   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文对古代治边观念的研究内容和主要特点进行了探讨。认为古代治边观念是中国古代逐步形成的关于边疆、历史疆域形成与管辖及相关问题的处理,在态度、方略和措施方面的一系列认识。其研究内容十分丰富,大体上包括古代边疆观、古代治边观以及对其他边疆有关问题的认识观三个主要方面。治边观念的特点主要有对历代边疆施治产生了深刻影响;与国势兴衰相关联;中原王朝与边疆政权的治边观念有一定差异;经历了发展演变的过程。  相似文献   
日本地方自治的表里   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从团体自治与居民自治两个方面对日本地方自治的现状进行了考察,发现了其地方自治现状与自治理念之间存在着很大的落差,并对产生落差的主要原因进行了简要分析。  相似文献   
The debate concerning the attitude to work of medieval and renaissance merchants has been one of the most intense in twentieth-century historiography. Arising from the publication of the classic works of the sociologist Max Weber, the debate entered the field of historiography proper after the appearance of articles by Werner Sombart and Henri Pirenne. In the 1950s and 1960s, the works of Yves Renouard and Armando Sapori centred discussion on the development of a specifically mercantile culture in the Italy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In this historiographic context, the article below is an attempt to approach, through original sources, the figure of the merchant in late medieval Barcelona. These sources are inventories, wills, and marriage contracts, through which is offered a three-dimensional analysis of the professional culture of such a merchant; the concept of professional space; the organisation of time; and the bearings of his commercial and patrimonial investments. The result of this analysis is an attempt to reinterpret the decadence of Barcelona at the end of the fifteenth century through the notion of work entertained by those involved in commerce, attempting by this means to merge the consideration of economic and cultural matters. It is also a proposal for a model of analysis of professional categories, which on so many occasions have been left to one side because of the preponderance of more traditional questions such as those concerning society, economics or politics.  相似文献   
胡阿祥 《安徽史学》2016,(3):130-137
唐代以前的宣城,走过了由县邑到郡治、由江南西部的行政中心到江南地区的政治腹地与经济沃壤的历程。其间几个关键节点是:楚国置爰陵邑,西汉置丹杨郡,孙吴丹杨郡迁治建业,西晋分置宣城郡,六朝时代之宣城既为近畿要地、又逐渐成长为文化名邦。以南齐谢朓为标志人物的山水诗的创作与影响,既反映了南朝时代宣城的文化特色,也使得宣城成为中国文学史上名副其实的"山水诗都"。  相似文献   
本文把近代以来新疆艺术发展划分成三个阶段,对各艺术种类在不同时期的演变进行了概括性的研究,认为新疆艺术和中国政治社会变化密切相关,各阶段的新疆艺术既有其鲜明的时代烙印,也深刻地体现着其独具的传统特点;虽然新疆艺术受东、西方文化和艺术潮流的影响,但是此期中国内地艺术的影响深刻而全面。  相似文献   
程恩泽是晚清著名学者,但对其生卒年和中进士时间各书记载不一,多有失误。有必要加以考证,辨析清楚,得出正确的结论。  相似文献   
贵州北盘江流域先秦时期遗存分期与相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对贵州北盘江流域先秦时期遗存的分析,依据文化面貌的差异将其分为三期,并结合周邻地区同时期材料的比对判定其年代。在此基础上,对它们所体现的葬俗、生计方式、居住形态和文化性质等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   
对唐代贾耽的地理(地图)著述的名目进行辨析,分析了"关中陇右及山南九州等图"、《九州图》、《海内华夷图》之间的关系,以及别录与通录的区别。指出《九州图》、《海内华夷图》是贾耽国图撰修总体事业在不同历史阶段的总称。并从地图学传统、方志学传统入手,探讨了贾耽地理(地图)著述的性质,对其中的地图学成绩进行了重新评价,进而从"近意就实,依稀像真"分析了贾耽地图学的滞后性,指出"古墨今朱"应只是文字注记的区别,并非通过图形绘制表达古今地理要素的差异,由此审视了中国古代地图史上图形绘制与文字注记的关系。  相似文献   
《Public Archaeology》2013,12(2):117-124

The looting of the Iraq Museum has been widely proclaimed to be the worst cultural destruction since World War II; some have compared it to the decimation wrought by the Mongol invasion of Baghdad. Others have contended that the damage was wildly exaggerated. Any attempt at understanding the events surrounding the looting and destruction of the museum's collections must examine both what happened and how it was represented to a worldwide audience through the news media. I compare these events with the toppling of a statue of Saddam Hussein in Fardus Square and the burning of major libraries in Baghdad and suggest that their perceived significances for Western audiences stem in large measure from the extent and tone of press reporting. The long-standing coverage by major mainstream news media of Mesopotamian archaeology as foundational to Western civilization may be a prime reason why otherwise pro-(US) government reporting also included some critical coverage about the loss of the museum collections. Such circumstances challenge archaeologists to use media interest to convey more nuanced and ethically responsible views of archaeology to broader publics.  相似文献   
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